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Xbox One Console Discussion


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So thanks to work I managed to get an Xbox One minus Kinect plus both Alien Isolation AND The Evil Within for £248.76 which I decided was far too good an offer to pass up, especially as I could sell the games to make back another £50 at least which would mean that I got the machine for less than £200! :D


I must admit it was Sunset Overdrive that did it for me, a third-person action shooter crossed with Jet Set Radio with shades of inFamous with a mutant apocalypse set in the middle of a vibrant city? Yes please! :)


Time to slap down a pre-order for that and Halo - just because - on ShopTo! : peace:

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So thanks to work I managed to get an Xbox One minus Kinect plus both Alien Isolation AND The Evil Within for £248.76 which I decided was far too good an offer to pass up, especially as I could sell the games to make back another £50 at least which would mean that I got the machine for less than £200! :D


I must admit it was Sunset Overdrive that did it for me, a third-person action shooter crossed with Jet Set Radio with shades of inFamous with a mutant apocalypse set in the middle of a vibrant city? Yes please! :)


Time to slap down a pre-order for that and Halo - just because - on ShopTo! : peace:


Oooh that's an amazing price Sam! Now it makes me sad that I'm paying so much :heh: !


Definitely got yourself a bargain! Sunset Overdrive looks so good doesn't it!! I hope its turns out well and it's not just a case of style over substance!


I went to GAME this morning and traded in some older games. Managed to get 50 quid to use on some One stuff prior to arrival...


Just need to pick up a live membership and maybe the digital TV receiver and media remote and I'm good to go!


I cancelled my Very order and went with ShopTo as they were offering the white One with Sunset Overdrive and COD (which will arrive when it's released) for same price as the bundle without COD included! Will just trade it straight in though prob.


I'll add you when I get mine S.C.G!

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Oooh that's an amazing price Sam! Now it makes me sad that I'm paying so much :heh: !


Definitely got yourself a bargain! Sunset Overdrive looks so good doesn't it!! I hope its turns out well and it's not just a case of style over substance!

I went to GAME this morning and traded in some older games. Managed to get 50 quid to use on some One stuff prior to arrival...


Just need to pick up a live membership and maybe the digital TV receiver and media remote and I'm good to go!


I cancelled my Very order and went with ShopTo as they were offering the white One with Sunset Overdrive and COD (which will arrive when it's released) for same price as the bundle without COD included! Will just trade it straight in though prob.


I'll add you when I get mine S.C.G!


I saw @Nintenchris play a lot of this during Extra Life and it is incredible!!!

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@S\.C\.G and @martinist, welcome to the One club! Do feel free to add me, 'Stankind' is my gamer tag, although I'm not about that often for online gaming, I'm still always up for trying to organise things :)


If you're even half interested in FPS, I'd recommend Titanfall which you can now get under £20 in CEX, really great game and addictive too, a cracking exclusive! Although it sounds like Sunset will keep you busy for some time :)


Also sorry @flameboy for not being able to get online and play with you (oooo-eeerr), I worked a 30 hour weekend and finally got some FIFA in at midnight last night!!

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Yay! Wanna hear your impressions! Unless you say the console is shit... in which cash shh haha. :heh:


Well I won't be setting it up until later or tomorrow but I have taken it all out of the box and all I can say right now is...


'How am I supposed to fit this 'thing' into my setup?!?' :blank:


Nothing can quite prepare you for just how big the console is in real life, I'll make room for it... somehow but it's going to require some serious thought.

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Well I won't be setting it up until later or tomorrow but I have taken it all out of the box and all I can say right now is...


'How am I supposed to fit this 'thing' into my setup?!?' :blank:


Nothing can quite prepare you for just how big the console is in real life, I'll make room for it... somehow but it's going to require some serious thought.


Hmm interesting.


I fear I may have the same problem then! I have all my consoles on a shelf above my TV along with Sky+ box etc, but when I put them all up there, I put the plugs above the shelf so all the wires would be hidden, as all my consoles then used to stand up. So the Wii U, PS3 and 360. Now, the majority of them are lay flat so my plugs are gonna be on show. :shakehead


First world problems I know :heh: but the whole idea of the consoles going up there in that way was to keep everything clean and tidy and hide wires. The HDMI's run down through the wall into a hole behind the tv where they come out and plug in to the back.

Now, my Wii U is lay down and the One will be so it's gonna be cabel and plug city!! Christ knows where that power brick is gonna hide! :laughing:


Think I'm gonna be in a similar dilemma! You should post a pic once you've figured it out though! I do enjoy a gaming set up photo! : peace:

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I know this may sound bothersome with some people considering the 360 overheating problems....but I don't think have the Xbox One in a relatively small space will cause issues it has one massive fan that kicks in and seems pretty effective at dispersing heat!


