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Pokemon Wii U (Wanted / Why isn't it happening?)


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VGChatrz shows...


Pokémon Stadium - 5.45m

Pokémon Snap - 3.63m

Pokémon Stadium 2 - 2.73

Pokémon Colosseum - 2.54m

Hey You Pikachu - 1.83m

Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness - 1.25m


Quite surprised to see that Snap outsold Stadium 2. Although I never enjoyed Stadium 2 that much. The first one was amazing though.

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Pokemon games on home consoles have always done well - even though they've often been sub par or spin-offs no one really asked for.


A proper Pokemon game on a home console would be a huge draw. I think the only thing that stops it is because it's supposedly better on handhelds. Like Nintendo Land can't be online because it's meant to be better when played as a group!


Nintendo logic wins!

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Actually (sorry if this has been brought up), but with handheld Pokemon going 3D (polygons), this would be an ideal time to establish a console series too. They could share assets. So many people want a console Pokemon RPG (and have done for ages), it does seem strange that there isn't one.


(Please just leave Level-5 to other things though! ;))

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The idea of Pokémon is for you to take them with you to be social and trade and battle with your friends. This is the core ethos of Pokémon. It is what the developers continually say is the core thing of the game.


A home console version would lose that. While it'd have battling and trades online, it just goes against the whole idea that Pokémon is meant to be portable.


MMORPGs would need a massive overhault of the entire engine, battles etc. to work so, if they were to ever do an MMORPG, it'd have to be a spin-off like PokéPark. That could happen, but main series...no

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Well if we can't have a pokemon console RPG, nintendo should release a super Gameboy/Gameboy Player style accessory that will allow play of DS and 3DS games on the WiiU, it has two screens now, and the bottom screen is always inventory/battle moves so it can work on a wiiU

this is my demand, console pokemon RPG or DS/3DS player attachment


*obviously 3D element won't work but hey ho

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Quite surprised to see that Snap outsold Stadium 2. Although I never enjoyed Stadium 2 that much. The first one was amazing though.


Well Stadium 2 did come out quite late in the life of the N64 so it's not surprising it didn't sell as much as people would have already moved/looking to move on to new machines.


I also think that a lot people may have slightly mistook what the first Stadium game was supposed to be and probably expected a bit of an adventure to go along with the battling.... even though it was never advertised that way and never meant to be like that - but people get things in their head from the strangest of places.


Also, Stadium 2 didn't come with the transfer pak which was fine if you bought Stadium 1 but otherwise, they weren't easy to come by.


Personally, I got a lot of enjoyment out of both of them though 1 had the better Mini games and reward Pokémon (all the starters and Eevees was a dream and much better than Farfetch'd and an Earthquaking Gligar) though the move relearner was useful for giving me Aeroblast on Lugia and Wing Attack on one of my Dragonites. Stadium 2 had the better soundtrack though as did Gen 2 over Gen 1 including a fantastic rendition of the already brilliant Johto Trainer battle theme (my favourite battle theme by far).


Broadcast Yourself


Stadium 2 also had the library which was like was like having a Pokémon players guide without having to fork out another £15!


And strange as it sounds, but I got a lot out of Pokémon Colleseum too - I have over 100hrs on that thing.


Don't let my rants in the X/Y thread fool you, I've a had a lot of great times with Pokémon over the years but I would like to see a fresh twist on the classic games... preferrably for the big screen and yes, it would do wonders for sales in a way the spin offs never could.


And hearing the Pokémon say their names is miles better than the hearing the digitized screeches we are all familiar with - it worked a treat in Snap.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Well, thing is that Pokémon is designed for portable consoles. Short fights, easy combat system. I think that the devs would end up with an impossible dilemma:


Keep what made the original games great, and have people complain that it's too simple for a home console?


Or flesh it out and have fans raving that the original formula has been butchered?



