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A Positive SEGA


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Inspired by the wonderful Nintendo thread started by @Fused King, I present to you a thread where you can pour all of your emotions and memories about SEGA. Now, for me to rip off the previous thread like a devious Alex Kidd...


Amidst all the debate, discussion, provocations, strong words, cold truths and Sonic 2006 somehow finding its way into shops, I hereby present to you, my fellow hedgehogs (and yes, you are all hedgehogs), a thread dedicated to preserving those great moments that SEGA has brought us.

Be it moments SEGA has consciously created for us (in the real world or the fantasy world) or individual takes on SEGAs universe, are all welcome in this thread.


When one worries, one might sometimes forget the smiles or tears SEGA's passion has given you.

When I was listening to the following arrangements, I was immediately propelled to have us relive SEGA's previous creative outings that gave us so much joy over the course of our lives.


Thus, I shall start us off with remembering that the following is a fact brought to us by Takenobu Mitsuyoshi.




And let's not forget one of the greatest face-offs of all time.


So, what are some of your favourite games, memories and moments from one of gamings craziest?


To really get the egg rolling, here's one of the greatest game intro's of all time:


Also, last year, my dream's came true. And it was on my BIRTHDAY. Best Twitter moment of all time? For me, yes.



Edited by Josh64
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@Jonnas Shockingly I never got Skies of Arcadia, I thought it looked amazing at the time as well, so I don't know what stopped me :( I'll have to hunt it down on eBay for sure, RPG's aren't really my thing any more, but I'm sure I can make an exception!



And I have to post this which is now possibly my favourite piece of Sonic music ever, which is really saying something!


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Sega were once a good company, i chose a Mega Drive over a SNES. Had some good gaming moments on that system, 1/2 the time i was on Sonic or Streets of Rage. But i have some fond memories of Golden Axe and Super GP (that motorbike title i can't recall)


Maybe i should have bought a Dreamcast, but i chose an N64 (and a wise choice indeed). The Mega Drive holds some great gaming memories for myself

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And I have to post this which is now possibly my favourite piece of Sonic music ever, which is really saying something!



I take your Sonic Colors track and raise you with this...



The Sonic 06 finale. The games was pretty crappy but it had brilliant music and I guess this started the trend of orchestrated versions of the main theme for the final battle. Most people either didn't play the game full stop or certainly couldn't be bothered to play until you got to this point. I did, though I'm not sure if I should feel proud or ashamed for such a feat, but at least this felt like some sort of reward.


The orchestrated version of Endless Possibilities is pretty good too.


It's so tempting to just turn this into the SEGA music thread because they just have so many awesome songs in their games.


The first time I played anything SEGA was an imported copy of Sonic the Hedgehog on a Japanese Megadrive. It was pretty glorious back in the day but a MegaDrive didn't grace my own home until Sonic Spinball came out. Not that that was the game we were after but I recall the shop saying they'd ran out of copies of Sonic 2 for their console bundle and that was a newer game so we were happy to take it at the time - where was the internet back then...


The vast majority of my SEGA games feature the hedgehog and I really haven't played that many of their other offers.


Streets of Rage 2 has to get special props (1 and 3 are ok but not on the level that 2 is) and that music was phenomenal. The gameplay is good but it does start to get a bit stale by the end of a playthrough if viewed on it's own. But as part of those great graphics which were a massive step above the first, and the score, it was never a problem.


F-Zero GX has its own thread and there is very little left to be said about a game that can easily be summed up in one word - the word being "amazing".


I've also always admired their Virtua Fighter series. Only ever played no.4 on the PS2 and whilst it felt too technical, and thus inaccessible, for me as a newcomer, there was something about it that just striked me as a quality game that was uncompromising in its mission to be the game it wanted to be.

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@Captain Falcon - I LOVE the theme to 06! I was happily doing the hoovering to the theme just yesterday :P But thanks so much for posting this, I haven't heard this version because, as you said, not many people bothered to play it or got very far.


I got it last year and didn't get very far at all xD I loved the Silver bits but it was quite glitchy and I couldn't stand the loading times :P I might try and complete it though, because even though it isn't great, I do feel as though people were over the top about it and it suffered in a similar way to Wii Music.


I agree about Streets of Rage 2, that game is fantastic :D It's up there with TMNT: Turtles in Time and The Simpsons Arcade! And yeah, I probably should have just made a SEGA music thread :p


The first SEGA game I properly played was SUPER MONKEY BALL for GameCube and I was pretty much in love with them from that point onwards (I was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy up until that point :P)


This blew me away:


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@Josh64 If you didn't get to the end, then it's also likely you missed out on

track from Sonic 06 too. It starts a bit "dubby" and then veers into territory occupied by Kingdom Valley - Water, but it really is it's own beast and it captures that sense of desperation well. The song is called the "End of the World" and frankly, it's a fitting track.


