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Holy shit, is that in Staden in JH De PLong? And is that Tom and Bram Vanroose (bit cut off in the right) in that picture?? HAhaha, fucking weird. I'm in a band with Bram. Weird to see pictures pop up of people I know on this forum of all places.


It are! And it is indeed the world famous Jh de plong


+ I also live next to your band's drummer


It be a small world!

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in summary response:

Moogle: on stand up form as ever, you knave :)

Molly: daaymn girl. you fine :heh:

Flink: you have my endorsement for any scheme involving me and you getting scantily clad in any any way, yeah?

lol, thank you. :)


I'll have to second the notion that you're quite cute in that pic! Though now I'm intrigued how different you could possibly look these days...

What, besides the glass eye and gold teeth?


Nah, since I lived at home after uni, then went travelling and now live at home again, I've put on weight. You can sort of see it in this pic (from november), chubby cheeks (no jokes required).




Paj you look intensely happy in that pic, I'm not surprised hugging such a beautiful lady :) Also, I thought you were wearing bright white shoes at first.

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Not that your cheeks are at all "chubby" (they're really nice!), but apparently those cheeks are part of the "New New Face", as worn by Madonna (who I think just had cheek implants or something).



So maybe you should keep them?


(I love how this sounds like they're a fashion accessory or something)

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Nah, since I lived at home after uni, then went travelling and now live at home again, I've put on weight. You can sort of see it in this pic (from november), chubby cheeks (no jokes required).


I'm sorry, but you have to know you're very attractive!

All these women thinking they're unattractive in some way, baffles me... I don't know if they mean it or just looking for compliments ;)

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I'm sorry, but you have to know you're very attractive!

All these women thinking they're unattractive in some way, baffles me... I don't know if they mean it or just looking for compliments ;)


Absolutely not. Thank you for the compliment, but you haven't met me, you don't know how gross I am. I'm very psyched for diet 2009 and I know how I can look, so it's all good.

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Cheek implants? WTF.


Yeah. While there's no denying she looks good for 50 (her arms are scary though), it's kinda freaky.


At least she still looks "normal", something that lots of celebrities entering "old age" tend not to, after surgery.

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Absolutely not. Thank you for the compliment, but you haven't met me, you don't know how gross I am. I'm very psyched for diet 2009 and I know how I can look, so it's all good.


:D That made me laugh a lot.....not about you being gross, but the way you said it....Not that I heard it...but the context, and the way you said it in my head...trust me, you were funny...if you're not, then you should be a scriptwriter...I'll shut up now.


I was only joking about the compliments thing by the way.

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Absolutely not. Thank you for the compliment, but you haven't met me, you don't know how gross I am. I'm very psyched for diet 2009 and I know how I can look, so it's all good.


I'm sure you aren't gross molly, but at least if you feel that way it will spur you on for your resolution!


I think going mad at christmas and stuffing your face 'til you boke actually makes you want to get back to some normality heh :smile:



diet 2009 go! :heh:

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I'm sure you aren't gross molly, but at least if you feel that way it will spur you on for your resolution!


I think going mad at christmas and stuffing your face 'til you boke actually makes you want to get back to some normality heh :smile:



diet 2009 go! :heh:


Indeedy :) Will go from feeling full all the time to hungry! But I've dieted before and the hunger goes after a few weeks, all good. Woops, talking about diet in the wrong thread.


And dazzy I meant gross as in disgusting, but yes it works the other way too! :heh:

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Indeedy :) Will go from feeling full all the time to hungry! But I've dieted before and the hunger goes after a few weeks, all good. Woops, talking about diet in the wrong thread.


And dazzy I meant gross as in disgusting, but yes it works the other way too! :heh:


Oh I know what you meant!

Yeah this is the picture thread so post more pictures Raining and Molly, preferably xmas themed!

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