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Looks like I'll be defiantly getting an XB1 this year


Rob Semsey ‏@robSemsey 7m


Xbox Wire today mentioned a few 2014 titles; Halo on Xbox One not listed due to official name of the next title not announced yet.

Rob Semsey ‏@robSemsey 7m


Rest assured your next Halo journey WILL begin in 2014. #staycalm

This seems a bit intentionally ambiguous, he could just be referring to the Halo TV show or something.

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This seems a bit intentionally ambiguous, he could just be referring to the Halo TV show or something.


Most other places (inc IGN) are saying that the new Halo game is due out this year.


I actually quite hope it isn't as this year there is already Titanfall in March and Destiny and COD later in the year already. It would be good to spread the main FPSs around a bit.


I'm planning on getting an Xbox One in time for Titanfall's release.

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I'm pretty sure there are even laws against it, especially in the US.


Yeah your right I'm 99% sure content has to marked as sponsored/paid for.


Most other places (inc IGN) are saying that the new Halo game is due out this year.


I actually quite hope it isn't as this year there is already Titanfall in March and Destiny and COD later in the year already. It would be good to spread the main FPSs around a bit.


I'm planning on getting an Xbox One in time for Titanfall's release.


Yes I'm kind of the same! Plus I need to catch up story wise last Halo I played was 2!

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I'm pretty sure there are even laws against it, especially in the US.


There are laws about it in almost all countries, if anything Europe is stricter than the US.


The latest update for DR3 brings the total size of downloads to 25GB just to play the game. The game itself is 19.9GB.


Titanfall looks visually atrocious even if it is an 'alpha', though it is supposed to launch in two months. I love my 360 but there is no chance in hell I will be getting an Xbone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to starting Max: Curse of Brotherhood yesterday. I ended up playing it for 4-5 hours straight as I couldn't put it down.


Visually it looks fantastic, with the different worlds each having their own distinct feel and look. Some of the lighting is stunning in the cave levels.


The gameplay I thought would be a bit fiddly put it's fine. I do think it would have suited the Wii U GamePad far more that an actual pad though.


I look forward to getting back on this after work. :bouncy:

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I played Pokemon Stadium on Saturday if that helps?


It doesn't.. but Banjo Kazooie would :heh:


..but since this is an XBOX One thread I'll at least post something relevant. The name of the console seems a perfect fit seeing as One is exactly how many times I have played it.. ::shrug:

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I finally got around to starting Max: Curse of Brotherhood yesterday. I ended up playing it for 4-5 hours straight as I couldn't put it down.


Visually it looks fantastic, with the different worlds each having their own distinct feel and look. Some of the lighting is stunning in the cave levels.


The gameplay I thought would be a bit fiddly put it's fine. I do think it would have suited the Wii U GamePad far more that an actual pad though.


I look forward to getting back on this after work. :bouncy:


I had considered this one but figured its launch fodder and Microsoft do pretty good digital sales so it likely be dirt cheap some day.

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Battery indicator is coming back!


February 11 system updates


On February 11, the first update will be delivered to customers who sign into their Xbox One. It features many new improvements – including lots of behind-the-scenes updates for developers building apps and games for Xbox One, several new features we believe Xbox fans will love, stability and product updates to improve the customer experience, and continuous improvements to the quality of Kinect voice so commands become more fluid and responsive over time. While we won’t be going into all of the details of the product updates today, we will be sharing more information soon.


Some of the features you can expect to see on February 11 include:


The ability to see and manage your storage space. With this update, you will find it easy to find how much space your content takes up and better manage your content. You can also control your install lineup and more easily manage your download queue. We’ve separated My Games and My Apps into separate lists, so you can easily create separate queues for both. Now you can pick the order in which you want your content to load and we’ve added a boot progress indicator so you can better track updates while they load.

The battery power indicator is back! You can see it right on the home screen, so you can easily track how much battery life is left on your controller.

And, you will be able to use your USB keyboard with your Xbox One.


These are just a few of the many updates we will be shipping on February 11. We’ll share more details on these and other upcoming features in the coming weeks. We have several surprises in store that we think you’ll love.


March 4 system updates – countdown to “Titanfall”


On March 4, in advance of what is expected to be the biggest game launch of the year, we will be delivering another system update to prepare your Xbox One for “Titanfall.” This update will contain many new features and improvements, most significantly to our party and multiplayer systems. Available on March 11, “Titanfall” is a team-based online multiplayer game that showcases the power of Xbox Live, and we will be shipping a new party and multiplayer system that will help make “Titanfall” the must-have game for this generation.


I'm hoping they revert back to something similar to the 360s party chat.

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Battery indicator is coming back!




I'm hoping they revert back to something similar to the 360s party chat.


It's dumb to get excited about features that are just returning functionality but it kind of needs to be celebrated so they keep listening. I still can't believe what a mess the party system is...getting a coop seasons game on fifa can sometimes be such a ball ache.

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I was playing COD Ghosts last night on my friends One, we managed to beat the first extinction mode as a two so we are going through the second chapter, Nightfall.


As we were searching item boxes for weapons upgrades, I found an ACOG Scope. I said to him, just as we planted the drill, "do you want an ACOG Scope?" All of a sudden the game screen turns blue, and the console brings up Skype!! ACOG works for any Xbox command, be warned!! ;)

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Cynically they really shouldn't have bothered with a 360 version. I mean, it's the right thing to do for the customers, but it could be a system seller which convinces people (like @Charlie!) to get a One. If I could justify to my GF picking up the One in the year we are buying a house and I'm doing the Edinburgh Festival I would have one already! But alas I might pick up 360 Titanfall so I'm up to speed with it when I do get my One...hopefully Xmas! :D

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Cynically they really shouldn't have bothered with a 360 version. I mean, it's the right thing to do for the customers, but it could be a system seller which convinces people (like @Charlie!) to get a One. If I could justify to my GF picking up the One in the year we are buying a house and I'm doing the Edinburgh Festival I would have one already! But alas I might pick up 360 Titanfall so I'm up to speed with it when I do get my One...hopefully Xmas! :D


Tbh with you it isn't because of Titanfall we're getting it, it's more that we've been planning on it for a while and getting in on Titanfall release seems like a good idea. :P

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