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How do you activate StreetPass, and what does it offer btw? Not had any notifications or seen it mentioned anywhere in-game yet.


I also have no idea how to get StreetPass working.


Anyone got any info?

To activate StreetPass you need to make sure your wireless switch is on, and then click on the icon next to the blue internet one on the top of the touch screen.


The Street/SpotPass options can be found in there.

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Ok so I have added...


@Hero\-of\-Time, @Eightbit, @Serebii, @Ramar... also @Daft adddddd meeeee (please) :)


If anyone else would like to add me then go ahead, '@' me and I'll add you back. :D


Right gonna get properly stuck into the game now, I've only played a 'shameful' less than 8 hours since Thursday - been busy with work - I intend to at least double that play time today. :p


Just picked this up today so I'll do all the adding tonight. Excited.

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Would you like a Squirtle or Wartortle? I have either spare.


No way :o what natures are they both? I was thinking of getting gyarados but thats mighty tempting.


On another note, have people kept the game spoiler free for themselves now that the game is released? I'm desperately trying to avoid end game spoilers but it's so hard!

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No way :o what natures are they both? I was thinking of getting gyarados but thats mighty tempting.


On another note, have people kept the game spoiler free for themselves now that the game is released? I'm desperately trying to avoid end game spoilers but it's so hard!


Wartortle is lax, dunno how that is for you, Squirtle is jolly. I don't really know much about natures, probably gonna delve into that more in the postgame.


Lemme know if you'd like either. Squirtle is a freshly bred level 1, Wartortle is level 25 or so.




If anyone wants some starters bred, lemme know. Happy to manufacture some Froakies, Charmanders, Bulbasaurs, Squirtles or Fennekins. Don't have Chespin yet from what I recall.

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Wartortle is lax, dunno how that is for you, Squirtle is jolly. I don't really know much about natures, probably gonna delve into that more in the postgame.


Lemme know if you'd like either. Squirtle is a freshly bred level 1, Wartortle is level 25 or so.




If anyone wants some starters bred, lemme know. Happy to manufacture some Froakies, Charmanders, Bulbasaurs, Squirtles or Fennekins. Don't have Chespin yet from what I recall.


I'd love a Fennekin!


@welsh_gamer destroyed me earlier with his Delphox, although to be fair I only had 1 gym badge at this point so he just bitch slapped my whole team with it. It won't be so easy next time welsh :P

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I'd love a Fennekin!


@welsh_gamer destroyed me earlier with his Delphox, although to be fair I only had 1 gym badge at this point so he just bitch slapped my whole team with it. It won't be so easy next time welsh :P


It's ok, I was challenged by Welsh today as well, I managed to even things up. ;)


Was a good battle though, cheers. :)

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Wartortle is lax, dunno how that is for you, Squirtle is jolly. I don't really know much about natures, probably gonna delve into that more in the postgame.


Lemme know if you'd like either. Squirtle is a freshly bred level 1, Wartortle is level 25 or so.




If anyone wants some starters bred, lemme know. Happy to manufacture some Froakies, Charmanders, Bulbasaurs, Squirtles or Fennekins. Don't have Chespin yet from what I recall.


Hmm. Given it some thought and I think I'll need either a bold, relaxed or sassy squirtle. If you do some breeding at any point, reckon I could nab one of them?Don't worry if it's too much hassle though :)

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Okay, five Fennekin(s?), five Squirtles, four Charmanders, five Bulbasaurs are ready to rock:


Fennekin - Male - Rash Nature - @\-Dem0\-

Fennekin - Male - Timid Nature

Fennekin - Male - Quirky Nature - @Mr\-Paul




Bulbasaur - Male - Gentle Nature

Bulbasaur - Male - Modest Nature

Bulbasaur - Male - Bold Nature

Bulbasaur - Male - Docile Nature - @Sheikah

Bulbasaur - Male - Timid Nature


Natures aren't great, but I figured I'd list them for people if they have a preference.


If you want one, feel free to just add my code/quote me and confirm your in-game name/which you want and I'll add you back and trade it over whenever suits.

