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Xbox One Console Discussion


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I just dont think that EA and MS are cozying as much as people think, especially on this forum where there are a lot of bitter Nintendo fans. I think its going to be mostly early DLC and stuff like that we will see like we did with COD this gen.


Microsoft and EA have raging boners for each other right now.


EA are all about the bottom line.

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I just dont think that EA and MS are cozying as much as people think, especially on this forum where there are a lot of bitter Nintendo fans. I think its going to be mostly early DLC and stuff like that we will see like we did with COD this gen.


I dont think they are cosy. MS just have lots of major exclusive 3rd party deals which Sony lack. Fallout is also exclusive supposedly. Capcom have a major long standing franchise exclusive too. Its pretty much like the Vita again.

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Although a Banjo-Kazooie Kinect minigame collection (as the name heavilly suggests) sounds like what I would expect.


Slightly related. One of the games on that image - Halo: Spartan Assault - has just been

as some dual-stick shooter tablet game.
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Wow! I think that Fantasia Music Evolved might literally be the single most offensive game of all time for me...


Its sheer existence is utter sacrilege. How dare they slap the Fantasia name on this shit! :mad:


I never thought that anyone would stoop so low as to dubstep Fantasia, but here we are... Truly nothing is sacred in this god forsaken industry :cry:

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So I found out what a few of the exclusive games they're going to announce are. But I'm NDA'd so HA! /pointlesspostispointless


Did you find out what Rare's latest game is?


(I'll take 'no comment' to mean 'no')


I don't even know why I'm asking... :indeed:

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I would hold of some judgement of Fantasia until more is shown. Some games journalists that have played it came out quite impressed and have said that the trailer wasnt particularly a good first showing of the game. Plus John Drake from Harmonix has confirmed that the more classical songs will also be in there.

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E3's gonna be interesting to say the least, got the time off to watch it for a change. With the rumoured line-up snap above, it's still patchy as to if the One will be a purchase. But i have decided, i'm holding off on the next console until next year now. Let the Holiday rush come and go, then go out and make a next-gen purchase. I'll have enough to do until then with the current gen, a few replays as such and a heap of titles from Ninty to complete.

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Wow! I think that Fantasia Music Evolved might literally be the single most offensive game of all time for me...


Its sheer existence is utter sacrilege. How dare they slap the Fantasia name on this shit! :mad:


I never thought that anyone would stoop so low as to dubstep Fantasia, but here we are... Truly nothing is sacred in this god forsaken industry :cry:


I wouldn't care so much if they used the original (or similar) music as a conducting sim is quite unique (shush Wii Music players :heh:). But using contemporary music? Just no.


Also doesn't help that we saw no in-game footage. Unless it is really just going to be a mirror that adds glitter to your hands.

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Has no one mentioned the production issues? Apparently MS has severely gimped the hardware again. There's issues with eSRAM and the GPU needs to be underclocked leaving the PS4's now around x2 more powerful.


Apparently quite a major boob up that's too late to remedy. Confirmed by various sources all with the same information.


MS will not talk about the GPU at E3 now and will instead take Nintendo's lead in, not, talking, about.. .. it!


Mods, you can remove "rumor" from the title. ESRAM yields are "troubling", to put it lightly.


This is factual truth.


Btw, you won't hear tech talk at MS' conference. And the tech cannot change at this point. They're stuck with it.


MS rushed, they were caught off guard by Sony, due to a failure in leadership.

Edited by madeinbeats
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