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Square Enix dropping some PS4 games in there conference.


The PS4 is doing really well on the japanese side. That Sony e3 conference was just insane though and there are still new games being announced! I found it funny how FPS games were overshadowed by other stuff this year. No longer the special big genre.


The media player is really good so far too. Its much more basic than PS3 but supports mkv but not other stuff that might get updates. Using Universal Media Server right now. They just have to add a PS4 profile. :)




A continuation of PS3 media server but supports lots of devices! They should add a PS4 profile soon.

Edited by Choze
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Where do you get the information?


On my usual gaming news sites it's currently just Nintendo and Square Enix news.

I've used youtube for 50% of the stuff this year.


Square enix conference was what i was reffering to. Afew PS4 games there. There is more via game websites covering stuff not shown at conference.


We got Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls coming to PS4 in Europe only.


I cant really single out any single website? Gamersyde for high quality trailer downloads btw. Play back on Ps4/PS3.

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I've used youtube for 50% of the stuff this year.


Square enix conference was what i was reffering to. Afew PS4 games there. There is more via game websites covering stuff not shown at conference.


We got Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls coming to PS4 in Europe only.


Ah, I somehow interpreted your "new games announced" as "new indies announced" and I still miss those :D


Yeah, the SE conference had some cool announcements.

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Genuinely starting to consider the possibility of upgrading from PS3 to PS4, considering things like Uncharted 1-3, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain are all available, or to be released, on PS4.


With Uncharted 4, Shenmue III and The Last Guardian all on the way, it has been a strange E3 where Nintendo really did drop the ball and make me at least contemplate the possibility of a PS4, when I previously felt it to be completely unnecessary :eek:

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Genuinely starting to consider the possibility of upgrading from PS3 to PS4, considering things like Uncharted 1-3, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain are all available, or to be released, on PS4.


With Uncharted 4, Shenmue III and The Last Guardian all on the way, it has been a strange E3 where Nintendo really did drop the ball and make me at least contemplate the possibility of a PS4, when I previously felt it to be completely unnecessary :eek:


Well, if you do, there are shit loads of us to play with here.Really glad this place is as active as it is. Makes playing PS4 even better.

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I was pretty underwhelmed by E3 on all fronts to be honest. No Metroid, no Mario platformer, nothing new from Persona 5, Fallout 4 would've been a great reveal if it had waited until E3. The best things we saw were things we knew were coming anyway, with the exception of Horizon, but it's too early to get hopeful for that one. I was never particularly interested in The Last Guardian in the first place.


Destiny Expansion and FFVII were definitely the best things in the show for me, but the latter could be a trainwreck/vapourware/a million miles away.


Ah well, Batman next week :)

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I’m still blown away by the E3 we just had. I was saying to a friend after the Ubisoft conference that I put on WWE network in the room I was watching E3, and took lie down on the bed and was getting sleepier and sleepier and thinking “maybe I could just watch Sony tomorrow” (I had stayed up till 4am the previous day watching a WWE pay per view live) … but then I thought about the reason I had Tuesday off work, I could sleep then, I should persevere and watch Sony conference live, probably the one I was most excited about, I couldn’t bail on it now I’d got this far.


So I played Witcher, keeping my mind focused on something kept me awake, by 1:45am the hype was back, and sleepiness was a none factor. I got back on the PC and set the stream up. I then browsed GAF reading their excitement. The excitement levels on the boards got my levels higher.


Then when It started and the very first game to be shown was TLG it was instant satisfaction I’d stayed up. I was so happy to see this happen live and read reactions to it. The excitement was just overwhelming, I really wish Sony was on earlier when my friends were awake as I felt like I was gonna explode. Not being able to message this news to my friends like I had been during Microsoft earlier.


And if that wasn’t enough the next thing to be shown Horizon was equally as mind blowing. But it didn’t end, it just kept getting better and better. A bit of a down turn on Destiny which was followed by Assassins Creed, 2 games I’m a bit meh about, but I understand why they did this, they’ve got marketing deals with them and want to push that the PS4 is the best place to experience these 3rd party titles with additional exclusive goodies.


