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Nintendo 3DS Direct + Wii U Stuff - 17th April - 3pm BST


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Zelda: A Link To The Past Sequel? Set in the same world?


Fuck. Yes. Don't anybody dare go criticise that, now. :p

So many are because it's 2D, and a "rehash" -_-


I hate the internet at times


Ah, I see that was in the US one then - certainly don't recall seeing any such statement in ours. Plus, what Nintendo say they will do and what they end up doing don't always align too well in matters that concern the Wii U.


Last year's E3 was all about Wii U and they side lined the 3DS off. The main show was a disgrace and the 3DS bit was pointless. At least it can't be any worse this time around and we know they have games to show in more detail that people might actually care about.

That's what I had read, yeah. Checking for authenticity/

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God Nintendo are weirduseless... all their new games are franchise games - mario party, mario and donkey kong, yoshi island, donkey kong... I'm sure they'll be great but it's a little stale.


Seems they don't know how to do anything else anymore. Not impressed to read this, probably won't even bother watching the direct later.

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Seriously? People are bitching that the games are "franchise" games?


Take the new elements in Mario & Luigi, would those really be better in a completely different game?


You say Nintendo are useless? They're putting their creative ideas into their franchises so that people will actually spot them. Making a new IP for the sake of a new IP is NOT the way to go.


I don't get people sometimes, I really don't

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Come on, Nintendo.. you have so much more! The art style of the new Yoshi's Island and Link to the Past 2 also seems a little off :hmm:


It's because they are using 2D graphics to render 3D-looking objects. Using 2D to simulate 3D, as such, like Super Mario RPG. This seems to be Nintendo's new way of doing 2D, because Mario and Luigi: Dream Team and the new Yoshi's Island (as you say) also feature this style.


To me, the beauty of traditional sprites/pixel art is that they are flat, so they can be more expressive. Still, I quite like it, but to me this precise method (rendered 2D) isn't a lot better than using polygons.

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Seriously? People are bitching that the games are "franchise" games?


Take the new elements in Mario & Luigi, would those really be better in a completely different game?


You say Nintendo are useless? They're putting their creative ideas into their franchises so that people will actually spot them. Making a new IP for the sake of a new IP is NOT the way to go.


I don't get people sometimes, I really don't


Define 'creative ideas'.

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Lol I love this forum sometimes.


All looks great to me.

For the first time a 2d style Zelda has grabbed my interest.

I've been hoping for a sequel to Mario Party DS (the best one for years) so that was an announcement I was really pleased about!

Yoshi looks amazing, as does DK.


3ds is definitely the console to own it would seem. : peace:

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Define 'creative ideas'.

Basically all the new crazy gameplay elements shown in that video.


Seriously, why must a game be a new IP? New IPs seldom sell, that's why Nintendo have been relegating them to eShop to build up momentum, rather than losing money.


I really don't get the people complaining, it makes no sense to.

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Seriously? People are bitching that the games are "franchise" games?


Take the new elements in Mario & Luigi, would those really be better in a completely different game?


You say Nintendo are useless? They're putting their creative ideas into their franchises so that people will actually spot them. Making a new IP for the sake of a new IP is NOT the way to go.


I don't get people sometimes, I really don't


Why do they need to put them into a mario game for people to spot them? Why not make fresh games, fresh titles, surely that constricts them less/doesn't make them constantly work to tired old mario? I'm bored of Mario. I want something new. I want it to feel new. Why do they need to rely on mario so much? Don't they have anything else? Can't their work stand on its own merit?


Basically all the new crazy gameplay elements shown in that video.


Seriously, why must a game be a new IP? New IPs seldom sell, that's why Nintendo have been relegating them to eShop to build up momentum, rather than losing money.


I really don't get the people complaining, it makes no sense to.


All the current blockbusters were new IPs at one point.

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It's because they are using 2D graphics to render 3D-looking objects. Using 2D to simulate 3D, as such, like Super Mario RPG. This seems to be Nintendo's new way of doing 2D, because Mario and Luigi: Dream Team and the new Yoshi's Island (as you say) also feature this style.
To me it looks horrible if I'm honest, really not a fan of it and its ruining the look of so many of their games lately.
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Why do they need to put them into a mario game for people to spot them? Why not make fresh games, fresh titles, surely that constricts them less/doesn't make them constantly work to tired old mario? I'm bored of Mario. I want something new. I want it to feel new. Why do they need to rely on mario so much? Don't they have anything else? Can't their work stand on its own merit?




All the current blockbusters were new IPs at one point.

Because, unfortunately, that's how the market is these days. While hardcore fans whine about the "lack" of new IPs (I put it in speechmarks because it's absolute bollocks, since they have done like a dozen new IPs in the last two years), the actual consumer base want Mario.


It doesn't confine them, else why would Mario be so adaptable to all these different genres?

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Because, unfortunately, that's how the market is these days. While hardcore fans whine about the "lack" of new IPs (I put it in speechmarks because it's absolute bollocks, since they have done like a dozen new IPs in the last two years), the actual consumer base want Mario.


