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Is the new map ONLY for the new game mode or are there versions for the other modes too??


If not, makes me worried the paid dlc will just be a map for the new mode or something stupid like that.


There are 2 new maps, set on Jakku, a year after the battle on Endor in Return of the Jedi, as the New Republic battles the remaining Imperial Fleet.


"Graveyard of Giants" can be played in the new mode Turning Point, and the old ones Walker Assault, Supremacy and Fighter Squadron.


"Gaozan" (sp?) is smaller for the other modes, like Blast and Drop Zone, etc.


As of now the new mode Turning Point can only be played on the Jakku map, but will probably be playable in others later.


I like both the new maps and new mode. I like it's big and open, but there are still places to hide. And the crashing Star Destroyer is beautiful!

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There are 2 new maps, set on Jakku, a year after the battle on Endor in Return of the Jedi, as the New Republic battles the remaining Imperial Fleet.


"Graveyard of Giants" can be played in the new mode Turning Point, and the old ones Walker Assault, Supremacy and Fighter Squadron.


"Gaozan" (sp?) is smaller for the other modes, like Blast and Drop Zone, etc.


As of now the new mode Turning Point can only be played on the Jakku map, but will probably be playable in others later.


I like both the new maps and new mode. I like it's big and open, but there are still places to hide. And the crashing Star Destroyer is beautiful!


Cheers, all sounds great, can't wait to try it out tonight!!

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Finally got that ruddy Blast trophy. I got the last kill a second before the time ran out, and actually drew with a player on the opposing team but think I had more points so the trophy clicked!


Rank 46 now! Getting Fallout 4 tomorrow so will probably play this less for a while. Hope the first batch of DLC comes soon though!

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I've got so much better at this since getting the DL-44! Such a powerful gun :D


Still having a lot of fun with this. It's perfect to just pick up and play for 20 mins here and there. Love it.


That's what I like about it. So far I haven't dedicated hours to the game. It's more of a pick up and play for half hour type game for me.

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Me too, but mainly because JC3 is too awesome to play anything else.


I had a few Walker Assault matches the other day. I don't get what people hate about them, it was good fun! The Endor moon level is still my favourite, you can properly creep up on people in it, and i die far less on it.


Haven't had a chance to play the new Jakku level yet, but i intend to do so before I see the new film (i don't know if it ties in at all, but i figured i might as well.)

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Is this decent enough as a single player game? Not interested in multiplayer, I've so little experience with shooters it wouldn't be worth my time anyway, I'd be embarrassing.


There is no real single player. There are a few tutorial missions and some survival modes but they aren't the meat of the game. If you have no desire to play multiplayer then this game isn't for you.

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Shame, game looks so gorgeous. I thought the main mode of the game could be played against AI


What's the difference between playing AI or Humans? Just play online an pretend they're AI.


The single player is meatier than I expected to be honest. If you go for the hardest settings then quite a few hours!


The game is a simple shooter, I doubt you'd be as bad as you think. And there's only one way to improve right. BUY IT!!!

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I just figured I'd get slaughtered easily if I played against humans. Seriously, my only experience with shooters in the last decade is Mass Effect and Splatoon. I'm not particularly good at them and figured single player was the way to go, glad to hear it's meatier than you expected.

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I just figured I'd get slaughtered easily if I played against humans. Seriously, my only experience with shooters in the last decade is Mass Effect and Splatoon. I'm not particularly good at them and figured single player was the way to go, glad to hear it's meatier than you expected.


Well i thought so. I'd be very surprised if you didn't love online though, the standard isn't that good, and it's all so team focussed it doesn't really matter.


If you love Star Wars you'd have to be mental not to get this game!

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Ok thanks I might go for it then, especially as I'm a big Star Wars fan


If you are a big Star Wars Fan you will love this game.


Its a really fun shooter than doesn't take itself too seriously like COD or Battlefield.


The single player mode consists of survival modes and tutorial missions. I'd say there is about 5-6 hours of content there.

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If you're a Star Wars fan then definitely get it. You'll get shivers down your spine!


My only warning is that not buying on release you'll be a little behind other players in what weapons/skills you'll have unlocked (very few at the beginning). But the more you play the quicker you'll catch up.


And I am (or was when I first bought this) also terrible at shooters. But persevere and you'll improve. I do still yell obscenities at the TV when I'm on a particularly bad run and getting killed in quick succession.

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Oh yeah totally. You can still kill people with basic weapons and having all the weapons/star cards at your disposal doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna do well either.


But there are so many modes to choose from you'll find one you like.

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Played the Jakku level last night. It's awesome! There's so much going on, I kept just looking up and marveling at the stuff going on in the sky! Fun level to play though, it's big enough that you can get some good sniping across the map, but still get in a few close quarters kills.


My second favourite level after the forest one.

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Got this yesterday after @Eenuh and I did our Christmas present swapping before we go to Belgium to see her family.


Played this for about two/three hours. It's awesome. So fucking awesome and satisfying. Great game to end the year with and a stroke of genius releasing this at a time when Star Wars fever is at an all-time high.

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Whereas I do love the game, I've not really played it much the last couple weeks. I've been way too busy with Black Ops 3 which, to my surprise, I'm absolutely loving!


I do need to give this a bit more of a go with you guys though. My flatmate has been on this more than me in total I think now.

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I've been away and super busy during the past couple weeks but I should be back on this more now. Had a go on the Jakku level and...was overwhelmed. Not a clue what was going on and still came third. I could tell I was in a shitty game because I got the award for highest points from Objectives.

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I've played this non-stop for about two days now.


It's fuuuuuuuucking brilliant. Endor is incredible, such a good map. The whole thing is just gorgeous to look at. I love how one minute you could be a storm trooper on the ground, then in an AT-ST, then in a tie-fighter, or even Darth Vader.


I hope that they keep pumping more content into this game. More maps is a definite must. I quite like the game modes on offer, particularly Cargo and Walker Assault. There's a good tactical nature to some of the games, but it's also fun as fuck to go around blasting the shit into rebel scum! :D

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