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Nintendo and Microsoft in light of the PS4 reveal (Th'rip)


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Honestly why anyone should care about seeing the PS4 form factor 9 months from launch I don't know; it's only going to change. It's something that can easily wait until E3.

Yeah, it'll just be a black box anyway ::shrug: Perhaps they thought it best to preserve their modesty, as it's likely to be rather big.


They'll still be in the final stages of finessing the form factor.


I don't understand why the reaction has been 'lukewarm'.


The things Sony talked about, their console being developer-centric, self-publishing for indies and the social aspects all sounded incredible to me, and I'm more or less a NINTENDO fanboy for crying out loud!?!

Yeah I thought it was about as good as anyone could've expected from Sony. The presentation could've been punchier, but there was a lot in it and it struck me that they are striving for a very all-embracing platform. The lack of engaging games / gameplay footage (for some) is only to be expected at launch. I thought the Wii U reveal was pretty good too though.


The problem was the PS4 was hyped as the second coming and the reality is almost everyone connected with gaming (and in the wider media) is jaded as hell!


Unless Microsoft show off the next big thing in casual gaming or something truly wondrous I don't see it making a bigger splash.

Edited by Lens of Truth
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I don't understand why Infamous isn't a more popular series (actually, I do - Sony's strategics blow) and why all 7 billion people on Earth aren't violently ready to play Second Son.


There's a post somewhere on this forum a few weeks after Infamous 2 came out where I said all I needed to buy a PS4 was a follow up. It is here. I am ready. Bring it on.

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I don't understand why Infamous isn't a more popular series (actually, I do - Sony's strategics blow) and why all 7 billion people on Earth aren't violently ready to play Second Son.


There's a post somewhere on this forum a few weeks after Infamous 2 came out where I said all I needed to buy a PS4 was a follow up. It is here. I am ready. Bring it on.


I've been *this* close to picking up a PS3 for months now, mainly for Ninokuni, but more generally for the fantastic back-catalogue. If/when I do I'll definitely give Infamous a shot!

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I don't understand why the reaction has been 'lukewarm'.


The things Sony talked about, their console being developer-centric, self-publishing for indies and the social aspects all sounded incredible to me, and I'm more or less a NINTENDO fanboy for crying out loud!?!


Are you saying you don't understand why it has been lukewarm or are you saying you wonder why people are describing it as lukewarm when it hasn't been?


I think there are a lot of people out there who didn't really know what they were going to be looking at in terms of graphics and so that may have disappointed some. There were sequels to inFamous and Killzone which some weren't happy about, though both looked as though they were aiming at being reboots rather than straight up sequels. And as nice as Drive Club looked (minus the pop in of course), it's not Gran Tourismo.


But most devs have been very forthcoming with praise for the system and if they are happy with what they have to work with then the great games should follow right along with them. The PS4 might not quite be as visionary as the PS3 (well, there is no might about it), but then it's a different era we find ourselves in compared to 2005.


I enjoyed the unveiling and whilst I could take or leave some of the games, it was getting to see the developers talk with such passion that I found most interesting and in the GT post show too.


If anything, my biggest disappointment was when Ono-san appeared and then said he wasn't there to talk about Street Fighter V - my heart sank.

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Are you saying you don't understand why it has been lukewarm or are you saying you wonder why people are describing it as lukewarm when it hasn't been?


I think there are a lot of people out there who didn't really know what they were going to be looking at in terms of graphics and so that may

I enjoyed the unveiling and whilst I could take or leave some of the games, it was getting to see the developers talk with such passion that I found most interesting and in the GT post show too.


If anything, my biggest disappointment was when Ono-san appeared and then said he wasn't there to talk about Street Fighter V - my heart sank.


I'm saying the latter here.


The other thing I've bolded sums up my feelings nicely as well.


Sure most games were just your typical 'American-Epic' stuff, but games like The Witness, Sony continuing with some of that indie-lovin', and the social aspects sound really promising. And I haven't even mentioned how those guys from LittleBigPlanet utilised the Move-controller in that vid : peace: :D


With all the visions behind the system, I can easily see some pretty creative content coming to it. Same with the WiiU, mind everyone:hug:

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I'm saying the latter here.


The other thing I've bolded sums up my feelings nicely as well.


Sure most games were just your typical 'American-Epic' stuff, but games like The Witness, Sony continuing with some of that indie-lovin', and the social aspects sound really promising. And I haven't even mentioned how those guys from LittleBigPlanet utilised the Move-controller in that vid : peace: :D


With all the visions behind the system, I can easily see some pretty creative content coming to it. Same with the WiiU, mind everyone:hug:


I get you - just needed to clarify what it was you meant so I know how to respond. I guess it really depends which sites you frequent for getting stories and gauging fan reactions. GamesIndustry had a discussion with a few developers and all but one was praising it - and the the one who wasn't sounded a bit cranky like Kaz himself had accidently ran over his dog or something. EG spole to some others and they were equally as enthused.


The MM thing was also another that didn't sit well with all - on one hand it was fantastic use of technology and expertly captured their sense of playfullness and whimsy that no one else can match, and yet on the other, it's nothing that couldn't be done on current machines.

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Here's an interesting story.


As the industry prepares for a highly anticipated Microsoft press conference in which it will showcase a new console for the first time in eight years, publisher Electronic Arts is preparing to step on stage to announce a key exclusivity agreement.


Peter Moore, a former Xbox executive, is now second-in-command at EA CVG has learned that EA has secured a partnership with the Xbox firm, according to accounts from two sources who wished to remain anonymous. However, neither person was certain of what EA will show, nor what the terms of the exclusivity partnership will be.


