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@kav82 were you playing this for the first time last night?


Yeah. After being mega hyped for the game prior to its release I thought I'd have played it earlier (especially seeing how I bought it on release) but thanks to Destiny and Nintendo I feel out of love with gaming and never felt like starting it.

I just didn't want to play any big or story driven games.


But last night I fancied starting it. I'm glad I started feeling like getting stuck into a big game again!


1 1/2 hours in.


As per usual I told the main quest to fuck right off and went exploring :laughing: I'm surprised I remember so much even though it's been a long time since I've played this...It's a good thing that I don't remember the details, so it's not boring :)


Difficulty is set to Death March, of course. Will look up what trophies are missable and how to avoid missing out on them. Other than that I'll simply enjoy the game.


Something I won't do: Play The Witcher 3 in long sessions. I feel that has burnt me out on it the last time.


Something I won't do: Play The Witcher 3 in long sessions.


He said and played 4 hours straight...:laughing:


Finished White Orchard and managed to defeated the Nilfgaardian Nobleman in Vizima Castle in a round of Gwent.

Fucking Christ that took a bit...I had a tactic down but I was unlucky so many times...eventually I managed to beat him and got a new leader, who doubles siege cards' attack power. With the starting deck, that is HUGE.


Now that the game has opened up I definitely will have to reduce the session time otherwise I'll get burnt out again. :hmm:

Posted (edited)

And that is Witcher 3: Blood and Wine complete


The only real difficulty i had was with the final fight with Dettlaff, in his 2nd phase (he turns into a flying bat thing). That was a toughy, as he flys around dive bombing you. Quen doesn't protect you fully either. Stages 1 and 3 were easy enough, not a real issue. Otherwise it was good. Loved the new area, loved the missions. Did fully upgrade my Vineyard over upgrading my armour/weapons. To be honest, you don't need to upgrade to the final level on the armour. It's very possible to do it with Mastercrafted stuff, or anything from Heart's of Stone.


Honestly, the final boss was the only time i needed to tone down the difficulty to get it done.



There is a chance to romance Syanna, if you go down the route to hand her over to Dettlaff. If not, the chance is lost.



It's a bit sad now. The game is done, all possible missions are done. Now i feel a void within now.


I got the "Tragedy" ending, where Syanna killed Anna, and Syanna was killed by the Guards.





Had Ciri arrive at the end, as a Witcher. Have heard that Yennifer or Triss would arrive instead if you romanced them at the end of the main game.


Edited by Jimbob
You enjoying it then? :D


Where are you now?


I love it :D Really hope that Gwent standalone game will be announced at E3.


I've reached Crow's Perch and started the Baron questline. But I'm off doing witcher contracts, side quests and looking for undiscovered locations. :)


It's going to be a while until I'm back at the point where I stopped playing months ago (I think I did several quests in Novigrad).

I love it :D Really hope that Gwent standalone game will be announced at E3.


I've reached Crow's Perch and started the Baron questline. But I'm off doing witcher contracts, side quests and looking for undiscovered locations. :)


It's going to be a while until I'm back at the point where I stopped playing months ago (I think I did several quests in Novigrad).


Can't believe you stopped at Novigrad. I fell in love with that place and wanted to explore everything there. It's really well designed.


Did you buy the expansions?


Just finished Heart of Stone, really nice piece of DLC.


Good to see Shani again and the Professor reference was pretty cool. The toad and caretaker bosses were nice and I found both Olgierd von Everec and Gaunter O'Dimm to be interesting well written characters.



Looking forward to starting Blood and Wine now. :grin:


look up what trophies are missable and how to avoid missing out on them. Other than that I'll simply enjoy the game


In my opinion this is the worst thing to come out of the 360/PS3. It just spoils the game when you have to look up stuff. Especially an RPG, defeats the entire concept of role playing. One trophy in particular popped up on Heart of Stone, which I got by chance but could easily have missed if I'd chosen differently. It was absolutely nothing to do with 'completion', just got on my nerves. Is there a way of just turning the damn things off?

It just spoils the game when you have to look up stuff.


Well, you don't have to.


As someone who likes to get all trophies on games I love I look up things about them, but only when it's a game that could easily take 100+ hours to complete.


I don't know how to spend my ability points :( I've put 3 points into the first Axii slot (being able to have extra dialogue options is one thing I always go for) and spent 5 to upgrade Igni.


