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Watch Dogs (Nov 21st)


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I don't care if something is "just the way it is" doesn't mean we have to like it, and doesn't mean it's a little soul destroying with regards to the industry as a whole. I think it's a little passive to be "it's just the way it is"; we constantly let companies pursue awful business practices for consumers then they will continue to do it. Now that's all a bit dramatic for what will be nothing; but I'm speaking of general attitudes.

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I don't care if something is "just the way it is" doesn't mean we have to like it, and doesn't mean it's a little soul destroying with regards to the industry as a whole. I think it's a little passive to be "it's just the way it is"; we constantly let companies pursue awful business practices for consumers then they will continue to do it. Now that's all a bit dramatic for what will be nothing; but I'm speaking of general attitudes.


It's always been like this though. The difference this time is companies are buying segments of DLC, whereas in the past the whole game was exclusive.


I hate DLC in general, especially stuff that's on the disc and I have voted with my wallet throughout the generation. Did it make a difference? Not at all. Companies see this as a valuable source of revenue and it will continue to be that way unless the industry suffers from a crash.


The fact is this is the only way the console manufactures can get 3rd party exclusives now. There may be a true 3rd party exclusive now and then, but for the most part this is probably the best way for them to get exclusive content.

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Yup. It sucks, but from the console manufacturer's perspective it's the only viable way of getting exclusive content, aside from pulling a Bayonetta 2.


Although mind you, it'll be interesting to see if the rumours of ReSpawn/EA's new FPS franchise being Microsoft exclusive pan out though. Even as a timed exclusive, it must be costing MS a bomb! :o

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Although mind you, it'll be interesting to see if the rumours of ReSpawn/EA's new FPS franchise being Microsoft exclusive pan out though. Even as a timed exclusive, it must be costing MS a bomb! :o


Indeed. I'm just wondering if this will have any effect on the way Activision will treat the next Xbox in terms of exclusive content for CoD.

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Exclusive content on the PS4 version now makes this a three way battle for me now in regards of which to buy.


PC (shininess, future proofing) or PS4 (exclusive dlc) or Wii U (gamepad features)



I dislike story content as exclusive DLC. They really should limit it to cosmetic DLC only.

Edited by V. Amoleo
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It's always been like this though. The difference this time is companies are buying segments of DLC, whereas in the past the whole game was exclusive.


I hate DLC in general, especially stuff that's on the disc and I have voted with my wallet throughout the generation. Did it make a difference? Not at all. Companies see this as a valuable source of revenue and it will continue to be that way unless the industry suffers from a crash.


The fact is this is the only way the console manufactures can get 3rd party exclusives now. There may be a true 3rd party exclusive now and then, but for the most part this is probably the best way for them to get exclusive content.


Yeah I guess so, just hate, I genuinely believe the industry will struggle along with practices such as these though; spreading consumers wallets too thinly being forced to buy more than one machine. Yeah it may mean more sales for Sony, and it probably want affect sales of watch dogs; but hits us in our wallets and that will affect something, likely hit other games sales; decreasing the industry as a whole. Oh well, someone's leaving this gen so it'll thin out eventually.


And yeah I'm the same with open world games - hate GTA 3 onwards, don't even like assassin creed; only just starting lego but can't imagine me loving that. The only one I loved is Arkham City, and I liked Bully.


This looks amazing though, as long as it's a story driven game within a great world (like Zelda) then it could be incredible.

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It's DLC that probably will cost €10 to buy down the road. No one is going to buy a PS3 or PS4 just for this little bit of content in a game. This will just make people who do own two consoles of which one is a Sony machine, get the game on the Sony machine, which is a plus for them. I don't mind it at all that Sony is putting the effort in to give us for free something other people will pay for down the line.


If you want the WiiU version, then get the WiiU version, and then buy the DLC when it comes out a month later.

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There's no sign of the exclusive content the PS3 had for Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3 making it to other platforms.

The naval mission part of the DLC and the extra weapons quests have made it to other DLC. Just the Benedict Arnold bit is left, and that wasn't that exciting or story progressing.

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It's DLC that probably will cost €10 to buy down the road. No one is going to buy a PS3 or PS4 just for this little bit of content in a game. This will just make people who do own two consoles of which one is a Sony machine, get the game on the Sony machine, which is a plus for them. I don't mind it at all that Sony is putting the effort in to give us for free something other people will pay for down the line.


If you want the WiiU version, then get the WiiU version, and then buy the DLC when it comes out a month later.

The AC3 PS3 exclusive stuff never came out elsewhere. I'm unsure as to why you think exclusive content will be

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For what it's worth, I played Assassin's Creed III on the PS3 and didn't even bother to download the free DLC. I didn't feel like I missed anything.


You'll feel much better if you stop worrying about DLC in general, Dazzybee. :p

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The naval mission part of the DLC and the extra weapons quests have made it to other DLC. Just the Benedict Arnold bit is left, and that wasn't that exciting or story progressing.


The Benedict Arnold bit was the only exclusive bit. The Watch Dogs stuff is also likely to be meaningless twaddle.

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The naval mission part of the DLC and the extra weapons quests have made it to other DLC. Just the Benedict Arnold bit is left, and that wasn't that exciting or story progressing.

Oops, just saw you posted. Anyway, the Benedict Arnold stuff was the one I was referring to. it's heavily referenced in the DLC

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The Benedict Arnold bit was the only exclusive bit. The Watch Dogs stuff is also likely to be meaningless twaddle.


Oh. The rest must have been because it was a limited edition. Well if the AC3 is anything to go by you're right, I won't be worried. You can always just watch someone play it on youtube if you want to see the story bits.


Oops, just saw you posted. Anyway, the Benedict Arnold stuff was the one I was referring to. it's heavily referenced in the DLC


What's there to heavily reference? That Benedict Arnold existed? Or that Connor had a hand in defending the fort he betrayed?


The only story focused DLC is the King Washington alternate timeline and since it's an alternate timeline it has no reason to reference the DLC.

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Oh. The rest must have been because it was a limited edition. Well if the AC3 is anything to go by you're right, I won't be worried. You can always just watch someone play it on youtube if you want to see the story bits.




What's there to heavily reference? That Benedict Arnold existed? Or that Connor had a hand in defending the fort he betrayed?


The only story focused DLC is the King Washington alternate timeline and since it's an alternate timeline it has no reason to reference the DLC.

You haven't played the King Washington DLC, have you?

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