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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Wanna know how Nintendo could rule the value of this? Double it up with Four Swords Adventhres rejigged with 3DS support.


No thanks, personally I'm trying to forget Four Swords and FSA ever existed. Not proper Zelda games IMO.

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I loved Four Swords Adventure. It's not a proper Zelda, but it definitely wasn't developed as one, and I'm sure it didn't take resources away from others (hey, that console had Wind Waker and Twilight Princess!) It was simply a good 2D game, and a multiplayer one if you had all the equipment.


This is one of the biggest issues, in my opinion - games having the right budget and being focused on what they are. Would I like a cheap, 2D Four Swords game on the eShop? Sure. Do I want Zelda Wii U to be like that? No.

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Four Swords Adventure was brilliant, anyone who says otherwise is down right wrong and will get a slap....if I ever see you.


I only ever played the one on 3DS because it was free to download at the time.. and I didn't think it was anywhere near brilliant :hmm:


Maybe the GC game was much better :heh:

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I only ever played the one on 3DS because it was free to download at the time.. and I didn't think it was anywhere near brilliant :hmm:


Maybe the GC game was much better :heh:


It was. The free one on 3DS was just a piece of DSi Ware taken from a bonus game on the GBA's "A Link to the Past" cartridge. It's basically multiplayer-only unless you want to keep stopping and switching between Links (which I didn't - I gave up on it).


Four Swords Adventures, on the other hand, was still meant as a multiplayer game, but you could easily play it on your own, with the other three Links trailing behind you (and ordered into formations when necessary). It's still not a proper Zelda, but in terms of graphics and sound, it's the best the LttP style has ever been.

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It was. The free one on 3DS was just a piece of DSi Ware taken from a bonus game on the GBA's "A Link to the Past" cartridge. It's basically multiplayer-only unless you want to keep stopping and switching between Links (which I didn't - I gave up on it).


Four Swords Adventures, on the other hand, was still meant as a multiplayer game, but you could easily play it on your own, with the other three Links trailing behind you (and ordered into formations when necessary). It's still not a proper Zelda, but in terms of graphics and sound, it's the best the LttP style has ever been.

Eh? The 25th Anniversary re-release of Four Swords was completely reworked to be played in single player in the same manner as Four Swords Adventures

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Aesthetically, this is my favourite Zelda game ever. I can't wait to see it running on the Wii U at home. But am I alone in thinking they could have potentially waited another generation before updating this? I don't feel like it's quite ripened into full on nostalgic territory yet, and there are other games (Majoras Mask, even Twilight Princess) that would have looked so much more enhanced by a HD makeover. The original still looks beautiful today.

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As expected, the removed dungeons won't be added back in.


Zelda: Wind Waker HD can’t use any dungeons that were missing in the original version. That’s because they were used in future Zeldas – likely Twilight Princess and/or Skyward Sword.


Aonuma talked about Wind Waker’s cut dungeons and the decision to avoid adding new ones in the HD re-release in an interview with Eurogamer:


“Quite honestly, those dungeons we removed we used in other games, so we can’t use them in this version!”


“I’ve received many questions about additional content beyond what was in the GameCube version of the game, but our desire is to stay true of the story that was in the original. If we add dungeons then that will affect other parts of the GameCube version, which we really want to stay true to. If it felt like there were maybe too few dungeons then I feel that what was wrong with the GameCube version was the pacing. It was thrown off because it took longer to get to certain dungeons. There was a waiting period, and then when you arrived there the experience maybe didn’t feel as big, as you’d waited so long to get there. We’re tuning the game to alleviate all that. The pacing should feel appropriate to the overall experience this time… We need to tighten those [gaps] and make the overall experience and story feel tighter.”


Unfortunately, Aonuma couldn’t reveal which dungeons were cut in Wind Waker and used in other Zeldas.

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So long as they do something to change the triforce hunt crap I guess that will do. He hinted at something like that in the Developer Direct.... hell even they reduced the number of pieces to find from 8 to 4 that would do me :D


Wonder will they rework the music to give it a fully orchastrated soundtrack?

Musically Wind Waker is prolly my fav for its very celtic feel to the tunes.

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Wonder will they rework the music to give it a fully orchastrated soundtrack?

Musically Wind Waker is prolly my fav for its very celtic feel to the tunes.


I hope not, you don't mess with a perfect soundtrack. The much hyped orchestrated soundtrack in Skyward Sword was easily the worst in the series.

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So long as they do something to change the triforce hunt crap I guess that will do. He hinted at something like that in the Developer Direct.... hell even they reduced the number of pieces to find from 8 to 4 that would do me :D


Wonder will they rework the music to give it a fully orchastrated soundtrack?

Musically Wind Waker is prolly my fav for its very celtic feel to the tunes.

Well the faster sailing surely helps with a lot of it

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Sadly, the more I see this the more I feel I don't really need this at all. The aesthetic changes are still minimal for me, the sounds and the vibe is all too familiar - I've been here before - doubt I'll be buying this again unless they add a few more dungeons/playable Hyrule - unlikely.

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Aesthetically, this is my favourite Zelda game ever. I can't wait to see it running on the Wii U at home. But am I alone in thinking they could have potentially waited another generation before updating this? I don't feel like it's quite ripened into full on nostalgic territory yet, and there are other games (Majoras Mask, even Twilight Princess) that would have looked so much more enhanced by a HD makeover. The original still looks beautiful today.


Personally, the fact Nintendo chose Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker as their remakes is a source of great reassurance to me. Out of all the Zeldas, those two are the ones that are near-perfect "complete games", if you like. It's true that Wind Waker didn't really need a remake as such, but it's probably the main GameCube game that people want to play, and so at least needed adjusting for 1080p TVs. It's only receiving the benefit of one generational jump, graphically, but that's the same with OOT 3D and that was worth it.


I agree Twilight Princess would look fantastic in HD, as proven by the 2011 Zelda demo, but I think that would benefit more from being a brand new game. Although I love the graphical style, TP itself doesn't have an enormous amount that couldn't be bettered with a new iteration.


I hope not, you don't mess with a perfect soundtrack. The much hyped orchestrated soundtrack in Skyward Sword was easily the worst in the series.


Maybe, but isn't that down to melody? The actual sound quality was very high. Also, what did you think about the orchestrated Wind Waker and Twilight Princess suites on the bonus CD? I thought they were fantastic - Twilight Princess being especially-improved.

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I think for the remakes Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess were better candidates than Wind Waker. Twilight Princess might be more recent than Wind Waker but it's more suited to the process of HD and would've gained more.

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