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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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You were saying people could guarentee that you were a protector. Bollocks could they.. you hurled your rattle without need. Pointless.


Now we're with Rummy's classic.. "you don't agree with me? YOU'RE THE MAFIA". All town start with no clue as to who anyone is, i don't know whether you're town or otherwise.. unless your mafia you don't know what alignment i hold. It is simply possible for 2 townies to have a difference of opinion. ONE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE MAFIA.


You start the game having no trust in anyone as town. you don't assume everyone's good as a townie. Again, you stating the opposite is utter shite.. especially having seen you play.

Everyone is mafia and people slowly prove themselves.. through general play, hints, info e.t.c


The faith i'm refering to is making the decision (you talk about) without having 100% certainty that the decision is right. The only people who know their decisions are right are Mafia. So there most definately IS having faith.


I'm in an argumentative mood today.. anymore?


^Everyone is assumed Mafia


Is this pointed to me? I'm not sure I get it. I don't recall saying anyone can guarantee me as protector? I didn't 'hurl my rattle without need' - I've posed the question enough times - given the information I've given what bits would you have revealed that wouldn't have benefitted mafia more than town?


I absolutely agree everyone is mafia when you start out town. You'll never have 100% certainty you're right as town(unless a cop or a 100% logical conclusion from information).


I haven't at any point said disagreeing with me makes you mafia - in fact I said I wanted to sit on my info to ensure it could be more correct.


All I'm really saying is I suspect ReZourceman and by extension on earlier posts The Peeps - I put myself in the firing line knowing on death my character is revealed(exactly as I've said). I'm either killed, saving another townie life - or I survive, hopefully protecting someone from negative effects. I've given myself up purposefully as a target for a night kill as a protector, to protect against what my power won't - a kill. I've already said a townie death this early on is nothing, I'd prefer to take the hit given this day's proceedings.

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WHOA, okay, I missed a lot.


I know very well that it looked like I was claiming protector, but who in their right mind would do that so early in the game :wink:


This is exactly why I did question you; it was such a weird way of phrasing it. I actually honestly didn't think "protector!" exactly because you're not daft enough (heh, I subconsciously capitalised daft :heh:) to give it away like that, hence I enquired as to what you were trying to say; I thought your power might have an unknown aspect to it that you were trying to confirm.


I would like to sayeth that I am saddened to see-eth a potential lynch on what is a half fair YET half shabby reasoning. Protect from negative abilities - I sayeth of thee FAIR.


That I jumped to answer Peepseth of being of innocence! I sayeth NAY!


I have answered truthfully all questions placed upon me, regardless of tag or nay. Sayeth now I also offered my second nights target, I have been most forthcoming and plead you to cease and desist such violent accusations.


OOOOHHHH-eth! One more thing! To be accused of a paper thing mafia tactic is but the most painful thing of all. Twere I mafia, my methods would be-eth more cunning than thas!


Hm, this is fair enough reasoning. My biggest worry right now is that you do come off as less active than I seem to remember. It may be because you've been out of the game for a while, though, so I am unsure whether to follow the lynch. My chronic lynch hesitance is still going strong. :heh:


I'll Withdraw Vote for now.




As for Yvonne's question, I am indeed new and even unrelated to any old characters. As people have probably gathered, my character is based on my avatar: I am the Lawyer, Phillip Wright.


However, why he suddenly embarked on this line of enquiry leaves me a bit suspicious, especially considering he seems to have been less active than usual when town until focus was moved to him.

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Jeeeeeeeez. I don't know if I have to ask it for a third time(actually I do know, and yes, I do).


I didn't ask what you would have WANTED. I asked, and I'll quote the quote the quote the quote the quote;



I don't care what you WANTED. I ask that now you know all about my entire character, case, and information - what would you have revealed to your own questions asked of me and felt happy about?


Cmon now, it ain't rocket science. It's a straightforward question, just try answering it!


Whoa, calm down there, wartortle.


What would I have revealed? A really bizarre question to ask given that I've already revealed pretty much everything in this thread, with zero fucks given.


