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Nintendo Direct 23rd Jan - Wii U only - Worldwide


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About 20 minutes in I was like is that all? You tell us what we assume that 3D Mario and Mario Kart are in the works and will be at e3 and then BOOOM Yoshi, Wind Waker, X, new 101 trailer and then I changed my underwear.


I'm so happy I bought a Wii U yesterday.


Oh and Super Metroid one of the best games ever for 30p, fuck yeah.

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Totally agree.


"We've nothing to offer in the immediate couple of months that you haven't seen so here are som videos of games you may or not be playing sometime this December at best.


And since Zelda is going to take a while, we thought it would cheaper and easier to redo Wind Waker since we already made a start when trying to figure out this new fancy tech everyone else has been using for 7 years.


And Serebii, you can take this as officially revoking of our policy on showing games that won't be out in the next 6 months as we know you like to annoy people with it."


At least, that's how I saw it.


I agree. That's why we got what we did for launch and why games are thin on the horizon. This is what happens when you're 6 or 7 years late to the HD party, they're playing catch up big time and struggling. It was left to Monolith Soft to show how it's done and what a beauty it is!


I just feel like it's further evidence that Nintendo are REALLY struggling to make HD, while Ubisoft can crank out 3 Assassin's Creeds in a few years... I know they're all about quality but if they can't even show screenshots of Mario or Zelda or a logo, it just gets a bit worrying.


EDIT: I think my definition of "megaton" is very different to other people's definitions.. confirmation that they're making games everybody in the world knows they are making...



So, you guys have been complaining that we don't know anything beyond the next couple of months, and now you're complaining that they showed stuff that won't be out in the next couple of months?


Come on, is there anything they can do that will fucking please you lot?

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wait super metroid? what was announced while my stream died?!


Some select titles for a month will be 30p each. Nintendo announced it as apart of their 30th Anniversary Famicom campaign, but most titles were of Super Famicom origin heh


One game Japan is getting for 30 yen (21p or so) is Mother 2, the stream I was on went ballistic.

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So was the first few minutes of that Direct..


This is also true. ::shrug:


So is Balloon Fight going up today?


One game Japan is getting for 30 yen (21p or so) is Mother 2, the stream I was on went ballistic.


I hate Japan. :P

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So, you guys have been complaining that we don't know anything beyond the next couple of months, and now you're complaining that they showed stuff that won't be out in the next couple of months?


Come on, is there anything they can do that will fucking please you lot?


I think you're kind of twisting it. I imagine they are pleased to hear these games are coming, but they're not pleased with what's happened to the launch period line up, which is definitely understandable.


You could slap me around the face and promise to give me a tenner in half a years time, I'll still be a little pissed about the slap in the face that I wasn't expecting.

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Monolith Soft Game - Knew about, finally got some footage


No, we didn't. People were theorizing they were working on a known franchise before we saw this announcement.


By that logic, we already knew about Yoshi's game (rumours pointed towards it). And by the time Retro Studios' game is revealed, well, we already knew about that one too, then :heh:

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So, you guys have been complaining that we don't know anything beyond the next couple of months, and now you're complaining that they showed stuff that won't be out in the next couple of months?


Come on, is there anything they can do that will fucking please you lot?


You're right I'm so happy they put a date on Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and that Lego game.


Apart from that we still don't know the release dates coming months or further of any of the software shown*.



*WWHD was given speculative autumn release.

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Did they say the NEW Zelda would also be Wind Waker art style? I'm guessing it would be a bad idea to have it the same, what with the HD version of Wind Waker also launching. If they do an open world Zelda I'd prefer it to be done in the style of demo shown at E3, the one with the spider.


Didn't say anything about that on the JP stream, but I think the Wind Waker remake has pretty much confirmed it will not be in the same shell shaded art style.

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Did anyone catch the cryptic bit at the end about upcoming Zelda "challenges" and playing through the whole series? I wasn't really concentrating. What do we make of that?


Mega HD collection?

the rumoured a link to the past remake in 3d



things releasing on 3DS.............


Nintendo used Hype Train

its super effective

Nintendo fans fainted

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And since Zelda is going to take a while, we thought it would cheaper and easier to redo Wind Waker since we already made a start when trying to figure out this new fancy tech everyone else has been using for 7 years.


Surely it would have been cheaper and easier for them to not do anything.


What exactly do you perceive them to be taking away/skimping on?

