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I feel you pain Oxigen, I have to wait until Christmas. I have a funny feeling that I just might get myself "lost" in there so I can secretly live in the grounds living of food which I steal from tourists.


EDIT: Damn! There attention to detail is crazy! The strawberries on the cake actually look like Totoros... that's just crazy! You're eating Totoros woman!

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Guest Stefkov

Did you get any close up photos of this? I just wanna see how much detail they put in it.

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Guest bluey

stefkov ~



I love how happy you look in the first pic! ^___^


of COURSE i look happy ~ its a sunny sunny day and i'm eating some kind of ice-cream clam! :grin:


BITCH!!! THAT'S THE FREAKING ROBOT FROM LAPUTA! :( :( :( :( I so so so so so wanted to go to the Ghibli museum. :(



^ for O_w ^

hahaha i know who it is :heh: i'm probably the biggest ghibli nut you'll ever meet... by the time i visit with jamba in christmas i'll have been to the museum 5 times @______@!!


Damn! There attention to detail is crazy! The strawberries on the cake actually look like Totoros... that's just crazy! You're eating Totoros woman!


thats ridiculous man, i would *never* eat a totoro like that!

...everyone knows they're much better en flambe ... (^_____^)v


here's the fried-rice filled omlette i had before my cake!! it's made to look like mei's straw hat from my neighbour totoro ^____^

oh, and the "sunset cream soda" which i TOTALLY could have had for dessert alone ~ but who can resist a giant strawberry cake, ne? BUAHAHA!

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Guest bluey
That cake looks amazing bluey. Damn you and your going to Japan-ness.


One day I shall go there aswell...

oh cool! gimme a buzz we can go for coffee! :grin:

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Guest bluey
You feel inspired by EEVIL.


Were I to take a trip to the land of the rising sun, would you be able to put me up with accomodation?


uurm i'd be able to point yo in the direction of a fairly good/cheap hostel in central shinjuku. unfortunately my place is about the size of a shoebox. :laughing:

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Guest Stefkov

Ha. The plane on the flag is the plane in Porco Rosso. I only just realised.

That cake..strawberries bleh

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