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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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Why on earth is anyone buying a Vita.


To be fair, it has a reasonably decent catalogue of games now and can play pretty much all PS1 games and nearly all the PSP games that were available digitally. There's a lot of content to get for it, even though it hasn't got many blockbuster titles. That indie and HD remake scene too.


It just becomes more and more attractive I think, especially at around £100 and all the shit people accumulate on Plus.

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Nintendo platforms not a big part of Ubisoft’s latest financial results


Ubisoft support for Nintendo platforms appears to be in steep decline. In its latest financial report for example, the company makes mention of Wii U only once, and that’s for Child of Light – a game already available. On 3DS, Ubisoft hasn’t had a major release in quite a long time.


In the previous financial year, Wii U accounted for only 3 percent of Ubisoft’s overall sales. 3DS was even worse – in large part due to a lack of games – coming in at 0 percent. Wii was the only platform to make a decent dent having contributed 11 percent.


What kind of Nintendo support can we expect from Ubisoft in the future? Well, Watch Dogs is still coming to Wii U. A new Just Dance will likely be made for both Wii U and Wii as well. Aside from these games though, nothing appears to be on the horizon sadly.




I was saying earlier how I was disappointed that Far Cry 4 won't be coming to Wii U. This probably explains why.




US software sales figures are now in from the NPD Group. The best-selling game in the United States during April was Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC game, Titanfall. Interestingly the NPD group also revealed that software sales at US retail declined 10 percent to $227.9 million for the month. However, it should be noted that Wii U software sales were up over last year by over 80 percent. Here’s the best-selling software in the United States in April 2014.


  1. Titanfall
  2. Call of Duty: Ghosts
  3. NBA 2K14
  4. Minecraft
  5. LEGO The Hobbit
  6. The LEGO Movie Video Game
  7. LEGO Marvel Superheroes
  8. The Amazing Spiderman 2
  9. Grand Theft Auto V
  10. Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag


Life to date, sales of PS4 and Xbox One hardware have more than doubled the combined sales of PS3 and 360 hardware through their first six months of sales,” said NPD analyst Liam Callahan.


“PS4 software combined with Xbox One software sales are up over 40 percent compared to sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 through their first six months. Wii U software sales were up over last year by over 80 percent, he continued.



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I was saying earlier how I was disappointed that Far Cry 4 won't be coming to Wii U. This probably explains why.


It will be interesting to see whether Creed makes it to Wii U this year. With Ubisoft pulling back, that's pretty much all the big 3rd parties bailed out then, isn't it?

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It nuts. I love my Wii U. It's flopping. I love my Vita. It's flopping. I love my Xbox One. It's flopping. :(


Tell me what companies you love, I need to know what to avoid including in my stock portfolio.


Also, start hating your family, for their sake.

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It will be interesting to see whether Creed makes it to Wii U this year. With Ubisoft pulling back, that's pretty much all the big 3rd parties bailed out then, isn't it?


No mention of it here


Ubisoft may be planning to release a new Assassin’s Creed game for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 alongside Assassin’s Creed: Unity, according to a statement made by Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot during a recent investors call.


“Assassin’s Creed Unity will be released this fall on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. We have not disclosed our plan yet for the Xbox 360 and PS3 SKUs,” Guillemot said. “We have made it clear that as a company we expect to continue supporting those consoles for the foreseeable future.”



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3DS and Wii U sales really are abysmal. Lord :(


Also, the XBO sales are absolutely shocking! No wonder they've pulled Kinect.


Where was the specific NPD data for console sales? I only saw it say PS4 was top seller, no actual numbers though. Unless I've been a silly billy and missed them, which is entirely possible! :)

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Am I the only one who is seeing the gaming industry collapsing? April figures are atrocious. Xbox One is in #2 with 115k, which is lower than any April the Xbox 360 had before this year, and reports are that the PS4 wasn't that much ahead.


With the Wii U flailing, the 3DS lower than it should be, and the new consoles seemingly dropping off from their huge hype sales, there's something bad happening and I can't be the only one seeing it.

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Am I the only one who is seeing the gaming industry collapsing? April figures are atrocious. Xbox One is in #2 with 115k, which is lower than any April the Xbox 360 had before this year, and reports are that the PS4 wasn't that much ahead.


With the Wii U flailing, the 3DS lower than it should be, and the new consoles seemingly dropping off from their huge hype sales, there's something bad happening and I can't be the only one seeing it.


I don't think it's a simple collapse. Many websites have been talking about this for a while, but I think it's several issues that are affecting take up of new consoles.


The PS4 has had a momentous start, but as you said, it's kind of dwindling. This is coming down to the simple fact that the games are slightly running dry to immediate eyes of most customers who do not know of the things offered by services like PS Plus. Heck, even Wii U might have had a better standing if people knew there were far more games available digitally.


The second is that the industry is contracting following a huge surge of casual adoptions last generation. Every console had their unique control play style, and captured quite a few of those who don't necessarily buy consoles. These people are now most certainly content with the capabilities of the multi-media devices such as Apple's phones and pads, and the Android offerings etc. I think it's safe to say these people have left the market.


A third is that there is a growing online presence amongst those who are hardcore gamers that early adoption of consoles is no longer as appealing, and this is currently where I too feel the same. The Xbox has come down in price, The Wii U has come down in price, the PS4 is still roughly the same but retailers will on and off offer better and better discounts (There was a quick deal to get a PS4 for £300 brand new the other week), and there's also the bundles. To further complicate the problem, droughts are still prevalent. To me, there's not enough games I'm interested in when a console first comes out to get me to buy it/prevent it collecting dust soon after.


A final, more likely dimension to the problem is that we've had a ridiculous amount of squeeze on our spending, especially here in the UK. The last generation may have had a recession, but the average consumer is now being caught up in austerity measures.


Thus why I don't believe it's a collapse, more like a troubled, contracting business climate.

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It's worth remembering that the reason why the XBO, 3DS and Wii U are floundering is because they are targeted at the wrong audience. The XBO's initial unveiling was completely focused on it being an entertainment device and it's hampered this a lot this early on. They'll change the message at E3 and they'll be okay in the long run as the Xbox brand is intertwined with hardcore gamers.


Wii U and 3DS are struggling because BOTH have brand names 100% focused on a market that doesn't exist anymore, and so they have very little appeal amongst today's gamers. I mean the DS came out in 2004; it's not going to have the same ring today as it did back then, especially as interest in the DS brand was already falling from 2009 onwards. Wii U has the same problem.


Of course the other issue is the lack of new I.P to garner consumer interest however that will change a lot this year. E3 will change a lot and MS adapting to consumer needs and ditching kinect is the best thing they could have done.

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I thought the new consoles had better launches than anything so far?

They did, and the Wii U had a good launch too. It's the period after launch where things are going tits-up.


As said, Xbox One's April NPD was worse than any Xbox 360 April NPD before this year and reports are of the PS4 being sub-200k, too. No hard numbers yet, though, but Sony hasn't issued a PR which is telling. Infamous Second Son completely dropped off the chart, too.

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So just to be clear, you don't see how different companies are in different financial and market situations and the results of one company does not mean the others will suffer the same fate, in spite of constantly saying Nintendo can suffer losses while pointing out Sony and Microsoft's losses as something to worry about?

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