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Jordan needs to stop typing words. ;)

Also, there's the whole.

"Where will chatting up a girl on the net get you?" Then again, it worked for Jordan, at that distance somehow.


Anyway, thouht i'd throw these up, bit blurry, but it's still me.




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I wanna see everyone else's half naked hat photo collection!!!!!!!!!!

JUST FOR YOU!!! A picture over a year old so I'm greyer, hairier, fatter and longer and more wrinkly now, I imagine...




EDIT: ... and for a comparison, a picture of me taken last week!


Apologies for lack-of-nakedness.


So... any takers? :'(

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Sure, I'll give it a go. :smile:


What you should really do is...


Add her onto your MSN then give her some mayhem and see how favourably she responds.



JUST FOR YOU!!! A picture over a year old so I'm greyer, hairier, fatter and longer and more wrinkly now, I imagine...


And less cheery looking. Yep, tis clear in pic two that the smile is forced.

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Guest Stefkov
I've kinda been thinking about posting an image of me on here lately, might be due I actually post one.


Don't want to break peoples mental pictures of me though :heh:

Well my mental image of you was exactly what I thought you'd look like. If that is actually you in those pictures I've seen waaay back.

Me Plz ;)___


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Guest Stefkov


Most of them if you aren't taking them down now.

Just post one mate. Everyone will just say 'OMFG real life Light!!'


Do one in a Light pose just for added effect.

Or do the swimming gif made of pictures of you. That would be awesome.

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