But then it happened. Square Enix show World of final fantasy and the room was just a really pathetic little round of applause. You could tell there was frustration. Then another S-E video starts after an introduction by Adam Boyes… and im watching like.. “this looks familiar, is it… is that? Is it happening?” I was excited, but I kept a lid on it a little as there was every chance this could have just been a FF7 movie reveal given how much Square and Sony have teased previously. But then the end of the trailer it shows ‘REMAKE’. Once again I was in desperate need to talk to someone, I’m literally stood in my room punching the air, silently shouting “yes Yeaah, wooah” keeping quiet as to not disturb my wife sleeping next door.


An indie reel of 4 games shows, I’m not bothered at all, I’m still in shock really. Then the next thing Boyes talks about kickstarting a game that we all love and want. I’m already sure I know what’s happening, it cuts to black and a leaf falls from the screen, then Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3. By this point I’m not really watching or listening properly what’s happening. I’m stood up again with my hands over my face repeating “oh my god oh my god”. Everything else that followed was a bit of a blur to me, still good games in Arkham Knight, Battlefront, COD Blops 3, and more marketing deals with the likes of those 3 games and Disney Infinity, but it was already over in my eyes.


When they ended with More Uncharted 4 I was sat there holding the notebook I’d been writing my notes in just smiling at the monitor. I couldn’t believe what I’d seen, it was something of myth and legend to get the announcements I’d just witnessed happen. But they did.


And as I was writing up a conference roundup I was thinking to myself, “and I was going to go to sleep”.



It's unbelievable how the hype from this conference came crashing down on the evening while watching the Nintendo conference.


It's been a hell of an E3, one of legends. The only thing that could have topped it if if Steam revealed Half Life 3 during the PC conference last night.

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Why bring Kerbal Space Program to PS4?

As the fanbase of our game has grown, we’ve received a constant influx of pokes and requests from people asking us to bring our game to PS4. With the power of current generation PS4 and the flexibility and ease of use of the Unity engine, bringing KSP over to the PS4 is simply a no brainer. Space is for everyone, regardless of how you prefer to play.


How will the game work on PS4?

That’s another thing we had asked ourselves for quite a while and simply had to make a goal: We could simply not compromise on players’ experience. Thankfully, the PS4 controller has systems that make building and flying rockets just as easy and intuitive as the PC version.


How are you bringing Kerbal Space Program to PS4?

We’ve teamed up with Flying Tiger Entertainment to bring the game to PS4. They have experience and have shown us time and time again that they were simply the right choice to make sure that the players receive a quality game on their PS4, and not a lazy port.


Will this have a negative effect on the development of the PC version?

Absolutely not. If anything, working in collaboration with Flying Tiger has helped us speed up processes like the Unity 5 upgrade, but in general the two will remain separate versions of the game, much like the educational version TeacherGaming works on!


Source (official Forum)



Awesome news. The game is supposed to be fun. I've always toyed with the idea of buying the PC version but now I will gladly wait. : peace:

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Yeah, it's not the right thread for it, was just really surprised I guess.


It's all about Battlefield for me. I'm a sucker for any Star Wars game, never mind one that looks as good as this!!!


If there's voice chat in this game and people don't do voices which reflect their character, I'm changing lobby!


Yeah, you don't have to worry about that. This aint a Nintendo game. :heh:

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Genuinely starting to consider the possibility of upgrading from PS3 to PS4, considering things like Uncharted 1-3, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain are all available, or to be released, on PS4.


With Uncharted 4, Shenmue III and The Last Guardian all on the way, it has been a strange E3 where Nintendo really did drop the ball and make me at least contemplate the possibility of a PS4, when I previously felt it to be completely unnecessary :eek:


I'm going to be honest, brah. I'm not sure if you'll enjoy it anywhere near as much as others. You love your retro games and I don't think you've played a game made from 2010 onwards. :p


Would be delighted if you got a PS4 and fell in love with it. We'd have fun times. Tbh, if I hadn't had one by now, I would've bought one straight after the Nintendo conference (after watching the Sony one, then Nintendo). Nintendo can't deliver atm and there's just too much good stuff on other systems (whether it's PS4 or One or PC) to miss out on.


