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Ouija boards


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Went on a ghost hunting thing last night. I'm a total skeptic, but thought I'd go along anyway. The beginning was pretty sub standard, wandering around a derelict manor, listening out for noises which was a bit boring. Then the ouija boards came out. My mate is also a skeptic and steered well clear but I thought I'd have a go.


Wasn't expecting anything to happen, but then the glass started moving. At first I thought it was this girl I didn't know moving it, but when I tried it later with someone actually moving it, I could feel the difference. It just felt it was gliding when it was supposedly being moved by "spirits" as opposed to being forced around and at one point, there was just me and my girlfriend on the glass and I know for damned sure I wasn't moving it and I'm pretty certain she wasn't either.


Anyway, we got talking to some "spirits" most were children, but one was a 49 year old man who didn't want us there and the glass moved round pretty violently while he was "with us"


I'm still pretty skeptical (hence the scare quotes), as I don't know if these are involuntary muscle movements or could be explained in another way but does anyone else have any experiences or thoughts on these boards or spiritualism in general?

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Yeah I often find that Hasbro board games, that were never even intended for such use, which was only popularised by the exorcist, can be used to contact the dead.


I was playing monopoly the other day, and some dead cunt took control of the car and started buying up all of the stations. Bloody dickhead, I wanted to be the car.

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It's strange, I'm absolutely against the idea of ghosts being real or the general concept of an afterlife, but the thought of an Ouija board still terrifies me. I think that's because of how much my dad drummed into me never to use one when I was a kid, he was genuinely terrified at how much something like that can mess with someone's head.

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Yeah I often find that Hasbro board games, that were never even intended for such use, which was only popularised by the exorcist, can be used to contact the dead.

Sounds to me like they were contacting him through a glass of water. :p

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but the thought of an Ouija board still terrifies me.


How can you be a rational human being and still think that? I'm not trying to belittle anybody's beliefs in ghosts, afterlife or the supernatural, but Ouija boards? It's a registered trademark of Hasbro. It's a children's toy. Not only that, but it's a children's toy that was never even meant to be a medium for the dead. It's purpose was to commune with your inner mind. Essentially your subconscious was supposed to spell out what you were thinking deep down.

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Yeah Ouija boards were never intended to contact the dead. They were meant to be about the subconscious.


But yeah they glasses do move most of the time, it's all subconscious muscle movement and the like. Can be fun.

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I totally agree with Moogle. I still think it's bollocks. But I know what I saw/experienced. I even check for anything hidden under the table the board was on.


Just no idea how to explain it and still being skeptical I'd like to have something else to say what it was.

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How can you be a rational human being and still think that? I'm not trying to belittle anybody's beliefs in ghosts, afterlife or the supernatural, but Ouija boards? It's a registered trademark of Hasbro. It's a children's toy. Not only that, but it's a children's toy that was never even meant to be a medium for the dead. It's purpose was to commune with your inner mind. Essentially your subconscious was supposed to spell out what you were thinking deep down.


I think I already explained what frightened me about it in my original post up there. My dad's reaction to it and how genuinely concerned he was about the ability of that toy to mess with someone's over-active imagination.

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I think I already explained what frightened me about it in my original post up there. My dad's reaction to it and how genuinely concerned he was about the ability of that toy to mess with someone's over-active imagination.


But that was when you were a child. Surely you can look back at it now and think, "Dad, you so silly"?

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But that was when you were a child. Surely you can look back at it now and think, "Dad, you so silly"?


I should be able to, but that same feeling kind of overpowers everything else. I know how silly it is, and how bullshitty the concept is, but it's just one of those things that's always hung around with me. Maybe it'll be that way until I finally man up and use one to tell a ghost a knock knock joke.

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I should be able to, but that same feeling kind of overpowers everything else. I know how silly it is, and how bullshitty the concept is, but it's just one of those things that's always hung around with me. Maybe it'll be that way until I finally man up and use one to tell a ghost a knock knock joke.


Knock Knock


Who's there?


Not you, because this is just a child's toy, with no way of communing with the dead.



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It's strange, I'm absolutely against the idea of ghosts being real or the general concept of an afterlife, but the thought of an Ouija board still terrifies me. I think that's because of how much my dad drummed into me never to use one when I was a kid, he was genuinely terrified at how much something like that can mess with someone's head.


Pretty much this. Not my parents' fault, but I've just been completely terrified by the urban legends. I'm extremely sceptical, I don't believe in ghosts et al., and I can laugh at myself for being scared, but my mind is just of a very obsessive nature which doesn't gel well with the supernatural. It's improving with time, but I can still freak myself the fuck out if I don't keep my own mind on a very, very tight leash.

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Yeah I often find that Hasbro board games, that were never even intended for such use, which was only popularised by the exorcist, can be used to contact the dead.


I was playing monopoly the other day, and some dead cunt took control of the car and started buying up all of the stations. Bloody dickhead, I wanted to be the car.



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Pretty much this. Not my parents' fault, but I've just been completely terrified by the urban legends. I'm extremely sceptical, I don't believe in ghosts et al., and I can laugh at myself for being scared, but my mind is just of a very obsessive nature which doesn't gel well with the supernatural. It's improving with time, but I can still freak myself the fuck out if I don't keep my own mind on a very, very tight leash.



Check out some reports on 'Black Eyed Kids' or ' BEKs'


I think it's complete bollocks, buuut it still does make me walk from my car to my front door a little quicker when I get home and it's dark.







Should probably edit - The pictures don't do shit, but the supposed 'encounters' people say they've had.

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I totally agree with Moogle. I still think it's bollocks. But I know what I saw/experienced. I even check for anything hidden under the table the board was on.


Just no idea how to explain it and still being skeptical I'd like to have something else to say what it was.


I recall it coming up in paranormal psych and there is stuff out there that explains it(all subconscious movement and whatnot like you said...so kinda in line with the original intention maybe :p?) or theorises or something. I remember constantly hearing about it being proven to be this or that or something or other, but I never saw any actual source literature myself. If you look/find anything I'd be interested to know what it's all about.

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I'm not a fan of this for many reasons. A few work-friends of mine tried doing this and asked me to join in, which I didn't. I then proceeded to watch them try it and get "freaked out" as they tried to make tenuous links about the history of the building they were doing this in and the "words" that were appearing.


"B...could be somebody's name beginning with B!" Really?


Also, if I were dead and my spirit were lingering about a place, the last thing I would want is people trying to contact me and ask me a load of bullshit questions. If the dead want to contact you, they'll do it in their own way. If it is possible to contact the dead, then this is the wrong way to do it. Some things just shouldn't be messed with or joked about.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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