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umm.. no




Fine fine. Offer me up as sexual bait.


I've always thought it would be interesting. Incredibly narcisistic but interesting to have sex with someone who looked like you. Whereas sex with someone with the same name as you would be odd (although some of my friends have done that) but yeah...

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Some pictures of me on holiday. :)


Some random picture of my back, playing my DS in the Hotel room and my Dad's Knee's :p




And the next two are after 10 minutes of chasing this Cow trying to get near it so I could have a picture with it. :D


Just about managed to get the cheeky Cow in the first time:




another 5 Minutes later and I've caught up with the cow and managed to get this photo:



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Seeing those just made me think, "I wish I was there." Albeit not to chase cows; there's plenty where I am.


It's some beautiful scenery. Where were you staying?


Everyone seems to live near cows... (ok you make two people now. :p)


I was staying In Italy in Limone one of the towns along Lake Garda and the pictures are from when we went across to Malcesini and rode the (kind of scary because it rotated) cable car to the top of Monte baldo (or something) I can't quite remember the name. :) Which had amazing views. Apart from chasing Cows I spent ages sitting near the edge just looking out over the lake. It made me feel so small but in a good way. I felt inspired while I was up there I wish I'd taken a pad and a pen. There was anoter beautiful spot down by the beach of the lake and looking up and the mountains was just breathtaking. :D


I'll try and get a picture that has better views I think Mum took some,I on the other hand only have some more cows:




I've posted it before but I really like that photo.

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Apart from chasing Cows I spent ages sitting near the edge just looking out over the lake. It made me feel so small but in a good way. I felt inspired while I was up there I wish I'd taken a pad and a pen.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Seeing something so much grander than you are can really give you some perspective, whether that be on life in general or the 'problems' you can't normally seem to look past.


If you want to get close to cows perhaps you should visit Jersey. The cattle there are more genial than most, in fact they're renowned for it. Just... don't stay in any orphanages, I guess.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. Seeing something so much grander than you are can really give you some perspective, whether that be on life in general or the 'problems' you can't normally seem to look past.


If you want to get close to cows perhaps you should visit Jersey. The cattle there are more genial than most, in fact they're renowned for it. Just... don't stay in any orphanages, I guess.


That song is perfect to describe what I was feeling. :heart:


It did give me a new perspective of life in general and what humanity means to this world, while up there my mind was working and thinking about new and interesting things I'd never thought about before. It was going faster than usual and exploring new areas. I could have stayed up their for hours upon hours. I didn't want to come down because it was so grand (and also I was scared of going back down in the cabel car) I wanted to walk down but that would have taken 3 hours and I'd have got lost. :)


I think I'd love Jersey and we where actually going to go there or Guernsey but my parents were put off in the end for the reasons in your post.

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