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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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ok hey guys. Been a while since i've posted but I think I need some advice on how to gain some muscle and look pretty and stuff.


So I've moved to China to do some teaching and have chosen this time to cut out all the negative aspects like alchohol and everything else and concentrate on getting fit.


This is what I've been doing in a day for the past week.


1: i wake up, do some push ups and work the lower abs for about 10 minutes

2: I have 2 eggs and a banana ( may not be enough in the morning?)

3: have lunch school. It's quite healthy but changes everyday and sometimes I haven't a clue what I'm eating haha

4: I bring a packed lunch of a sandwich with more egg in it

5: I get home I do some push ups and some stretches etc for about 15 minutes

6: make dinner. Always potatoes, carrots and broccoli and whatever else I have.. steak or chicken

7: I do some workout again for about 20 minutes.

8: I'd have some supper usually some sausages.


is this enough?


I'm trying to gain weight to gain muscle. I weigh about 10 stone so I'm not trying to lose EVEN more weight.

I cut out sodas from my diet which was very tough to do and never used to have breakfests. I think in a week I've made great progress, I can already feel a small difference.My 6 pack is coming back. it's the lower part that's stopping it being fully visible yet.


A few questions. 1: is there any truth to this 6 meals a day stuff. I believe I can manage about 5.

2: Is there such thing as too much eggs for someone in my case

3: Should I be a lot of food to turn it into muscle?

4: how often can you 'treat' yourself with food is you're trying this. I would be one for the junk food but I've stopped completely in the last 7 days.


There's not much advice online for someone in my case.

Thanks guys.


It's less to do with the number of meals, more to do with the number of carlories. The guideline of 6 meals is probably to ensure people eat enough calories with the added benefit of keeping your metabolism ticking over with the regualr meals.


Ideally you should be eating a slight calorie surplus, where the increase in calories is mostly made up of an increase of protein, the typical diet you posted looks pretty good protein wise. You don't want to over do it but the same time you can't starve yourself and gain muscle either.


As far as treats and cheat meals go, anything sugary is going to be counter productive so obviously go easy with chocotale and cakes etc, though I think you can be a bit more daring with cheat meals if they're still quite protein dense, meaty junk food now and again shouldn't do too much harm to your goal as you're still keeping your protein and calories up. The more you can resist junk food the better, but you probably needn't fear the occasional burger. Cutting out sugary drinks and alcohol is good as you can make room for more beneficial calories.


Also it's important you give your body a reason to grow, working up a sweat isn't enough, you have to push yourself and progress on your exercises, writing down your workouts will really help with that as you can see what you did last time and what you have to do to improve. Consistant progression is key.


You only mention push ups. While I don't think a gym membership/barbell training is necessary, it certainly would help. More importantly though is that you work all the major muscle groups and movements, you must work your legs (running doesn't count) and back as well as your chest and arms.


If you're training on a budget see if you have a playground near by with a pull up bar, chins ups and pull ups (and paralell bar dips if you can find somewhere to do them) will complement your pushups really well. And a sandbag is a good, cheap way to add resistance to squats, lunges and step ups.

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It's less to do with the number of meals, more to do with the number of carlories. The guideline of 6 meals is probably to ensure people eat enough calories with the added benefit of keeping your metabolism ticking over with the regualr meals.


Ideally you should be eating a slight calorie surplus, where the increase in calories is mostly made up of an increase of protein, the typical diet you posted looks pretty good protein wise. You don't want to over do it but the same time you can't starve yourself and gain muscle either.


As far as treats and cheat meals go, anything sugary is going to be counter productive so obviously go easy with chocotale and cakes etc, though I think you can be a bit more daring with cheat meals if they're still quite protein dense, meaty junk food now and again shouldn't do too much harm to your goal as you're still keeping your protein and calories up. The more you can resist junk food the better, but you probably needn't fear the occasional burger. Cutting out sugary drinks and alcohol is good as you can make room for more beneficial calories.


Also it's important you give your body a reason to grow, working up a sweat isn't enough, you have to push yourself and progress on your exercises, writing down your workouts will really help with that as you can see what you did last time and what you have to do to improve. Consistant progression is key.