Due to the necessities of multiplatform development and publishing, it is likely that such a partnership will not extend beyond exclusive downloadable content, or staggered release dates. An outright exclusive EA game on the Next Xbox would be unlikely, and certainly a major coup for Microsoft if such a deal were to be secured.


Last Wednesday, rival publisher Activision announced a key partnership with Sony which will result in - among other business obligations - exclusive add-on content for the PS4 edition of Destiny.


While other major publishers, from Ubisoft to Square Enix to Capcom, also spoke at Sony's PS4 showcase, EA did not participate.


Both industry sources had different speculation on what the EA partnership would be. One claimed it might be Battlefield 4, while the other suspected that Respawn Entertainment will make a surprise appearance. Neither person works for EA or Microsoft, and so could not confirm the terms of the deal.


However, EA's chief financial officer hinted at such a deal on Tuesday.


Speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media, and Telecom Conference, CFO Blake Jorgensen was asked why Electronic Arts did not appear at the PlayStation 4 press conference.


"It was more about timing of our own slate as well as trying to maintain a good balance of power with all the parties out there and choosing when to unveil certain pieces of software," he replied.


Jorgensen added: "I'd say, between now and E3, you are going to see a lot of stuff, and we are going to chose with our marketing teams when to announce."


But he clarified that EA was clearly going to support the PlayStation 4 platform.


"At the end of the day we are very excited about Sony's platform. We feel there's a huge opportunity there. The technical power on the platform is going to allow us to do a substantial amount of things that have never been done before.


"I have seen the new Battlefield, and it is just stunning. It is just amazing what the imagination of the game developers [at DICE] are allowed to do with that much power."


It has become a growing expectation in the industry that Microsoft will announce its next-generation Xbox platform at a special one-off event in late April.


This could have a major effect on the next gen battle, especially if it's something substantial.

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I can actually see why the Nintendo/EA partnership could have collapsed. Other than Nintendo not wanting them to run Origin, they have been going on and on and on about microtransactions and how they'll be in all their games. Nintendo aren't a fan of the concept and so...

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I can actually see why the Nintendo/EA partnership could have collapsed. Other than Nintendo not wanting them to run Origin, they have been going on and on and on about microtransactions and how they'll be in all their games. Nintendo aren't a fan of the concept and so...


The crackers aren't a fan of online in all its shapes and forms, never mind microtransactions.

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The Sony event made me like the Wii U more, not less!


I was meaning to respond to this post last week when I first saw it but never got around to it :indeed:


I felt exactly the same after last Wednesday's Sony Conference and was going to mention it on here.. but I thought people might think I'm crazy : peace:


As much as I worry about where gaming is going, sometimes, I have faith that the games I crave will be on Wii U over the coming years :smile:

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Are EA also the developer most in support of 'no second hand games'?


There are a number of publishers who have used online passes or discussed using them. Sony have used online passes to block second hand sales of games with Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Sony All-Stars, Uncharted 3 and several other titles.


Out of the three console manufacturers Sony have been the one that have pursued this, not MS or Nintendo. EA and Ubisoft have been the major third parties to support this system the most, although several others including the late THQ have also done so.

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There are a number of publishers who have used online passes or discussed using them. Sony have used online passes to block second hand sales of games with Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Sony All-Stars, Uncharted 3 and several other titles.


Out of the three console manufacturers Sony have been the one that have pursued this, not MS or Nintendo. EA and Ubisoft have been the major third parties to support this system the most, although several others including the late THQ have also done so.


I don't see an issue with this method at all. It's the best of both worlds. People still get to play the game, just not multiplayer and the developers still get some money off someone who buys it 2nd hand.

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I've been *this* close to picking up a PS3 for months now, mainly for Ninokuni, but more generally for the fantastic back-catalogue.


Got mine today. :)


I was meaning to respond to this post last week when I first saw it but never got around to it :indeed:


I felt exactly the same after last Wednesday's Sony Conference and was going to mention it on here.. but I thought people might think I'm crazy : peace:


As much as I worry about where gaming is going, sometimes, I have faith that the games I crave will be on Wii U over the coming years :smile:


What it's all about for me is that I didn't really enjoy the show, but think the console itself is top notch. During the show, I sort of felt alienated by what the games industry has become. It reminded me of a cross between the PSOne in the '90s (I console I never understood the appeal of, yet everyone around me did) and the modern, very Westernised, FPS-type culture we have today. Whereas with Nintendo they tend to strike a tone I understand more. I'm not saying they have so far with the Wii U, but Pit, Link and Samus are three characters who I think get the balance right.


But as I say I give the PS4 specs 10/10 and, as usual it all comes down to whether it has games I want to play! (The Witness did look very good.)


I think people have been proven right that the graphical jump next-gen is hardly noticeable, yet at the same time it is a new power tier, and the Wii U will probably miss out just as much as last time. I can honestly say, though, the fact the Wii U is a generation behind doesn't bother me anything like as much this time. After the GameCube, I was desperate for "the next level". Now we have it, it's just that Sony and Microsoft have it a bit more.


PS - I think people are really underestimating Microsoft, and overestimating how "casual" they are! If the leaked specs are right, it's a powerful machine - right up there with the PS4. I applaud Sony for making sure their console has no weaknesses this time, but what really counts is which machine becomes the lead format. Microsoft's exclusives, combined with Xbox Live and the usual multiformat games (which are probably more important than exclusives) mean Microsoft could still achieve that aim.

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