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If Soag wants to wear women's clothes for whatever reason then that's fine, but you don't do something like that and not expect to get some kind of reaction. I'm not saying that was necessarily Soag's goal — although that is why most people try to be alternative — but if you're going to act differently to the norm then you automatically open yourself up to other's comments, so I think the onus is on you to take it with good grace and not spew abuse.


I like to think I'm an open minded person, but I can still see the looming tyranny of 'freedom'; you're free to do anything but question or have opinions. Oh, unless we're talking about religion, in which case the free spirits will happily tell you how it's all a load of rubbish.


Anyway, I always used to eat cheese and tomato sandwiches when I was a kid, but somewhere along the way I lost my taste for the stuff. Unless it's melted — I'm a big pizza fan — in which case I've no problem.

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Do eet. Do eet naw.


You won't be able to see eet, fool. Only if you have access.


UNLESS YOU HAVE POWAAAAR. [/back to the future part II]


And Eevil: If ever there was an award for somebody who looked the least like Chandler from Friends, you my friend would surely be the winner. You're a dead ringer for Beaker, though.



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