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Report: PS4 Heavily Integrated With Gaikai, YouTube, Social Networks



But there’s more interesting news. Wall Street Journal’s sources indicate that PS4 will interact heavily with social services, and will allow direct video upload to YouTube, straight from the console. You may even be able to "compete" with players on other hardware, though what that specifically means remains to be seen.


The new PlayStation also will allow players to share achievements on social networks through smoother links to Facebook or Twitter, while also enabling aspects such as sharing footage of game play online through YouTube, people familiar with Sony’s plans said. Sony’s new console may also allow users to compete against others using different hardware, such as smartphones and other portable devices, those people said.

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That controller is awful. I think the dualshock is the worst of all the consoles and has been for years and was hoping they'd completely change it, and that touch pad will be as useful as the rear touch pad on the vita I imagine.


But like everyone, does it really matter? Bring some amazing, exclusive games I'll get one day one. (Unless the 720 can trump it (not getting both) which I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt)

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I was firmly in the Xbox camp up until a week ago - but i seem to be slip-sliding Sony's way with all this hype.


Probably won't get either at launch - instead i'll wait and see how they both go, but at the moment, Sony seems to be winning the hypetition.

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I was firmly in the Xbox camp up until a week ago - but i seem to be slip-sliding Sony's way with all this hype.


Probably won't get either at launch - instead i'll wait and see how they both go, but at the moment, Sony seems to be winning the hypetition.


I have a 360 but I've barely touched the thing over the years, heck, last time I touched it was for Sonic Generations. I just can no longer justify myself for sticking with the Microsoft consoles.


I think next generation may see me fully switch to the PC as my platform of choice. I'm calling it too early admittedly, but unless something spectacular comes along that will only be available on a console that doesn't force me to use "innovations" I'm not keen on, I can't see myself changing my mind.


Nintendo home consoles and me don't seem to get along after the Wii. I bought one at launch, very quickly sold it due to the lack of interesting titles and bought it again 2 years ago or so at £40 to catch up on the games I wanted to play.

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We all know I'm pretty firmly in Nintendo's camp but the Wii U is probably their first console where I remain unconvinced of its future and am having to start peaking my head around the corner to see what everyone else is doing these days :hmm:


My hope is that the Wii U turns things around and becomes a great console over the next few years but, if not, I'd probably have to say I'd be more inclined to go towards the PlayStation than XBOX due to being able to play online for free and first party software that is slightly more appealing. The controller, however, needs a huge overhaul. The DualShock has been getting progressively worse since the decent first iteration on PS1. They may all have similar aspects, but they feel so different :nono:

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Everyone who already has fast internet will be getting BT infinity by 2015.


It's not really 'fast', just standard speeds at the moment (ie. up to 8Mb). But yeah, obviously no one in the Shetland islands should be banking on fibre any time soon.


Also found out that news article was a bit old. Apparently they must be pushing, as they anticipate to finish the two-thirds target 18 months early, ie. by Spring next year.


Good news.

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It's not really 'fast', just standard speeds at the moment (ie. up to 8Mb). But yeah, obviously no one in the Shetland islands should be banking on fibre any time soon.


Also found out that news article was a bit old. Apparently they must be pushing, as they anticipate to finish the two-thirds target 18 months early, ie. by Spring next year.


Good news.

are you refering to their FAST internet or infinity as only getting 8mb?


because i have infinity and get around 37-39mb download speeds

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Virgin speeds are good and pretty much at the speed advertised, but fuck man, that awful latency.


Actually. That's one problem with BT. The advertised speed for my workplace was just under 20Mbps (it was personalised to us - something like 19.83Mbps). The maximum speed is actually 12Mbps - the advertised 20Mbps was the exchange speed.


Still, until a month ago, my mum got a maximum speed of 0.3Mbps (now it's 1Mbps). It just seem unfair to have big features that cut people out like that (then again, you could say that they're already pretty much cut out from digital downloads and online gaming - and they're paying the BBC which puts money into iPlayer).

Edited by Cube
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are you refering to their FAST internet or infinity as only getting 8mb?


because i have infinity and get around 37-39mb download speeds


No I meant when Cube said all people with 'fast' broadband are getting fibre he must have meant people currently without fibre (which most of the case means people with speeds 'up to' 8Mb from my experience).

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No I meant when Cube said all people with 'fast' broadband are getting fibre he must have meant people currently without fibre (which most of the case means people with speeds 'up to' 8Mb from my experience).


Yes - I was basing it on around 7-8Mbps broadband. Although I take it back slightly - upon seeing that they have no plans for my area, it's good to see that they're not focusing on Virgin Media Fibre areas.

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Yeah, I'm definitely switching to Infinity this year. BT seems to have sorted their shit out.


Oh also I'll say that once BT have laid down the fibre it's not necessary to go with infinity, if you want to check out other providers (as is the case with current broadband).

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