You only mention push ups. While I don't think a gym membership/barbell training is necessary, it certainly would help. More importantly though is that you work all the major muscle groups and movements, you must work your legs (running doesn't count) and back as well as your chest and arms.


If you're training on a budget see if you have a playground near by with a pull up bar, chins ups and pull ups (and paralell bar dips if you can find somewhere to do them) will complement your pushups really well. And a sandbag is a good, cheap way to add resistance to squats, lunges and step ups.


Thanks this makes a lot of sense. I've since been keeping up the usual routine. I'd have a glass of coca cola about twice a week. I'm worried about my teeth too hence why I cut coke almost entirely.


I have bought some 14kg weights here and am going to start using them tonight.

The most difficult thing is exercise in the morning. I have made some improvements that though. It's taking a little while.


generally it's been 2 weeks now and although I don't look MUCH better yet. I'm starting to feel better which is good.

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Wow. My pt is leaving the gym for pastures new and I'm gonna miss him terribly. :( I'd follow him but he's going to a crossfit box 40 miles away.


We had been training with a bar of his, a womens bar that is smaller than a mens oly bar (the typical one you find in gyms are mens) and I thought, hey he's leaving, so I sent him a text offering to buy it if he wasn't needing it for his new job. He said that I could have it as his leaving gift. I'm not a crier by any means but I was touched so much that I did cry :'(


So I went on a Jellybelly shopping spree and got him a Eat Sleep Train mug as a thank you present. (he adores Jellybelly jelly beans)

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Well I'm all aboard the weight loss train! Decided with a year to go at 250lbs (6 foot 4) I need to lose around 30+ to get to my so called ideal weight 212 - 233.2 lbs. So far I've lost 14lbs in 3 weeks through simply watching my calorie intake and having a reduced intake. no real exercise other than walking around a park for 4km maybe 3 times a week. Joined the gym over the weekend and nailed the bike and rowing machine as much as I can ankle permitting. Also started to use the abdominal crunches machine to start trying to help tone my stomach. In the past cardio work has helped weight to just melt off.

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Protein shakes can be nauseating yes, you'd be better having them straight after your workout anyway :)


Yeah you're better having them after your workout, it's really something carbs based you should have before the workout.


It actually makes no difference when you have a protein shake as long as you get the protein but carbs before will give you more energy for the gym.

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It actually makes no difference when you have a protein shake as long as you get the protein but carbs before will give you more energy for the gym.


That's a widely debated subject.


You've got countless studies that indicate as you say that it doesn't matter, on the other end you've got the countless studies that indicate it's important in the hour after your workout.

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Well I personally find that protein shakes are very very filling and nearly bloat me, so that's not something I want to do before lifting heavy weights or any kind of intense movement. Nothing to do with the protein or timing argument. The only thing I find timing wise is having a good high carb food before my workout helps performance wise. Usually sugar in some form :heh:

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On the day I set a new 5k PB I found out I didn't get in to next years London Marathon. :(


I didn't get in either. They don't half mess with you in how they tell you.


*Comes down the stairs this morning to see mail delivered.*


*See's fairly thick brochure with London Marathon on it*


*Acts a little Giddy*


*Looks at front of package to see "SORRY YOU"RE NOT SUCCESSFUL" written in a rather large font.



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I didn't get in either. They don't half mess with you in how they tell you.


*Comes down the stairs this morning to see mail delivered.*


*See's fairly thick brochure with London Marathon on it*


*Acts a little Giddy*


*Looks at front of package to see "SORRY YOU"RE NOT SUCCESSFUL" written in a rather large font.




To compound my misery I found out the half marathon I'm running next month is strictly no headphones. Going to have to get use to running without music..

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Anone else done this intermittent fasting thing?


I started today.


I basically do it without even trying as I don't eat breakfast and have my lunch at around 1pm and dinner around 8/9pm. So it's a 16/8 split.


A few months ago I was thinking how easy it would be to get down 3000 calories a day but now when I'm actually trying to do it I find it quite difficult because of being at work. Have my lunch of about 750 calories, dinner of 1000 max and a protein shake only brings me up to 2000. Obviously breakfast would help but I'm never hungry in the morning.

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