I don't regret it one bit. I'm gaming more now than I have done since the N64 era and I'm playing for longer, too. Not just short sessions, but long playthroughs. 10 or 12 fucking hours straight on The Witcher 3, brah. Dunno how many in a row on Bloodborne. I can't get enough.


When Uncharted comes, I think I'm going to cry.

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You've not been gaming at all then? Crazy.


Not for the last month. I did play MH4U religiously for a while when it came out though.


It's an odd one as there are plenty games I want to play, but I think the combination of Destiny DLC being an overpriced bag of shit and Nintendo just being utterly wank I'd been put off switching my consoles on.


I fell out of love with gaming for a bit but this E3 (Sony's, not Nintendo's... urgh) has rekindled my want to play again. The game more than any other that made me feel like this is The Last Guardian!


I've a couple weeks off work from next week so I'm just going to knuckle down and clear my back-log, then I'll pick up The Witcher and Batman.

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So what are the big PS4 releases for the end of 2015?


Destiny: The Taken King

Fallout 4

MGS The Phantom Pain

Mad Max

Assassin's Creed

Black Ops

Star Wars Battlefront


Hmmm...no exclusives but slightly less bothered because of the multiplatforms games.

Just Cause 3! :awesome:


Looking forward to checking out the Uncharted Collection and possibly Star Wars too.

Gutted that there's still no news of a release date for The Tomorrow Children though :( and it looks like RIME was nowhere to be seen at E3. :blank: Seems like both of those will be 2016 releases at this point. :hmm:

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Genuinely starting to consider the possibility of upgrading from PS3 to PS4, considering things like Uncharted 1-3, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us and Heavy Rain are all available, or to be released, on PS4.


With Uncharted 4, Shenmue III and The Last Guardian all on the way, it has been a strange E3 where Nintendo really did drop the ball and make me at least contemplate the possibility of a PS4, when I previously felt it to be completely unnecessary :eek:


Im going to echo Flinky here. Think long and hard about the types of games you enjoy playing and look at what's on offer on the PS4. A lot of the games are open world or require a large amount of time to be invested. Another thing is that a lot of games are very online focused.


Don't get me wrong, it would be great to have you playing with us on the likes of FIFA but I just don't see how the PS4 would be a good fit for you, especially given how you feel about the PS3. We warned Dazzybee about making this kind of decision and it looks to have bit him in the butt.


Just Cause 3! :awesome:


Looking forward to checking out the Uncharted Collection and possibly Star Wars too.

Gutted that there's still no news of a release date for The Tomorrow Children though :( and it looks like RIME was nowhere to be seen at E3. :blank: Seems like both of those will be 2016 releases at this point. :hmm:


Sony said before E3 that a lot of stuff was being held back for the Paris convention, much like Microsoft holding back stuff for Gamescom. I imagine both of these games will show up when they do their presser in Paris.

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Well E3 got my interest in console gaming again. Iv been mainly playing FFXI on the PC (My first MMO which is now 13 years old and stops recieving updates in November) but with No Mans Sky (Poor guy presenting it looked so nervous), FFVII remake and Shenmue III...... My body is ready.


Infact i remember when i joined this forum i got an infraction for starting a thread called "Shenmue III announced" or something like that :P Mmmmm Shenmue.... Mmmmm FFVII.... Now they need to remake VIII as well.....

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Don't worry, @Hero\-of\-Time :heh:


The truth is that I'm still not really that interested in picking up a PS4, despite a couple of games that I probably wouldn't mind playing. There's definitely not enough to warrant a purchase for me personally, especially when I still have plenty of other games I wish to play on consoles I already own. I still have to finish Tomb Raider on PS3, for example.. and I haven't yet begun Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception : peace:


Ultimately, yesterday was just one of those days where Nintendo came off pretty bad whilst Sony had a decent showing.. just not a decent enough showing to make me think that a PS4 really fits into my life :smile:

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