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Conker leader makes Wii U game


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Recently Christopher Seavor, who was project lead for Conker's Bad Fur Day made a tweet:


....WiiU devkits ain't cheap and it's lookin likely @GoryDetail is gonna need 3 at some point this year ;) (that's top secret btw) heh!


So I guess we'll see some twisted, awesome game come out. Thoughts?

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Really, that's interesting. Let's say they made this game. What if they were to give this game to, say, 20 intelligent people? I mean, what would that do? Let's face it, what would it do?


I did not understand anything of what you just said. A joke for those who played Conker BFD?


Conker's Bad Fur Day was one of the biggest gaming disappointments I have ever had. Not getting my hopes up.


I have only read good things about CBFD. People praise it for its adult themes, or something. Never played it myself, so, I don't really know.

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Conker's Bad Fur Day is not only regarded as a classic purely because of its adult themes... though that was a genuinely brilliant move on Rare's part as the platform genre did have a reputation for being rather 'kid-friendly' up until then; but no... no, no the game will also be remembered for its excellent gameplay, managing to seamlessly combine classic movie moments into a game that was not only fun to play but it blurred the lines between what a platform title should be and what it could be and for that I will always praise it. :)


Once they got 'focused' on just what it was they were creating, there really was no stopping them from turning what would have been a missed opportunity with the early in development 'Twelve Tales: Conker 64' into something much more memorable, which it clearly was as I can still fondly remember it to this very day.


It wasn't just the single-player either, the multi-player was its own self-contained component which I can honestly say is one of the things that I played the most of on the N64 next to Goldeneye, I don't know what it was but Rare certainly had something when it came to designing multiplayer modes as this was one of their best yet; all out warfare between you and your mates with weapons ranging from Samurai Swords, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles plus much more besides and at the risk of sounding 'childish' - ironic in this context - you could even urinate on your opponents in certain multiplayer areas, what other game allows you to do that? ::shrug:


But I digress, those are just a few of many reasons why Conker's Bad Fur Day is in fact a genuinely brilliant game, one that we are unlikely to see anything like ever again so this news is most welcome as even if this new 'game' only turns out to be half of what Conker was then I can still see it being very successful indeed; there's a reason that just the N64 cartridge alone goes for a lot on eBay even today, it contains not just an expensive sound-chip for unrivaled audio at the time, but a stone-cold classic game which will be in demand for years to come. :D

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I'm jumping into the Conker was a shit game camp. The only good thing about it was the humour, which was juvenile South Park at it's best. People just nostalgia it because it was edgy and extreme when they were a kid.

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I believe most people think it's a sub average 3D platformer and only its humour makes the game stand out.


Except the reviewers, Metacritic average 9.2, the 9th highest rated game in the N64 library. Oh, and the users as well (avg. 9.3), shared 3rd place with Ocarina of Time.


This was one of the last N64 games I bought, and I thought it was impressive as hell. Here's why:


-it's genuinely funny throughout the game

-there are a lot of different locations that are actually original and stray away from the usual forest / desert / iceland / volcano -setup that most platformers fall into

-the gameplay is varied with platforming, shooting, racing etc

-the audio is brilliant whether we're talking about the dialogue, the background songs or the musical pieces like the Great Mighty Poo

-lots of parody and pop culture references

-for the time, the multiplayer worked really well

-it embraced adult humor and crude themes in a way that even today's games are afraid to do, yet still never compromised the excellence of the game because of that


In conclusion, it's definitely of the best games that ever came out on the N64. Not only was the game consistently funny and raw, but it had tons of variety and was excellent craftmanship from start to finish. More games like this, please.

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To me, the biggest problem with the game was it that lacked the common thread. Almost felt like designers didn't know what they were doing, just coming up setting by random to throw jokes. Like the battlezone, it just came out of nowhere, no explanations given, and then the game became third person shooter all of sudden, while Conker never questions anything. Felt sloppy. Some of the jokes were allright, but I didn't get them all the time.


It began just fine with platforming, but once I realized that even a smallest fall takes away half of yout health, and there are lots of climbing in this game resulting in lots of unnecessary deaths and redoing of some very annoying stages. When the platforming itself is the worst part in a paltformer, there must be something wrong about it. I also despised the many times, when even a smallest mistakes killed you in one shot (I'm looking at you lava surfer).


I played the game just some time ago, so maybe it felt better back then, but I expected to get some Banjo-level (in quality) paltforming, but ended up getting some kind of jack-of-all-trades, that didn't work as a whole. Boss battles were fun, tough.

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The N64 suffers from rose-tinting worse than lots of other systems. There really was no software available for the longest time and it made players and reviewers quite forgiving.


You can add the SEGA Dreamcast to that category, too.


I never played this. Part of me thought it looked humorous, then the other part thought the toilet humour was a bit too much. A bit like certain areas of South Park where they didn't get the balance right. I do fancy giving it a go but I reckon I've missed the boat now.

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Conker's Bad Fur Day was a quality game but there were some very frustrating sections (I'm thinking of the escape from the Tediz base specifically here), but it definitely holds up despite these. As someone that owns both the original N64 version and the Xbox remake I always find it amusing that the N64 version is actually less censored, so much for Nintendo being the 'kiddy' platform and the xbox being the 'mature' one!

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It boggles my mind that people didn't like Bad Fur Day. I mean, seriously?


The single player campaign was great, although rather short, and had a great sense of humour with various homages to great films which it pulled off very well. The entire war section in particular was absolutely fantastic and showed that whilst it was primarily a platformer it did gun played pretty darn well.


The multiplayer was bloody amazing and two player still holds up imo. Me and Zell did a few rounds of Heist/colours a few months back and it still rocks. That said, Tank sucked ass.


Oh and graphically it was bloody amazing! The shadowing on Conker and how it varies depending on the light sources blew me away back then and still does tbh. It genuinely makes most n64 games look pretty darn poor. The music is great too!


Seriously, if you haven't played it yet, track down a copy. Amazing game.

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I've never had any contact with Conker's Bad Fur Day, but I never realised it was so polarising!


Anyway, Seavor is plying his trade with small indie titles these days, so whatever this is, it's probably an eShop version of his latest game. Looking forward to it though.

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