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So even though you could theoretically MAKE a book out of LEGO.....LEGO is still not as cooler as books?




Thats just....just....LEGO > Books is a fact.


I'll hit you with the The Book Of Right-On in minute, the way you're carrying on.

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:(AFOL (Any Arizona Families Online Jokes and I'll screw)


[/Off topic]


I think we can all agree that my hoody is the bees fucking knees.




I want, nay NEED, that hoodie!!


Where did you get it from and do they do Power Rangers ones?


You don't! I've said this so much I'm like a broken record, but stubble/beard ftw.



(ReZ I just said ftw, have I become internet person?)


I remember my first ftw. Scary moment. A whole new world. :heh:

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You don't! I've said this so much I'm like a broken record, but stubble/beard ftw.



(ReZ I just said ftw, have I become internet person?)


lol, i needdda get control over it, its like just growin anywer at the mo, got me some clippers though, just gotta figure out what to do with them lol.


and yer, ftw defo makes u a internet dude :P

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Considering its a white hoody (white being the most unflattering colour evar), its very flattering on you reZ. Have you lost weight recently or something? :smile:


Why thank you. I have lost a little bit. Christmas I've obviously slipped, but I'll be hopefully back to my 18 year old self soon....ish.


(I was slim from the ages of 0-12 and then 18) lol.

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Why thank you. I have lost a little bit. Christmas I've obviously slipped, but I'll be hopefully back to my 18 year old self soon....ish.


(I was slim from the ages of 0-12 and then 18) lol.


Yay! *high fives*


I bloody thought you had! Well done! You look pretty good!


I let loose a bit too much over christmas too, I think i've put on roughly half a stone, haha. XD


Extreme dieting here I come :blank:

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Extreme dieting here I come :blank:

Yay for extreme dieting in January! I'm actually looking forward to it now, starting to get tired of being full with turkey and chocolate, ha.


I remember my first ftw. Scary moment. A whole new world. :heh:


haha, yep. I'm going over to the dark side, please hold me! :heh:

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