Because just like people are moaning and angry whenever anyone mentions voice acting in Zelda, would people like the progress that moving the game to an HD, disc based home console would mean? Cutscenes, a fully fledged 3D world with a free camera, voice acting, probably a more sophisticated combat system? Remember what happened to GTA: Chinatown Wars. The devs made a game adapted to the limitations of a system, it was praised. Then they moved it to a more powerful system with a bigger monitor, where similar, better experiences already exist, noone cared.

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A Pokémon RPG would sell millions, I'd bet. And sure, they'd have to change a fair few aspects to make it work on a console but so what?


God forbid they try and actually evolve the series *ahem*


I must add that I've actually allways wanted a home console Pokémon, since I'm not too much of a portable gamer. But like I said, just look at all the negative comments you get whenever you try to imply that you want to see voice acting in Zelda. People starting to talk about it being "part of the atmosphere" (even though there in fact was a voice acted Zelda for the Satellaview, and that up until Wind Waker, it was always down to technical limitations).

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Whenever this convo crops up, all I think about is Pokemon Colosseum and it makes me :nono:



Pokemon Colosseum is a good example of people still willing to flash the cash for a half-arsed Pokemon adventure game on a Home Console. Heck, I probably bought it about twice (preowned) just for the joy of some Pokemon battles.


The game was literally, half-arsed; part-stadium, part-adventure. Of course one or the other will be crappy, and in this case it was both. Tbf, there isn´t any Pokemon storyline on the portable series that I could give two stuff about... Storyline isn´t a Pokemon strong point, but this is what Game Freak/Nintendo could make a point of.


Outside of Zelda (and even thats pushing it) and bar a few others, Nintendo hasn´t provided much of an RPG/Adventure experience for Home Consoles.


Pokemon fit in ANYWHERE! Pokemon could fit in a Final Fantasy storyline without a problem. It doesn´t even have to be online. Pokemon is - for the most part - about battling - and that turn-based fighting system is a classic, tried and true, can´t-fuck-with-it system. The people who spent 50 pounds on a game like Battle Revolution, more than anything - and like the Stadium games - just wanted to battle on a big screen with glorious visuals, not looking down at a 4" something screen with dated pixelations of whats meant to look like a Flamethrower for example.


ALL someone has to do is create a GOOD storyline.... Brainstorm, sit down and THINK, find SOLUTIONS for these constraints, or so-called constraints... Within a week or two, you´re sitting on a gold mine, people are happy. Isn´t this what a game developer does? Nintendo hasn´t done anything for me in recent memory that has blew me away because of this lazy mentality. And now, I´m watching my 350 pound Wii U Christmas gift gather dust as I´m kind of reminded of this time back during the Wii launch. Something has to change, man.

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A Pokémon RPG would sell millions, I'd bet. And sure, they'd have to change a fair few aspects to make it work on a console but so what?


God forbid they try and actually evolve the series *ahem*

It's not evolving the series, it's fundamentally changing it for no reason.

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Pokemon Colosseum is a good example of people still willing to flash the cash for a half-arsed Pokemon adventure game on a Home Console. Heck, I probably bought it about twice (preowned) just for the joy of some Pokemon battles.


Well exactly.

You bought it for Pokemon battles. You didn't buy it for the RPG element of it as it wasn't very good...


What I'd like to see is a new Pokemon Stadium game. That's the type of home console Pokemon experience that I'd expect to see for Wii U.


As I mentioned in my previous post, the element of trading and battling with friends is made much more accessible to the masses and young kids who have DS's.

Trying to replicate that on a home console would be much more difficult and take away what the game is fundamentally about.

Just my opinion. : peace:

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The idea of Pokémon is for you to take them with you to be social and trade and battle with your friends. This is the core ethos of Pokémon. It is what the developers continually say is the core thing of the game.


A home console version would lose that. While it'd have battling and trades online, it just goes against the whole idea that Pokémon is meant to be portable.



Nintendo released a home console Pokémon with additional hardware (and they've not been afraid of doing so with some of the handheld versions in the past) like a small device that enables the player to take their data with them while they're out and about.