Anyway welcome to the gang guys! Please add me flameboyNE as I have very few xbox friends!

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@S\.C\.G and @martinist, welcome to the One club! Do feel free to add me, 'Stankind' is my gamer tag, although I'm not about that often for online gaming, I'm still always up for trying to organise things :)


If you're even half interested in FPS, I'd recommend Titanfall which you can now get under £20 in CEX, really great game and addictive too, a cracking exclusive! Although it sounds like Sunset will keep you busy for some time :)


Also sorry @flameboy for not being able to get online and play with you (oooo-eeerr), I worked a 30 hour weekend and finally got some FIFA in at midnight last night!!


That's completely fine! Don't worry about it I understand!

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Well I've got my Xbox One all up and running, because it's on the same shelf as my 360 I've had to stand it vertically so that the One has enough room, got all my settings sorted easily enough, the interface seems like a step back from the 360... :/ I really hope that it's something which will improve, you don't even seem to have the option of searching for games on the marketplace via the old A-Z option which I liked.


Still I redeemed my 14-day trial and I found this months games with gold so I've tried to download Crimson Dragon - that's a game I wanted anyway - and Chariot but it seems that they are almost downloaded but unplayable until I get proper Gold membership which is on the way, I assume it's the same deal as Playstation Plus then? It showed them up as 'Free' on the marketplace even with my trial so I assume that once I've got my 12 month sub I then get to keep them for as long as I'm a gold member?


The controller is rather nice, can't wait to actually try out a game with it though, also the machine is quieter than I expected it to be though granted this is without a game disc inserted, anyway first impressions are reasonably good. : peace:

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Thanks for posting your thoughts @S\.C\.G! : peace:


All sounds relatively promising although I get exactly where you're coming from with the step back comment. I think both xbox and ps owners have thought that about both the new consoles as although they both have a wealth of new features, from my looking into how they perform they're both criticised for not doing some basic stuff their previous gen version did.


Re the search function... isn't that coming in the November update?!

Or is that something else?


But yeah, I totally expect to feel the same as I last played my xbox when the dashboard was really good! Like amazing! Then they made it shirty with the windows stuff but at least it's customisable now to a degree!


I can't wait to get that controller in hand. Definitely the best controller I've held outside of the GC.


Glad you managed to find somewhere for it though! I'm still arguing with myself over where would be best! :heh:

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Haha you were @Nintenchris, whizzing about the world, was impressive!


Just a note for the new One owners, Titanfall is in the deals with gold this week, reduced to £27 for the game, and £6 for the season pass! While the game is still cheaper pre owned in most places, if you're thinking of getting the game at some point, which I would really recommend, then the season pass for £6 instead of £20 is a steal!

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I seen that earlier. Quite a good price tbh although even if they gave it away for free I don't think I could be tempted. :heh:


Granted I have only played the beta on my mates One a few months ago before it launched, but it just didn't do anything for me.


Maybe some form of co-op would entice me (I know there is a co-op mode, right?) but even then I just can't get excited or enthused about it!


However for those of us new to the One, or thinking about getting one, this is a great deal!


Sunset Overdrive and One bundles are showing as in stock with ShopTo now, so hopefully dispatches will start happening soon! : peace:


Also, anyone on here got Forza Horizon 2?! Any good for multiplayer?!

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Yeah they've patched in an new co op mode to the game, not had a chance to play it yet though but looks pretty good! :)


Haven't picked it up yet no, I'm thinking of doing EA Access though and then downloading Need For Speed on that, unless it's Mario Kart I'm not really a racer, no fun when you have to break...;)

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Yeah they've patched in an new co op mode to the game, not had a chance to play it yet though but looks pretty good! :)


Haven't picked it up yet no, I'm thinking of doing EA Access though and then downloading Need For Speed on that, unless it's Mario Kart I'm not really a racer, no fun when you have to break...;)


Haha that's always been my kinda thought! But I love how Forza has all the different cars and how their interiors are spot on! Level of detail is incredible!


I will try Forza and if I get on with it, great! But if not I'll be trading it in and picking something else up. It's not my normal type of game tbh but I thought I'd try something different having enjoyed the little go I had on Forza 5 a while back! : peace:

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Haven't picked it up yet no, I'm thinking of doing EA Access though and then downloading Need For Speed on that, unless it's Mario Kart I'm not really a racer, no fun when you have to break...;)


Just to note, Rivals is supposed to be pretty poor next to the recent Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted. So don't get EA access just for that.

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Just to note, Rivals is supposed to be pretty poor next to the recent Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted. So don't get EA access just for that.


Good knowledge! Haven't really looked into any reviews or anything so that is good to know, I'm kind of saving the whole thing til there's a drought of some sort, then I'll have 4 or 5 games to bash through as and when.

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