I've tried some alternate sign modes but I don't like them. This time around I also don't need more points in Quen. My combat tactics are basically evade, quick hit and Igni.


I need more points in the sign tab, though, because I want to upgrade Igni with the last two abilities...


Igni was my main sign during my first playthrough. With the final upgrade (100% burn chance) it's great at stunning large group of enemies by literally putting them on fire. Then hit each of them once as they run around like headless chickens, evade, lure them together and repeat.


On Death March difficulty I found the best ones were mind control (sorry forgotten the names :heh: ) for groups - just get them attacking each other and the shield for one on one fights. I think once my shield was upgraded it was more or less constantly there so if I messed up my timing then it didn't matter if they hit me anyway.

With the final upgrade


That's the problem. Unless I put points in abilities I don't use I won't get the final upgrade...


Right now the fights go quite well, so I'm thinking about putting points into the combat tree instead of wasting them. But I don't want to miss out on the Igni abilities :laughing:


On Death March difficulty I found the best ones were mind control


I think I'll give that one a try. I use Axii quite a lot in fights to stun enemies. Might be a wise choice to have the alternate sign mode available.



In other news: I've defeated the Gwent players from the Gwent quest which had me play against some serious opponents. : peace:


Now it's time to complete the Baron quest as I'm already 3 levels above the recommended level...


Just started Blood and Wine. The new region looks awesome, looking forward to all these new abilities and gear.


Another Witcher 1 reference right at the start, Lady of the Lake. I never did get the best sword or 'card' off her in the first game, maybe now is my chance. :p



It's unbelievable how good the sidequests are.


I've done one in which you have to lift a curse from...


villagers turned into pigs


And, despite its funny nature, it was actually a good story.


I'm now at level 10, done a couple of sidequests and the Baron storyline. Now it's time for some more sidequests, witcher contracts and undiscovered locations.


Still haven't set foot into Novigrad or Oxenfurt :grin:


The sidequests and the witcher contracts are amazing. It shows if done properly how enjoyable doing side quests can be. Only Majoras Mask has achieved something similar.

Is GWENT a free game?


GWENT is a free to play game offering optional in-game purchases


Gwent FAQ.


You're allowed to offer booster packs but please, fucking please don't make collecting cards a looooong grind.


It's what turned me away from Hearthstone even though that game is awesome. Spending hours to get one card pack just to find out that the desired cards aren't in there is annoying.


I really thought this game was a 15-20€ priced full release without in-game purchases...

Gwent FAQ.


You're allowed to offer booster packs but please, fucking please don't make collecting cards a looooong grind.


It's what turned me away from Hearthstone even though that game is awesome. Spending hours to get one card pack just to find out that the desired cards aren't in there is annoying.


I really thought this game was a 15-20€ priced full release without in-game purchases...


Yeah thats disappointing. I would much prefer if to be a full priced release.


For those who bought the cards online, I was told in e-mail with customer service that the cards will be shipped late June/early July, 11th at the latest.

Posted (edited)

Played this some more over the last few days. Currently sitting at 20 hours playtime and I've explored a lot of Velen.


There are still so many undiscovered locations, though...and I haven't set foot into Novigrad, yet. I might have to, though because I've run out of quests from notice boards in Velen...the few quests in my log are way over my level (I'm at 12).

There are, however, four notice boards in the vicinity of Novigrad, so before I finally go there I will take a look at them and see if I can take on some quests :)


Here's what I did the past 5 hours of playtime:


Took roach for a ride and explored several areas to destroy monster nests, discover treasures in a cave and free small villages from bandits.

After that I investigated several witcher contracts, some of which had incredibly sad stories...Then I took a break from all the serious stuff and played "a few" rounds of Gwent. When I managed to beat the final player of a quest line I took a hike to a village where a fist fight was waiting for me. During that hike I slayed some pirates and stole their loot which in turn opened up a quest to search for witcher gear. It led me to a sunken ship where I had to fight of some monsters in order to peacefully search that ship.

After I found the blueprint I continued my way to the village and came across some weird dude who wanted to fight me just for the fuck of it...I kicked his ass...

Later I finally reached that village and beat the shit out of one guy in a fist fight and won some money.


And now...well, now I'm on my way to the aforementioned notice boards near Novigrad.



This game...


Edit: Entered Novigrad, read all notice boards in Velen and Novigrad. Holy shit, there is so much to do...Most importantly, of course, more Gwent :D

Edited by drahkon
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