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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Good luck with the slow cut, Raineeng. :D


My cut is going well. Even from a visual perspective, everything just looks better. Stomach is looking good and it still looks like I've maintained a great deal of the muscle that was there. It's definitely worth it, being able to see all that hard work pay off.


The funny thing is that I don't actually feel that hungry or miss certain things. I guess part of it is some sort of mind control/manipulation. Plus, the benefits of seeing the weight/fat fall off far outweights the taste of chocolate or something. :D


It gets like that, i have the same feelings. Once i cut something out, i no longer crave/need that food in my diet. Basically, i've cut out chocolate and high fat foods in quantities (still have them as treats, so i do have a slice of tiffin once or twice in a fortnight with my coffee from Costa, and i do have a burger/eat the unhealthy fast foods/takeouts) once in a while. Compared to before, which was once maybe twice a week. Subbed them for Subways, mmmm.

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I probably should have mentioned that I realise that having a healthy diet is incredibly important to losing weight, but meant it more like this.


'With a healthy diet (like I currently have, no high salt, high fat or sugar), how much exercise do I need to incooperate into my life to increase that chance of losing weight?'


I'll probably just shut up and stop asking questions now, heh. Thanks for the help @Charlie :)


Like @Charlie says, a calorie deficit is all that matters for losing weight. The healthiness is irrelevant.

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Signed up today, starting tomorrow. Seems like a very good place for me. It's mainly focused on keeping fit (and not building up ridiculous size muscles like the other one near me) and they also do a programme with suggestions on what you do, which they refine depending on how you're doing (before moving on to advanced classes). It also includes discounts for the pub and Starbucks in the hotel, and you can bring a guest as long as you let them know in advance (and don't abuse the system by bringing someone every single time).


Oh, and the weekend pass also includes bank holidays and the walk is very easy.


Looks like it could be the perfect place for me.


Edit: Oh, and they didn't even suggest getting the full time membership.


Edit 2:


Does anyone know how to find some shorts suitable for holding a phone? It seems to be oddly difficult to find some with a front zip pocket.

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properly sore today... yesterday I was squatting 67.5kg for reps, and today was clean and jerk day part 1.....


Kettlebell swings, power cleans, overhead squats, front squats, push presses, and finally.... full cleans! Got up to 37.5kg in the cleans!


my quads have fallen out with me and my shoulders aren't exactly loving me either lol

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Did two sessions today. Nothing amazingly taxing (I did work up a pretty big sweat), but I mainly wanted to get used to the machines. Next week I'll be doing a session on Friday, one Sunday morning and then Squash club on Sunday evening.

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Signed up today, starting tomorrow. Seems like a very good place for me. It's mainly focused on keeping fit (and not building up ridiculous size muscles like the other one near me) and they also do a programme with suggestions on what you do, which they refine depending on how you're doing (before moving on to advanced classes). It also includes discounts for the pub and Starbucks in the hotel, and you can bring a guest as long as you let them know in advance (and don't abuse the system by bringing someone every single time).


Oh, and the weekend pass also includes bank holidays and the walk is very easy.


Looks like it could be the perfect place for me.


Edit: Oh, and they didn't even suggest getting the full time membership.


Edit 2:


Does anyone know how to find some shorts suitable for holding a phone? It seems to be oddly difficult to find some with a front zip pocket.



You tend to find these in sports based retail outlets.

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Signed up today, starting tomorrow. Seems like a very good place for me. It's mainly focused on keeping fit (and not building up ridiculous size muscles like the other one near me) and they also do a programme with suggestions on what you do, which they refine depending on how you're doing (before moving on to advanced classes). It also includes discounts for the pub and Starbucks in the hotel, and you can bring a guest as long as you let them know in advance (and don't abuse the system by bringing someone every single time).


Oh, and the weekend pass also includes bank holidays and the walk is very easy.


Looks like it could be the perfect place for me.


Edit: Oh, and they didn't even suggest getting the full time membership.


Edit 2:


Does anyone know how to find some shorts suitable for holding a phone? It seems to be oddly difficult to find some with a front zip pocket.


Try sportsdirect? I've recently bought some swimming gear from there and it was cheap but well made. They have a lot of men's shorts on there.


Also, Starbucks, oh man, I miss Starbucks so much, there's not really one near me at home or at the gym -.- lame.


(Its probably saving me from myself, but still, hnnng!)


edit: So Being ill this weekend with gastro has pretty much put my healthy eating of 4/5months on hold. I've had to drink fizzy pop (which after so long tastes wonderful and odd at the same time) and I've not really eaten much good food at all.


Its still not quite gone yet, but hopefully tomorrow I can get my butt back to the gym and back to my regular (better) diet.

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Normally I hate exercising in the morning. I need at least two hours to wake up and get ready. But Saturday morning I went for a run, as I wouldn't have time for any exercising that day if I didn't do it there. I started out thinking that it was okay for me to just take it easy and such, it being before 8AM and all, but when I got back, I had run 4.73 km in 19:26, i.e. new record! I was really surprised at that as I didn't think I ran all that fast.


