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hahahaah that's ace!


actually dan in real life (featuring lolfringe,ears,nose,stubble,dan)




As opposed to seriousfringe? :woops:


I had a fringe for the first time in ages today. I used to have proper emo-wannabe (but not shit-styled) hair, all over my face. Then one day, I became extremely adverse to having a fringe. I think the hair being in my eyes actually damaged them, as my short-sightedness got worse. And after a few hours, I had to scrape it back. I hated it. I made my forehead go all warm and heavy. But most people (me included) look way better with a fringe. So props to anyone (most people) who can have decent fringes.

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Short Fringe Is Serious Business!


in context: I really needed a haircut but I went on holiday to Scotland (hence the photo) leaving me increasingly encumbered with said lolfringe for the week and a growing beard.


situation was seen to shortly after. Nice photo though (so very easy with the SLR and a wide Apature lens)

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Guest Captain Falcon
I feel sorry for all the people whose last name is McDonald. It's only a matter of time before Rosa Parks-McDonald refuses to sit elsewhere.


Well she would be fine because it says McDonalds, plural - as long as there are no more than one McDonald at the table, she would be fine.


Just like the No Homers club in the Simpsons.

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Got a couple new Joe pics...I look terrible in most of the pics but ah well, has been a while since you guys have seen Joe pics :p




Such is life


I feel like you're going to jump out of the screen and physically assault me. Look at that stare. It's mean as hell. You would make a good movie villain. Or a psychopath. Or a movie villain who doubles up as a psychopath? Could many movie villains be psychopaths? Probably.

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lol why has the guy got orange on his hand? Although it seems the diet is going well Mr Bii.


Josh, I love how the first one suggests "Oh god breasts! Get them away get them away!"

UV paint :)


And my diet has a way to go, hit a snag and gone up a few pounds...gotta lose that again

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