*Enters daydreaming mode* :hehe:


Imagine a new, more advanced type of Pokéwalker, that allows you to sync your game data from the Wii U game (Pokémon U :heh:), and lets you trade or battle others, perhaps even feature some kind of StreetPass functionality!


The perfect solution, no?

We'd be able to get a proper Pokémon RPG on the Wii U, while retaining most of the portable "core ethos". :cool:


*Awaits the wrath of Serebii* :grin:

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Nintendo released a home console Pokémon with additional hardware (and they've not been afraid of doing so with some of the handheld versions in the past) like a small device that enables the player to take their data with them while they're out and about.


*Enters daydreaming mode* :hehe:


Imagine a new, more advanced type of Pokéwalker, that allows you to sync your game data from the Wii U game (Pokémon U :heh:), and lets you trade or battle others, perhaps even feature some kind of StreetPass functionality!


The perfect solution, no?

We'd be able to get a proper Pokémon RPG on the Wii U, while retaining most of the portable "core ethos". :cool:


*Awaits the wrath of Serebii* :grin:


Seriously guys, it won't happen.

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Stadium 2 was incredible. So much stuff there, from battles to minigames to advanced battle mechanic tutorials and a very detailed pokemon database. Not to mention in-game emulators, which allowed you to play Gold/Silver with double/triple speed! Now that's how you do a spin-off game right.


Compared to that, Colosseum was utter shit, and I hear Battle Revolution is not much better either.

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@Serebii it wouldn't be changing it for no reason, it would be changing it for a console release, something that a lot of gamers have been after for years.


@RedShell or transfer it to an app on 3DS? :D

The reason people wanted it on a home console is because they wanted it in 3D. They wanted a full 3D adventure. We now have that due to better technology



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@Serebii it wouldn't be changing it for no reason, it would be changing it for a console release, something that a lot of gamers have been after for years.


@RedShell or transfer it to an app on 3DS? :D


Lots more people want Pokemon on a handheld. You seriously think Nintendo should just throw away that huge Pokemon fan base they have created on handhelds?


Also the 3DS is the number 1 console for nintendo. Cant imagine shareholders would have been too happy if this game was announced for Wii U instead.


Seriously, game will have awesome street pass features, local/online battles and 3D pokemon in your hand whenever you want!!


cant understand why anyone would prefer Pokemon to be released on Wii U.

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They don't have to do one or the other, I think they should keep the handheld series as it is, as to not upset the core fan base. But it would be great to also have a home console version that's a little different.


It would be in the same way Nintendo release New Super Mario Bros. titles as well as Mario Galaxy/3D Land titles.

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Exactly, where are people getting the 'one or the other' idea from.


Nintendo do handheld and console versions of pretty much everyone of their First Party titles, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart etc... so why not Pokémon?


It's not evolving the series, it's fundamentally changing it for no reason.
Was that your opinion of Mario 64 as well?


I can't see any reason why there can't be both handheld Pokémon games, and story driven Pokémon RPG's on home consoles.


Pokémon X and Y aren't what I would be after at all from a 'full 3D adventure', the series has the potential to be a beautiful animated RPG, not an evolution of every handheld Pokémon game before it with N64 visuals.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Was that your opinion of Mario 64 as well?


I can't see any reason why there can't be both handheld Pokémon games, and story driven Pokémon RPG's on home consoles.


Pokémon X and Y aren't what I would be after at all from a 'full 3D adventure', the series has the potential to be a beautiful animated RPG, not an evolution of every handheld Pokémon game before it with N64 visuals.

You seem to have a warped memory of N64 visuals :p

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Not really. I don't think the visuals in Pokémon X and Y are all that good, I prefer the look of Paper Mario for example.


And you didn't answer my question,


It's not evolving the series, it's fundamentally changing it for no reason.

Did you same the same thing about Mario 64 when that was shown?

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Not really. I don't think the visuals in Pokémon X and Y are all that good, I prefer the look of Paper Mario for example.


And you didn't answer my question,



Did you same the same thing about Mario 64 when that was shown?

They changed that with reason.

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