I would have just said who my night targets were. Or, if I didn't particularly fancy it at that moment in time, something about my personality, like when you said you were a master of illusions. I would have quoted that again, which is what I've already done once in this game where something asked something about me (think it was Yvonne). People miss things first time around, all you have to do is just quote it where you said it.


Out of interest @Fierce_LiNk, who do you trust least right now?


I hate you all, as I now do this game.

I've been sat on a toilet for most of this day, being ill. Now, I have to read this shite.

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What would I have revealed? A really bizarre question to ask given that I've already revealed pretty much everything in this thread, with zero fucks given.


Jesus, are YOU trolling ME?!


Let me put it forward a fourth time.


I ask that now you know all about my entire character, case, and information - what would you have revealed to your own questions asked of me and felt happy about?


Translation: Knowing everything about ME(rummy), put YOURSELF IN MY SHOES and IMAGINE THAT YOU ARE ME(rummy) - now, imagine Flink was asking YOU(that's you), RUMMY, the same questions HE ASKED EARLIER - WHAT WOULD YOU ANSWER with. Knowing everything you know, as Rummy, and viewing his questions - what would you answer with. What would you reveal.


Either you're a humungous dick, or you're actually mafia. I'm seriously erring toward the latter, nobody could be this stupid.

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Jesus, are YOU trolling ME?!


Let me put it forward a fourth time.




Translation: Knowing everything about ME(rummy), put YOURSELF IN MY SHOES and IMAGINE THAT YOU ARE ME(rummy) - now, imagine Flink was asking YOU(that's you), RUMMY, the same questions HE ASKED EARLIER - WHAT WOULD YOU ANSWER with. Knowing everything you know, as Rummy, and viewing his questions - what would you answer with. What would you reveal.


Either you're a humungous dick, or you're actually mafia. I'm seriously erring toward the latter, nobody could be this stupid.


Hmm, he answered your question though?

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Jesus, are YOU trolling ME?!


Let me put it forward a fourth time.




Translation: Knowing everything about ME(rummy), put YOURSELF IN MY SHOES and IMAGINE THAT YOU ARE ME(rummy) - now, imagine Flink was asking YOU(that's you), RUMMY, the same questions HE ASKED EARLIER - WHAT WOULD YOU ANSWER with. Knowing everything you know, as Rummy, and viewing his questions - what would you answer with. What would you reveal.


Either you're a humungous dick, or you're actually mafia. I'm seriously erring toward the latter, nobody could be this stupid.




Whoa, calm down there, wartortle.


What would I have revealed? A really bizarre question to ask given that I've already revealed pretty much everything in this thread, with zero fucks given.


I would have just said who my night targets were. Or, if I didn't particularly fancy it at that moment in time, something about my personality, like when you said you were a master of illusions. I would have quoted that again, which is what I've already done once in this game where something asked something about me (think it was Yvonne). People miss things first time around, all you have to do is just quote it where you said it.


You are being a true prick. Shove your questions up your arse.

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Vote Standings


Diageo (1): Zell

Rummy (1): DuD

ReZourceman (3): Rummy, Animal, Fierce_Link


Majority is 12






While I am pleased to see an active discussion, I also believe its contents are starting to grow unhealthy. A break for the night is in order!


Keep your calm and stay gentlemen!"




Remaining Players












@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson








@The Peeps




There are 22 remaining players (majority is 12)


Night 3 starts now.

Send your PMs

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You've missed my point. You seem to have missed my suspicion of ReZ, knowing he tried to do something bad to Cube; yet you'd have me reveal it knowing only ReZ would know the significance. I'm not asking the question to piss you off, I'm asking you ACTUALLY consider it from my point of view with ALL the information you have on me. Do I reveal I'm a magician, a master of illusion? Knowing that someone I've blocked has already used that description? I could of course do this all in very large writing, but I don't wish to be irrational. You've answered the question, but I don't think you've truly considered my point of view. That's all I'm asking.



Either that or Flink's totally mafia. I'll put him next in the list after ReZ and The Peeps(who's again quiet now that we're arguing).