The only Monkey Ball game I've played is the 3DS version, and by all accounts that isn't the one to get you into the series. But for some reason that track you just posted sounds really familiar. It reminds me of a cross between of styles between F-Zero GX and Mario Kart Wii music so maybe I need to get my ears checked :p

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I'll never forget when I got a Megadrive. I was an early teenager and had wanted the Master System, but we couldn't afford it. When I saw the Megadrive though, I was blown away and absolutely desperate for it. I remember seeing it in the Argos catalogue. 16-BIT! Arcade quality! And that sleek, curvy design! I begged for one, promising "I would never be bored" if I had one.


No console will ever compare to how excited I felt at getting a Megadrive. My neighbour also got one, and so I swapped games with her. I had things like Altered Beast and Golden Axe. She had things like Sonic and Castle of Illusion. My schoolfriend also got one, and playing Streets of Rage (and Golden Axe) round his house was as good as multiplayer has ever been for me (he's an Xbox gamer now).


And it was about the magazines just as much as the games. I used to buy Sega Pro. Reading that was like going into a different world, seeing all the forthcoming titles and Japanese releases. When I heard about the Mega CD, I can't really explain how good I thought it'd be.


That's the thing I loved about Sega. There was always, always something to look forward to. They'd try everything: the Mega CD, the 32X, Virtual Reality... When there wasn't a new console or console add-on to anticipate, there was always a new coin-op.


As an older teenager, I would visit arcades eager to see what the latest Sega coin-op was. Virtua Fighter was my favourite of the "Model 1" boards. I couldn't believe how good the graphics were - like there were little models in the screen. That was followed by Sega Rally (my favourite Model 2 game). Then a bit later on I found Daytona 2 and OutRun 2 both excellent.


The Saturn was a sort of last hurrah for sprite games, with gems such as Story of Thor 2 and Guardian Heroes (which is still making its influence felt, in games like Code of Princess).


To end on a positive note, I genuinely believe Sega could, in theory and thanks to digital distribution, recapture the glory days. If you look at what WayForward is doing, the quality they're achieving with their "Shantae" and "Mighty" series, imagine what Sega could do in a similar (2D) manner. If they really, really looked at the essence of, say, Wonder Boy or Golden Axe I think they could make some absolute stunners. On the 3D front, a return of Landstalker could honestly be a Zelda rival. It's all there to play for.

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How could I have not thought to put that in?! xD


@Josh64 If you didn't get to the end, then it's also likely you missed out on
track from Sonic 06 too. It starts a bit "dubby" and then veers into territory occupied by Kingdom Valley - Water, but it really is it's own beast and it captures that sense of desperation well. The song is called the "End of the World" and frankly, it's a fitting track.


The only Monkey Ball game I've played is the 3DS version, and by all accounts that isn't the one to get you into the series. But for some reason that track you just posted sounds really familiar. It reminds me of a cross between of styles between F-Zero GX and Mario Kart Wii music so maybe I need to get my ears checked :p


I can't say I'm a huge fan of that track, especially compared to the others from 06, but each to their own!


And that really is a bad place to start :p In fact, most Monkey Ball games past the compilation on xbox/ps2 aren't that great. If you have a Wii or GameCube I URGE you to pick up 1 and/or 2, they're not that much and are totally worth your time!


Also, fun fact: Super Monkey Ball and F-Zero GX use the same engine!

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How could I have not thought to put that in?! xD


I can't say I'm a huge fan of that track, especially compared to the others from 06, but each to their own!


And that really is a bad place to start :p In fact, most Monkey Ball games past the compilation on xbox/ps2 aren't that great. If you have a Wii or GameCube I URGE you to pick up 1 and/or 2, they're not that much and are totally worth your time!


Also, fun fact: Super Monkey Ball and F-Zero GX use the same engine!


That track is quite a bit different in style to much of the rest of the soundtrack so I understand why you might not be feeling it, but I loved hearing that when I played through that final level. The tone is pitch perfect for its setting.


You know what, when typing my post above, I originally wrote about them sharing an engine but took it out as I thought it was common knowledge and myabe people would think I'm just trying to show off dropping stuff like that in... you great big show off ;)


I do have a GC and a Wii but the series has never quite piqued my interest enough to make me want to play it. My Univeristy (first University anyway) had a SMB arcade machine in the student union but I never did have a go on it. I played the 3DS version at one of the Nintendo 3DS events when they were touring the country.

