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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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I'm not telling you my power as it's too early in the game for me (as we all know, I don't reveal shit early on) but I will say that my character revolves around my username on here. I didn't notice until someone on here said their character did and I wished mine did. I then read over my character again and realised it did and actually kicked myself that I didn't even notice it before.


All I will share is that nothing happened for me.

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I didn't think of it that way. I guess it makes sense now (my findings)




It's fine. I was tossing up who to target and Nintendohnut is pretty shit hot at Mafias, so it made sense to see what he was up to first.




Yeah, I was expecting a reaction like that. I could have just stayed quiet and said nothing, as I know that it doesn't look particularly great at targeting the first person to die in the game.


Also, it's not really my fault that I got that type of information. You get what you're given. It's pure bad luck to have targeted the first person to die. Nintendohnut is a good mafia player, which the mafia also thought and that's why he's dead. Had I been a protector, he would have been the first guy I would have looked to protect.


My main power is that I can find information out about another player. I do have another power, but I'm a bit reluctant to give that information, as it could be useful later in the game for us.


This vague bullshit don't fly with me, especially after you targeted Nintendohnut.


Specifically, what information do you get on a player, as per you role description.

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This vague bullshit don't fly with me, especially after you targeted Nintendohnut.


Specifically, what information do you get on a player, as per you role description.


I don't particularly like your tone in this post, so...fuck you. I've already posted information.


Why would I claim protector...he deeeeaaad!


I targeted him and found out his name and a few bits of information about his personality, which conflicted with his alignment (I guess). It claims he's a man of honour and respect, but this works as he was said to be a Shogun. So, I guess that's just the Gamesmaster adding a bit of mysery to it.


My role specificially says that I can find out "information". It doesn't say what kind, but judging from my actions and PM from the first night, it seems to be personality.


Also, I can target whoever the hell I want, especially on the first night. As, from my knowledge, observations and experiences in the past, I targeted Nintendohnut to ensure that he was on my/our side. Not my fault the mafia had the same idea and killed him off.


Doublepost: Just going to point out that I could have simply sat back, twiddled my thumbs this round and said nothing. I'd like some protection tonight because I can be useful to the town (given my role of finding out information) and I'd also think about putting somebody on me to verify my role/alignment.

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Gentlemen, I must say something.


I am going back to Portugal from Friday to Tuesday, and the ability to manage the game will be severely hindered (considering I won't bring my laptop).


Which is why I will the day later tonight (say...by 20:00 or 21:00), and then have a 24-hour night. You'd have 5 days for fresh discussion, instead of letting the game go stagnant (and then I'll end that day as soon as I return, because 5 days is a bit too much for a phase)


I warn you of all of this so that you may decide your targets in advance, as well.

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May be worth a mention for the other gents, though it is then again their bad for not paying attention to the current happenings. For me, personally, this day tires already - it is a lot of men who look like they aren't willing to do what's necessary to make it ALONG! Faffy discussions, bring me darkness sooner so that I may work my magic!

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I don't suspect Mr FLiNk yet given the case against him is purely circumstantial.. however i am wary of the request for protection and an alignment check. One rev-track and the most powerful roles are narrowed down to a shortlist.


Just my two penneth.

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With a name like animal he is probably evil. Also Flink I realise you could have stayed quiet so I'm more inclined to trust you rather than foaming at the mouth looking for your demise :p Still a suspect though.


I am Evil but that don't mean I am. I'm a good guy, I sweareth! I also don't suspect Flink yet...Sorry, typing on the 360.

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I am Evil but that don't mean I am. I'm a good guy, I sweareth! I also don't suspect Flink yet...Sorry, typing on the 360.


Good? Good?! I am fed up of all these cries of goodness! What sort of people am I competing with? There is no challenge to this game!

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Well I could guess who the thief is based on responses in the thread (I don't know who it is) but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now that they are neutral and pose no immediate threat. Other days I may not be so kind if we don't have any other leads!

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Hm, guess the thief hasn't chosen to reveal themselves.


@Mr\-Paul, could you reveal the thief you discovered?


Pfffff posted at the same minute even. I'd still like to hear who you think the thief is though!

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I don't see any reason to vote for anyone just yet. Flink has admitted to targeting Nintendohnut which could mean he killed him and wants to appear innocent now, or it could just mean he targeted Nintendohnut and someone else killed him. I'm never one to vote on half-arsed information so I'll just trust that the appropriate people will do their checks.


I have information from my night action last night but it would not do to reveal it. I have nothing concrete but my PM has given me a good inclination of two player's abilities I think.

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I'm tempted, but I genuinely know him and Magnus were away for the weekend. It IS wednesday now though, what say you @Jon Dedede!


Out of interest how do we know there was a thief? Did I miss something?

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I don't suspect Mr FLiNk yet given the case against him is purely circumstantial.. however i am wary of the request for protection and an alignment check. One rev-track and the most powerful roles are narrowed down to a shortlist.


Just my two penneth.


Fair enough, I was thinking that the protection would keep me from being killed (as I've showed that I have some use) and that the tracker/whoever could verify who I am.


I can see your point. I'm not going to get voted off tonight, but I am a tiny bit worried about being night-killed. Although, if the mafia had any sense, they'd keep me alive seeing as how I do look admittedly a bit shady.


Also, I don't see the sense in voting for this Dedede fella. What's the point? Because he's not been active? Is that normally done in games?

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Throwing something out, seeing if it sticks. He is the only one not to post today. I recall Peeps mentioning we should be looking for silent actors. If he shows up on the forum and doesn't post, maybe that's the case. Maybe he'll die tonight to hide it. Just some things to think about, and to talk about

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Throwing something out, seeing if it sticks. He is the only one not to post today. I recall Peeps mentioning we should be looking for silent actors. If he shows up on the forum and doesn't post, maybe that's the case. Maybe he'll die tonight to hide it. Just some things to think about, and to talk about


It's still very early, so he could be at work? It seems a bit harsh imo to vote off some guy for not being active during the first 2 days.


Although, I do know that it is a tactic used by some to steer clear and lay low. I'll keep an eye out and see if he logs in.

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