ADDIT: Apologies on the above. I've fallen on the border of a night call.

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(Apologies, I know I should start the day now, but this has been a big day and I'm tired. I'll do it tomorrow, first thing in the morning.


Some understanding, along with automerge prevention in the meantime would be kind)

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Night 3 is Over


Broadcast Yourself


An intense fight clashed in the corridors. The two women clashed their blades repeatedly.


"Your master is dead!" said the first one, as she defended herself."I know." said the second one, pushing her opponent with her twin daggers "I simply continue from where he left off!"


The battle raged for a few hours, no clear winner in sight, when suddenly...


"Gah!" the first woman's foot tripped on a wire, losing her balance.


"Got you! You are mine!" the assailant moved for the kill.


The Queen saw her life flash through her eyes. Is this how it ended? With the ghost of a man who had failed twice already...?She felt the blades being carved into her forehead and screamed in pain.


"Perhaps you thought I would kill you? I am perfectly capable of doing so, and it is what my master Angus would have done, however..." she finished carving an injury in the shape of a cross in the Queen's forehead "I follow my own path. I would rather not kill a valuable prey like you, otherwise it simply feels empty. No, I want the world to know what I, Sveta Rost, have done!"


The Queen could not react yet. She could still feel her forehead screaming in agony.


"You will remember this, my Queen, and you will do so every time you look at a mirror, every time someone mentions the scar. Everyone who looks at you will remember my actions, and my victory here today."


Yvonne has won the game. He was the Huntress, Sveta Rost. As Angus MacNeil's disciple, her goal was to personally hunt and kill Queen Olivia (even if ultimately she chose not to do so). He was Neutral.


"Well, what now? My legacy is only beginning. Perhaps I should attempt to target someone more difficult, such as the Tsar or the Kaiser..."


She turned around and prepared to leave The Court. As she left, she said:


"We will not see each other again, but I do hope, for my legacy's sake, that you live for many years to com-Urgh!"


Her back... a dagger? "Did you...just throw... a dagg..." she fell to the ground, her life perishing shortly after her legacy had begun.


Yvonne is dead. Victory is still his, though.




In the morning, another odd message had been posted on the wall:


"I do what I can. I strive for efficiency.


I see my target. I do what I can to help them. Here and in the future.


I do hope my words have been useful. I am afraid I cannot give them for much longer...




As soon as the Villains read this note, Jayseven, as if prompted to do so, fell to the side, his heart suddenly stopped.


Jayseven has been removed from the game due to inactivity.




Remaining Players











Jon Dedede

Magnus Peterson








The Peeps


There are 20 remaining players (majority is 11)


Note: Yvonne has simply become the game's first winner. He has not stolen victory from anyone.


Day 4 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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Lol wp Yvonne :p


Wondering if Yvonne was the victim of a nightkill or if this was just Jonnas' way of having him leave the game. I think if he had won he would have just left right? Though I am now pretty sad that we lost the one person who knew the identity of the queen.


Also @Jonnas the player listed isn't @-ed!

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Lol wp Yvonne :p


Wondering if Yvonne was the victim of a nightkill or if this was just Jonnas' way of having him leave the game. I think if he had won he would have just left right? Though I am now pretty sad that we lost the one person who knew the identity of the queen.


It reads to me more like Yvonne got killed by the queen - sounds more like they targeted each other. He really should have finished her!


@Jonnas can you fill in the alignments

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Can all people who have been roleblocked so far state the means in which the block occurred please.


Or if by any chance animal targeted me last night can you reveal your results please.


LOL! Believe it or not, I actually targeted Jayseven! I tell Jonnas my thoughts as to why I target people at night and my reasoning was simply because he didn't speak through the last day phase so I thought someone might try and kill him! :p


Anyway, I targeted Jayseven and, apart from me, two other people targeted him: @Marcamillian and @Sprout. I just find it awfully weird how I target him and his heart stops. Is Jayseven REALLY dead due to inactivity? Because as far as I remember, he posted a post in the Love thread on General Chit Chat so he wasn't exactly inactive on the forums...

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