On a related note, do any of you run in minimalistic shoes, i.e. five fingers, barefooted? What kind of shoes do you work out in? All too often I see people heavy lifting in padded running shoes and they are apparently unaware that it's relatively bad to do that.

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Traditional cardio is not my bag at all.... running dislocates my hip and everything else is just boring. If I wanted to do cardio I'd use an 8kg kettlebell, do 20 swings in 30 seconds, 30 second rest, and repeat 20 times. Guaranteed to burn far more calories than the same time on ANY piece of gym equipment.



On another note- lately i've not been feeling wonderful. My gym workouts are tough all the time. I'm sore and exhausted, not even in a gym way. Where is my mojo :(

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My left knee is fucked :(


It started aching a couple of weeks ago and over the last week I've been at my parents for most of the time so have been resting it and not going to the gym. Went again this morning and whilst running there it started to hurt again and now it's rather painful even when just walking. Probably shouldn't have gone on the rowing machine and bike at the gym but it only seems to hurt when walking/running. Its the back of the knee as well so dunno if I've done something to the ligaments or not...

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Where does it hurt? Outside, inside, left, right?


On the running shoes subject, I myself use five fingers. They are ugly as fuck but after getting used to them, I really like running in them. I once had some padded running shoes but after a short while I got runner's knee so as I was used to running barefooted around indoors from gymnastics, I thought I would try five fingers out. That was one of my best decisions ever, although I could have chosen some other minimalistic shoe as well. Like Innov8 Light or whatever they're called.

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I'm no doctor but I wouldn't have thought it would have been ligament damage that usually requires some sort of blunt force trauma or something unusual to happen. It's not usually something that just 'starts to hurt' after a while. Could be a problem with the cartilage perhaps or the kneecap.

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It's hard to pinpoint, just the back of my knee... :heh: Probably, slightly to the left of centre, so I guess that would be towards the outside of the back of the knee.


Neither am I a doctor, but try googling "runner's knee" and read about how that hurts.


So, speaking of hurting knees... Right, I hurt my kinees today! I landed on my leg when my knee was a bit over-stretched (I'm hyper mobile in many of my joints) so now I'm sitting with my leg on the table, the knee wrapped in ice. It hurts when putting pressure on it but I can at the moment move it by myself and even do a half-squat. I'll wait and see but no hard training this week. Maybe some mild cycling and lightweight squats to parallel.

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Oh. From what I've previously read, runner's knee gives pain on the outside of the knee. I believe you're talking about pain in the "Lateral collateral ligament"? The thing connecting the back of your thigh bone to the outer shin in the lower leg? I've had pain there as well.

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Looking at that I'd say it's either posterior or lateral.


Either way I'll just go easy for a while, although the gym is the only thing keeping me from blowing my brains out from boredom at the moment. Plus I really wanted to try and get into shape before I move to Plymouth in September... May just cut out running and see what else I can do without provoking it.

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I just weighed myself, I'm exactly the same weight! What. The. Fuck!


Ugh, depressing! I'm pretty sure my moobs have gone down and the bottom of my stomach has lifted and the middle part of my chest has gone in though! Is it possible to gain weight through muscle. My arms and legs are getting muscley now, is it a possibility?

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I just weighed myself, I'm exactly the same weight! What. The. Fuck!


Ugh, depressing! I'm pretty sure my moobs have gone down and the bottom of my stomach has lifted and the middle part of my chest has gone in though! Is it possible to gain weight through muscle. My arms and legs are getting muscley now, is it a possibility?


Yes. Yes, you gain weight (or stay at the same weight) by gaining muscle and losing fat.




Can barely walk today. Must've hurt my knee pretty bad so no leg days for me for the next week or so. Might go to the gym to do some upper body workouts but is there any way to perform pulling exercises without standing? Pull-ups work of course but other than that?

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I just weighed myself, I'm exactly the same weight! What. The. Fuck!


Ugh, depressing! I'm pretty sure my moobs have gone down and the bottom of my stomach has lifted and the middle part of my chest has gone in though! Is it possible to gain weight through muscle. My arms and legs are getting muscley now, is it a possibility?


Yes and muscle weighs more than fat does.


Stop looking at weight and start looking at bodyfat percentage.

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Yes. Yes, you gain weight (or stay at the same weight) by gaining muscle and losing fat.




Can barely walk today. Must've hurt my knee pretty bad so no leg days for me for the next week or so. Might go to the gym to do some upper body workouts but is there any way to perform pulling exercises without standing? Pull-ups work of course but other than that?


Personally, I think it's far more likely that you retain the muscle and lose the fat, especially when you look at calorie surplus and excess.


As for seated back exercises:




You might have a machine that has this already set up for you. If not, get a bench and go to a pulley machine and do it there.




Lat Pulldowns.


You could try shrugs whilst seated. Set your bench to 90 degrees/upright position, sit on it and use dumbbells for shrugs. I've never done it but no reason why it shouldn't work in principle.


Just found this:




Again, no reason why it shouldn't work, but you'd struggle to find a bench at that height.

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