Edited by Guy
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Okay, five Fennekin(s?), five Squirtles and four Charmanders are ready to rock:


Fennekin - Male - Rash Nature

Fennekin - Male - Gentle Nature

Fennekin - Male - Timid Nature

Fennekin - Male - Quirky Nature

Fennekin - Male - Rash Nature




Squirtle - Male - Mild Nature

Squirtle - Male - Hasty Nature

Squirtle - Male - Jolly Nature

Squirtle - Male - Naughty Nature

Squirtle - Male - Quiet Nature




Charmander - Male - Gentle Nature

Charmander - Male - Docile Nature

Charmander - Male - Lax Nature

Charmander - Male - Serious Nature.


Natures aren't great, but I figured I'd list them for people if they have a preference.


If you want one, feel free to just add my code/quote me and confirm your in-game name/which you want and I'll add you back and trade it over whenever suits.


Can you reserve me a quiet one? I'll message you my deets later on but might be tomorrow :)

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Added five breeding factory fresh Bulbasaur.


Link to claims post for anyone who is still wanting a starter.


@Guy, I'd love a Charmander, any will do - the serious one?. Are you looking for anything in particular in exchange? Amazed you've bred them so quickly!


In game, surprisingly, I'm Paul!


I already have you added, just lemme know when you want to trade when we're both next online.


As for breeding them quickly, I spent almost all day yesterday stalking the GTS for the starters and a Ditto. Breeding + bike makes it a breeze, you can get a good egg rota going and swap out a hatched one just as a new egg is available.


I have no life thanks to this game. Three days off work gone in a mixture of 8-bit cries and level up dings.




As for anything in exchange, I have Y, so any X exclusives would be appreciated. Whatever works if you have nothing exclusive though, I'll just pop the randoms on Wonder Trade if I already have 'em.

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Added five breeding factory fresh Bulbasaur.


Link to claims post for anyone who is still wanting a starter.




I already have you added, just lemme know when you want to trade when we're both next online.


As for breeding them quickly, I spent almost all day yesterday stalking the GTS for the starters and a Ditto. Breeding + bike makes it a breeze, you can get a good egg rota going and swap out a hatched one just as a new egg is available.


I have no life thanks to this game. Three days off work gone in a mixture of 8-bit cries and level up dings.




As for anything in exchange, I have Y, so any X exclusives would be appreciated. Whatever works if you have nothing exclusive though, I'll just pop the randoms on Wonder Trade if I already have 'em.


Awesome. Thanks. You're the best. Well I have Y too so can't help you out on X exclusives, won't be on at all tonight but will look out for you tomorrow to trade :)

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Cool @Guy. The only ones I have are the water frog starter, charmander and squirtle. So I guess I need all the rest. :p


Please can I get some? :)


Of course! Do you just want random natures or specific ones?




I'll take this one then.



I'm pretty sure we've already exchanged FC's. Name is Mohamed.


I added you to my list just now, might be worth re-adding as you weren't auto-added when I dropped in your code.

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Of course! Do you just want random natures or specific ones?






I added you to my list just now, might be worth re-adding as you weren't auto-added when I dropped in your code.


I'm not too fussy on the natures, but if possible would prefer special attack boosting natures that detract from either attack/defense/special defense.


Cheers. :)


Do you have me friended? Would have thought so. My in game name is probably Daniel.



Edit: I have Sawk, Pinsir, Houndour if you need these?

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I'm not too fussy on the natures, but if possible would prefer special attack boosting natures that detract from either attack/defense/special defense.


Cheers. :)


Do you have me friended? Would have thought so. My in game name is probably Daniel.



Edit: I have Sawk, Pinsir, Houndour if you need these?


I'm sure I've seen you around in the game, we must have exchanged codes back at Loading before. If not, I'll add your code now to make sure.


I could definitely do with Xclusives if you're willing to part with them. My starters are only level 1 freshly breeded though so dunno if you'll think them worth it! Happy to trade them for whatever really.




I'm not super sure how natures work, so I just dropped your name down on a neutral natured Fennekin and Bulbasaur, no positive or negatives to worry about from what I can see.

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