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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Personally I'd just say that they are holding off talking about things until they want to actually announce it unlike MS who had different answers being given everyone who asked.


I think that's what they're playing it - creating a "will they/won't they" hype before coming out and saying "obviously not".

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I really don't think they're doing that. They might've kept their cards close to their chest to see how the public would react to the MS reveal, but they're unlikely to be able to retract their deals with Publishers and make a quick decision on DRM this late on, that's assuming they'd even want to.

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On top of that, they seem to be deliberately unclear about the "online connection required" thing (different to "always online").


Cerny and Yoshida have both said you don't need to be online.


Tried to embed this using the IGN tags but to no avail :(


Anyways Warframe is coming to PS4 on it's launch.


Trailer in the link.


It's currently a free to play PC game available via steam, being playing it for awhile and it's fun. Think of it as ninja's in space - should add it's nothing like naruto's ninjas.


Quoting one of the developers:




Will remain free to play on PS4 according to trailer. Here is the old Open Beta trailer:



OK back to my lurking ways now.


This actually looks pretty good. I'm surprised.


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Cerny and Yoshida have both said you don't need to be online.




This actually looks pretty good. I'm surprised.



Best thing is that it's free and already available to play on pc via steam, so you may wanna try it out there and see if you like it. Constantly evolving through updates as well.


Maybe deserves a topic of it's own actually...

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DC Universe Online and Planetside 2 Coming to PlayStation 4


When Sony announced that the PlayStation 4 wasn't going to be backwards compatible or allow you to download current PlayStation Network titles, DC Universe Online players freaked out. Had the hours spent creating heroes and villains in the MMO been a waste?


Today, Sony Online Entertainment has an answer: no. DC Universe Online is coming to the PlayStation 4 -- and so is Planetside 2, the first-person shooter MMO currently available for PC.


Seeing as how we don't know when the PS4 will be released, SOE kept the release dates for DCUO and Planetside 2 loose and simply said the PS4 versions will be available as free-to-play digital downloads this year.


If you already thought that Planetside 2 was headed to the PS4, it's probably because you caught Up at Noon six months ago when a developer pretty much confirmed the team was working on a next-gen version.



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Sony Santa Monica will announce a new title during next week's E3, it's been revealed.


According to a report on VentureBeat, the God of War developer is set to stream the unannounced title during a live broadcast on Twitch next Tuesday, June 11.


Sony's press conference takes place at 2am BST the same day, where the game will likely be announced.


I can't wait to see what kind of visuals these guys can do on the PS4. Their PS3 stuff was stunning.

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The FF thing is real? 14 makes sense on PS4. I still have my £4 pre order on FF14 PS3 though :p



Awesome awesome news. PS2 is stupidly fun on PC. It has hefty spec requirements though. But its a true next gen game that isnt possible on older hardware(not just graphically).


DCU is going to be compatible with PS3 accounts. So you can play seamlessly.


Planetside 2 is also coming to Mac but no date yet. PS4 is this year currently. No plans on interaction between console and PC/Mac.


I found a non ign trailer which is decentish qualty. The IGN one is turd quality.


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Passive recording means we don't have to think about it. The serendipity of pulling off the impossible and having it on film is magic. So when we have that amazing moment we can instantly share it with our friends. Not on some restrictive closed ecosystem but with the entire web using open standards.


I was so happy to read this.


Sony has built a machine from the ground up thinking about user-generated content and the online lives we live, making it easier for studios to use user-generated content in their games. This extends into media. For example, imagine a web TV show based around a few witty friends playing through a user-generated mission campaign.


Sounds like they've really expanded on their Play, Create, Share to a completely different level.

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A bunch of pricing/online rumours from Gaf.


I want GAF to prepare for the worst, so I'm going to put this out here right now:


PlayStation World will be a tiered premium service. Most likely paywall will be there. Still unclear if the most basic functions aren't behind a pay wall, but MOST features will be.


Price of the system should be $429 low end-- $529 (larger hd + camera + better finishing?).


I know its been posted before, but it's mostly right. If you are ok with the price, everything else should make you happy.


This information is a bit old and NOTHING new has come. I know Bruce is on the case trying to figure things out as well, but I think there will be an online play paywall. The tiered plan I am hearing will be-


A. Basic online play / cross game chat / streaming. (30 a year)


B. All of A. + PS Plus discounts / games (60 a year)


C. Gaikai Streaming (100 dollars a year)


Numbers were guesses, and this info is from a week AFTER PS Meeting.


The rumours are old but the Gaf dude has simply heard the same stuff. Although another Gaf member has heard that the packages have been altered and online is still free.


Gotta love pre E3 rumours. Only a few days to go!

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I can't see them not including the camera with every system. I also can't see them charging for online play, that might have made sense at the beginning of this generation but there are so many more services to charge for now. Not to mention it acts as a barrier to online DLC - nah, I just don't buy that.


Also, I'm highly suspect of having three separate premium tiers - Sony won't want to confuse the consumer, it took them long enough to get across the value of Plus. I can see Option A not existing, with the other two options being accurate.

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I want GAF to prepare for the worst, so I'm going to put this out here right now:


PlayStation World will be a tiered premium service. Most likely paywall will be there. Still unclear if the most basic functions aren't behind a pay wall, but MOST features will be.


Price of the system should be $429 low end-- $529 (larger hd + camera + better finishing?).


I know its been posted before, but it's mostly right. If you are ok with the price, everything else should make you happy.


This information is a bit old and NOTHING new has come. I know Bruce is on the case trying to figure things out as well, but I think there will be an online play paywall. The tiered plan I am hearing will be-


A. Basic online play / cross game chat / streaming. (30 a year)


B. All of A. + PS Plus discounts / games (60 a year)


C. Gaikai Streaming (100 dollars a year)


Numbers were guesses, and this info is from a week AFTER PS Meeting.


After the whole Xbone, PC online drm and Nintendo account mess we dont need more anti consumer nonsense. Online Play needs to be free or its a slippery slope. Gaming is entertainment why treat people like criminals? I play tons but not regularly. I can be off for months sometimes.


The expensive pricing makes sense. That I can understand for a launch.

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So around £350 for the lower model when you add in tax and an extra amount to round up.


I don't mind the lower paid tier if it's included with PS+. Although they had better make existing PS+ subscriptions count as Tier B. I'm fine without Gaikai, too.

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Am I the only who couldn't give a crap about what the console looks like? Surprised they're building it up this much to be honest.


So is the sony conference on at 2am?! I'd like to say i won't watch it, but i think I'm already certain I will :) What is the xbox time5pm? There's an apple one too. I was going to take monday off work, but actually makes sense to have tuesday off, conferences start at 5 on the monday, late night tuesday watching sony, up and starting wanking in prep for Nintendo's. DONE!!!

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