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So, you guys have been complaining that we don't know anything beyond the next couple of months, and now you're complaining that they showed stuff that won't be out in the next couple of months?


Come on, is there anything they can do that will fucking please you lot?


I'm very, very rarely a complainer. I'm honest about my concerns but I'm usually very optimistic.


I'm not disappointed in today's announcement because we didn't need to get an announcement. If I'm honest, I would have preferred them not to tell us that Mario and Mario Kart and stuff will be announced at E3... I'd much rather than just be a big surprise at E3... Even if it isn't particularly surprising.


I'm only anxious in their actual ability to make games for their console. It seems too much of Nintendo's announcements come with apologies these days and I'm sad that they're struggling. I can tell they're doing what they think is best and trying hard but I kind of would like them to catch up soon and not start every announcement so negatively.


I'm not angry at all. I never feel entitled to Nintendo games, I just feel they're not doing enough to answer the concerns of the naysayers when I know they have the ability to do.


EDIT: I also took the Wind Waker remake to mean that the next new Zelda WON'T be in that art style, in order to give both sets of fans what they want... but that's just me.

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Guess the Tingle Tuner will be controllable on the gamepad.


And maybe the camera (for Pictographs), like in Pikmin 3.


Did they say the NEW Zelda would also be Wind Waker art style? I'm guessing it would be a bad idea to have it the same, what with the HD version of Wind Waker also launching. If they do an open world Zelda I'd prefer it to be done in the style of demo shown at E3, the one with the spider.


I think they said something like they decided that whimsical style was the best. I certainly inferred they'd be using it again, but I agree I'd like to see the Twilight Princess HD style as well.

Edited by Grazza
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So, you guys have been complaining that we don't know anything beyond the next couple of months, and now you're complaining that they showed stuff that won't be out in the next couple of months?


Come on, is there anything they can do that will fucking please you lot?


To be honest, I was more poking fun at people who use the other end of the argument in every... single... thread to justify what they do and why it's ok.


The announcements themselves aren't bad (except for WW as it seem like a money exercise to me beyond the simple idea of all games are sold for profit making - it's an OoT3D situation again in that the game was never in development properly but then they thought they could flog it anyway and decided to go with it), but we still don't know anything approaching a release list for post March and there isn't much up until then either.


Drop a big game like Xenoblade 2 if you want as being the far off title and then pepper it with games that you can say will be release in Summer or Autumn. As it is, games continue to slide from Launch day, to Launch Window, to whenever and nothing is actually filling the void games wise.


If these titles that are furthest along in development slip, who's to say these won't.


It's always been about finding the balancing act between two extremes when it comes to annoucements - not just one way or the other.

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Mega HD collection?

the rumoured a link to the past remake in 3d



things releasing on 3DS.............


Nintendo used Hype Train

its super effective

Nintendo fans fainted

Ah yes, the LTTP remake. That still leaves quite a few unaccounted for.


Reminds me of when they said something about Luigi's Mansion 2 being the "beginning of the year of Luigi". Why must they do this?!

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Surely it would have been cheaper and easier for them to not do anything.


What exactly do you perceive them to be taking away/skimping on?


Any resource spent on WW will be taken away from a new Zelda or new anything since the EAD staff move around. It is easier to remake a game that exists that to make a brand new one as you have a load of the assets done for you.


Yeah it would easier and cheaper to done nothing but this proves as a nice exercise in familiaring themselves with the hardware as they figure out how best to use it in the future.


But it's not going to have the same budget or even close as the full new game yet it will probably sell sufficiently well that it effectively makes more money per copy sold due to lower expenses.


I just see it as an easier way of monetising internal development than creating software from the ground up. Its combining a tech demo with an existing game to create a schedule filler to rake in some rupees.

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Any resource spent on WW will be taken away from a new Zelda or new anything since the EAD staff move around. It is easier to remake a game that exists that to make a brand new one as you have a load of the assets done for you.


Yeah it would easier and cheaper to done nothing but this proves as a nice exercise in familiaring themselves with the hardware as they figure out how best to use it in the future.


But it's not going to have the same budget or even close as the full new game yet it will probably sell sufficiently well that it effectively makes more money per copy sold due to lower expenses.


I just see it as an easier way of monetising internal development than creating software from the ground up. Its combining a tech demo with an existing game to create a schedule filler to rake in some rupees.

Plus, unless I misheard, they were messing with Wind Waker as the test for HD engines, or something similar and then that lead to this

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