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Jesus Christ you guys don't know what chavs are at all, and when do you ever see a real chav smile unless they're breaking the law in some way?


And if you ask me it looks like Ant's friend is a bit too happy.... ahem.

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How are we chavs, when I'm wearing a footie top and Jeans


My Friend is wearing a jumper type thing and combat pants?


For the record we both have well paid jobs and are going onto higher education...


Oh and Yeah that isn't a council estate Hobz you fucking arsewipe.


Fyi they are called Scallies around here not chavs, and they go around in Air Max Tracksuits with these silly hats..




You Hobz are a fucking tool :)


Jesus Christ you guys don't know what chavs are at all, and when do you ever see a real chav smile unless they're breaking the law in some way?


And if you ask me it looks like Ant's friend is a bit too happy.... ahem.


We were actually doing the YMCA....


Long Story

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Guest Stefkov

If wearing a football shirt makes you a chav then the country's gone insane. If I'm callled a chav wearing a Japan footy shirt then..my god.

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that pisses me off about them...walking down the road with there hands in there boxers disgusting.


always hanging out outside shops now (have been doing it for a long time) but its like part of there culture now. I cant go to a local shop now without a gang of chavs hanging out outside

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Plus they don't have their hands on their crotches, which is a sign of 'not chavs'


Good Lord, don't get me started on that. Everytime we get in our PE kits, they're always putting their hands down their trousers then sniffing there hands.

Why? To check everythings still there?


Anyways, love the new avvie. Much better than your old one.

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Wow, i had no idea it came from the term Scallywag. My mum used to call them scallywags, and we laughed at her.


Me and my friends came up with the theory that when many 'Scallies' congregate in one place such as a busstop or a train station, this is called a 'Wag' which is where Scallies go to breed, and spawn more Scallies. Hence why there is always at least one Scallie female.


The whole event is called a Scallywag.


I will agree you look a tiny bit chavish in the photo, aside from the cheerful dancing. Not that i am calling you chavs, or indeed scallies, but glancing at the photo without scrutiny, there is essence of Chav.

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I think its more the situation than the look. Sitting outside, on the floor, listening to a (possibly) stolen iPod is what chavs do. Of course, the ultimate chav would be playing the song publically on a tinny shitty mobile instead, but never mind.

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I think its more the situation than the look. Sitting outside, on the floor, listening to a (possibly) stolen iPod is what chavs do. Of course, the ultimate chav would be playing the song publically on a tinny shitty mobile instead, but never mind.


What the hell?

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