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That track is quite a bit different in style to much of the rest of the soundtrack so I understand why you might not be feeling it, but I loved hearing that when I played through that final level. The tone is pitch perfect for its setting.


You know what, when typing my post above, I originally wrote about them sharing an engine but took it out as I thought it was common knowledge and myabe people would think I'm just trying to show off dropping stuff like that in... you great big show off ;)


I do have a GC and a Wii but the series has never quite piqued my interest enough to make me want to play it. My Univeristy (first University anyway) had a SMB arcade machine in the student union but I never did have a go on it. I played the 3DS version at one of the Nintendo 3DS events when they were touring the country.


They had a WHAT!? :o


I was always under the impression the arcade version was only in Japan! God damn, you should have sneakily wheeled that thing out of there!


And haha, I guess the F-Zero/Monkey Ball thing isn't as unknown as I thought :laughing: Next I'll be telling you how a certain someone used to be called Jump Man.

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They had a WHAT!? :o


I was always under the impression the arcade version was only in Japan! God damn, you should have sneakily wheeled that thing out of there!


And haha, I guess the F-Zero/Monkey Ball thing isn't as unknown as I thought :laughing: Next I'll be telling you how a certain someone used to be called Jump Man.


Well if it wasn't Monkey Ball, it was a pretty good knock off right down to the Banana controller to the point that someone could easily have been sued for it.


It could still be there for all I know - given the rate at which the nearby cinemas/bowling alleys change their arcade machines... though they do seem to have gotten rid of the Mario Kart Arcade which wasn't there that long. You might be sensing a theme here of me not being an arcade man though of course I'd be on it quick as a flash if they had ever had the F-Zero AX Cockpit design.

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Well if it wasn't Monkey Ball, it was a pretty good knock off right down to the Banana controller to the point that someone could easily have been sued for it.


It could still be there for all I know - given the rate at which the nearby cinemas/bowling alleys change their arcade machines... though they do seem to have gotten rid of the Mario Kart Arcade which wasn't there that long. You might be sensing a theme here of me not being an arcade man though of course I'd be on it quick as a flash if they had ever had the F-Zero AX Cockpit design.


As it happens, when I was in a school trip in Germany I came across an F-Zero AX machine, my head nearly exploded. Sadly though, I didn't have time to stop and play it :(


The arcade in my local bowling alley is pretty shit but impressively had BOTH Mario Kart arcade games at some point!


And it was probably Super Monkey Ball, I can't imagine there would be anything else with a banana controller :p

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As it happens, when I was in a school trip in Germany I came across an F-Zero AX machine, my head nearly exploded. Sadly though, I didn't have time to stop and play it :(


The arcade in my local bowling alley is pretty shit but impressively had BOTH Mario Kart arcade games at some point!


And it was probably Super Monkey Ball, I can't imagine there would be anything else with a banana controller :p


You should have told your teachers your monkey ball/ f-zero story, maybe that would have changed their mind and given you some time :p


If there was a machine that had a banana controller and wasn't a games machine, I don't think it's the type of device to be on public display ;)

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I'm pretty sure I played a Super Mario Bros coin-op in a British seaside arcade. Whether it was just the NES version, I don't know, but it certainly wasn't one of those "Select a NES game" machines.


Now F-Zero AX, I definitely played... and only avoided the barriers for about 10 seconds of my play time!

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You should have told your teachers your monkey ball/ f-zero story, maybe that would have changed their mind and given you some time :p


If there was a machine that had a banana controller and wasn't a games machine, I don't think it's the type of device to be on public display ;)


Like a shiny 8 inch vibrating stick? Damn, that Addams Family thing was hard, I could never get to the end :p


And omg guys, you HAVE to listen to this. It sounds the same as always, but just wait until around 1.30, I haven't been so in love with a remix for YEARS :bouncy:




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  • 3 weeks later...

@Retro_Link - Oh my christ, Sonic intro's are so good! I remember seeing Sonic Heroes for the first time, I think I nearly died.


And I just came here to say that.... YOU'RE THE ONE THAT MAKES ME FEEL SO HIGH.



The pefect mix of amazing SEGA and awesome 90's music.

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I loved Sonic R.


A question- I fancy some Mega Drive Sonic action. Do you think im better off waiting for some kind of collection to appear on the wii u ala like the cube or just get them from the virtual console?

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