It doesn't confine them, else why would Mario be so adaptable to all these different genres?


I agree with you mostly but surely they could at least be rolling out some of their other IPs. Metroid, F-Zero, Starfox are all IPs that they have stored away.


And though Mario games don't confine the genres, it does confine the story telling. There's only so much you can do set in the Mario universe.


Edit: I should mention that the only thing I disliked in this Nintendo Direct was the LttP2 art style. I'm happy about everything else!

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Basically all the new crazy gameplay elements shown in that video.


Seriously, why must a game be a new IP? New IPs seldom sell, that's why Nintendo have been relegating them to eShop to build up momentum, rather than losing money.


I really don't get the people complaining, it makes no sense to.


I didn't really see anything 'new crazy' in that ND from NINTENDO.


To me, 'new crazy' is a game like Journey or Killer 7 or something like Pushmo.


Mario Party does what Mario Party does.

Mario&Luigi is fucking awesome as it always has been.

Mario Golf does what Mario Golf does with a bit online.

Yoshi's Island does what Yoshi's Island does.

New Super Luigi U does what New Super Mario Bros U does.

Zelda does what Zelda does, which is also being fucking awesome.


I hear what you are saying, but I would've loved to see something like King of Pirates from NINTENDO. Something grand, but also new and strange, promoted through that NINTENDO magic.

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I agree with you mostly but surely they could at least be rolling out some of their other IPs. Metroid, F-Zero, Starfox are all IPs that they have stored away.


And though Mario games don't confine the genres, it does confine the story telling. There's only so much you can do set in the Mario universe.


Edit: I should mention that the only thing I disliked in this Nintendo Direct was the LttP2 art style. I'm happy about everything else!

You think that until you see a game where you're pushing a giant boulder made out of thousands of Luigi onto an enemy


I do agree about a Metroid, F-Zero and Starfox game being needed, but F-Zero's sales were dwindling with the GBA ones so they decided to take a break. I'm certain we'll see at least one of those games at E3

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I gotta say this argument about them using Mario a lot is tiring me.


When people (anyone) think of Nintendo, I reckon about 99.9% of them think Mario.

It sells systems and to my memory there has never been a bad Mario game.


Therefore, why would people want Nintendo to put their resources into a brand new IP with a new character only for people to not buy it?

Because it's never ever goin to sell as well as a Mario game would.

Just because we have games with Mario in them doesn't mean 'Oh it's just another Mario game' - that's totally ignorant.


Paper Mario, NSMB, Mario 3d Land, Mario and Luigi RPG - yeah they all feature Mario - but guess what? They're all different games. Don't go kicking off that they rely on Mario because it may contain him as a character, but the games aren't exactly the same. The only exception to this argument is the NSMB series which even I admit has been done a few too many times now.


The fact Nintendo are also bringing other characters to their consoles in their own games shows that they aren't just relying on Mario. Look at Luigi's Mansion 2 - probably one of the best games on the system.

We have a DK game and also Yoshi starring on his own.

These games may be 2d platformers dressed up differently - but so what. Does that mean it's gonna be the same as a 2d Mario? No. Look at Super Princess Peach on the DS. Most people who played that absolutely loved it. And alls that game was, was a 2d platformer 'Peach-ified'. :laughing:


So bring on these games, I can't wait to play em. When people look back on the 3ds in years to come there is gonna be an absolute shit load of goodness in terms of first party titles. And most people will probably look back fondly and hope the same comes with future consoles from Nintendo too.

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You mean like Sony did with Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Journey etc... even winning Game of the Year with them.


Yeah but Sony don't have a franchise that people associate with them.

Well they did in Spyro, but clearly shelved that as their market changed.


As for those games you mentioned - only Uncharted held my interest. Until 3. I'd rather play the games announced today than any of them. But people will think differently and thus they can crack on. :)

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You mean like Sony did with Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Journey etc... even winning Game of the Year with them.

Since 2006, Nintendo have created numerous new IPs


Just trust me, V. Trust me.


It's practically guaranteed that Retro Studios is making this for the WiiU.

Practically guaranteed my good friend.

Unless they're working on Yoshi's Safari U, the next Mario First Person Shooter :p

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Yeah but Sony don't have a franchise that people associate with them.

Well they did in Spyro, but clearly shelved that as their market changed.


As for those games you mentioned - only Uncharted held my interest. Until 3. I'd rather play the games announced today than any of them. But people will think differently and thus they can crack on. :)

I'm some cases the games may not be as good, or may be overrated etc... depending on your tastes...


But actually Unlike Sony, Nintendo have the money to take risks on new IP's, and yet they're the ones not doing so. A new IP every other year wouldn't hurt! They must have enough ideas!... that seem to end up in their classic franchises instead, like Kirby's/Yoshi's Epic yarn etc...


Since 2006, Nintendo have created numerous new IPs
Aside from games they've published, their First Party efforts have all been casual titles.


The Wii U was supposed to be bringing back the hardcore. Their words not mine.

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