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The Stem Cell Burger


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So, a burger will soon go on sale in London for the ridiculous price of €250,000. It is made from clones stem cells of a cow which is then turned into muscle cells, creating a burger which is all meat and has no fat in it.


Let's say that this technology gets much more efficient and cheaper, so that clone burgers cost no more or less than current burgers. Would you eat the cloned burgers or would it freaked out? On top of this, if you are currently vegetarian/vegan due to the treatment of animals, would you eat this burger as no animals were harmed?


Personally, I'd be more than willing to eat clone burgers. Anything that gets us closer to the replicators in Star Trek is a great thing.

Edited by Cube
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I currently eat a fair amount of Quorn, due to my girlfriend fiance being a vegetarian, and it being cheaper than meat. (Also in most meals, it tastes just as good as mince).


Quorn is made from microbial biomass, which is a filamentous fungus which is grown in a fermenter and then sold as food.


So yeah, seeing as i am currently happy eating mould, i think cloned animal cells would be perfectly fine.

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Yeah I'd have no problem; I still have a strange skepticism/stigma with all 'omg GM stuff in our bodies omg omg' but we mess with so much other shit it isn't really a big deal. Maybe if I didn't know either way? I don't like to think too hard hwere my food actually comes from anyway.

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Sounds like a great idea. Especially considering the fact that some people's digestive systems are more suited to handling meat than for example beans / lentils / nuts etc.

Edited by Ville
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No, when I eat meat I wanna know it used to be a living animal before it became my food, the fear the cow feels before death is what helps flavour its meat! :heh:








In serious if price wasn't a factor and it tasted the same (or better) then why not?

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Calling it a "stem cell burger" makes it seem ultra unappealing, like the meat will be ... crunchy?




Fowl Unfertilised Ovulations - Eggs


Coagulated Bovine Plasma - Black Pudding


hmm... there might (not) be a market for gross-out names of rather delicious dishes.

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