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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Second day back at the gym last night. Arms session. Feeling pretty sore today but definitely glad to be back in it.


Hoping that my tight hamstring will allow me to do some squats tomorrow. Haven't done them in ages but want to get back on it and add them into my routine.

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It does matter though in terms of his weight, which I imagine is the thing that he is addressing. He's not going to lose the belly on a bulk.


No I was telling him to bulk, that would be the opposite of his goal.


I was referring to him possibly stopping the weights. I meant that whether someone is cutting or bulking, you should be doing some sort of weight training. The specifics of which will differ depending on if your trying to gain size it lose some.

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No I was telling him to bulk, that would be the opposite of his goal.


I was referring to him possibly stopping the weights. I meant that whether someone is cutting or bulking, you should be doing some sort of weight training. The specifics of which will differ depending on if your trying to gain size it lose some.


Reading it back, I get it now. :p

Yeah, the weights would be the last thing I would ditch. So, I agree with you.

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Anyone tried a juice diet? I'm on day 3 out of 7 doing Jason Vales 7lb in 7 days program. I'm not really doing it for weight loss I'm doing it more for the detox side of things. Obviously if I lose weight it's a bonus.


Surprised how easy is so far, and I have to say today I think I'm starting to see the effects, more energy, feel better etc.

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Reading it back, I get it now. :p

Yeah, the weights would be the last thing I would ditch. So, I agree with you.


Weights = more muscle = more calories burned


Muscle uses more calories than fat does. Always do weights to build the muscle so your BMR is higher.


"Beginning trainers, who are just starting with exercise, are often under the impression that they should stay away from weight training because they might gain weight before they start losing it.


I like to use a car as an analogy. Imagine your body is a car, your muscles are the cylinders in the engine, and your bodyfat is the gas.


With a four-cylinder car, you only burn a minimum amount of gas/fat. Weight training and building more muscle is the equivalent of putting more cylinders into your engine. As you can imagine, you'll burn a whole lot more gas even while idling! And, just like a car with more cylinders, you'll be a lot more powerful too!


The bottom line to you is this ... with more muscle, you'll get greater fat loss with less effort."

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True words, @Charlie.


Leg Day, Smaaash. Fuck, my legs were shaking after the squats. I've found a good way to work the calves using the squat rack, so hit them a lot tonight, too. I've been listening to the Man Of Steel soundtrack to give me some energy and that helped a lot. There's almost a fear factor with squats. I get terrified that I'm going to get stuck under the bar. It helps though, because it means you HAVE to push to get yourself out of that predicament. :p


Tomorrow is Push Day. I also forgot that tomorrow I'm playing squash in the evening...how I'm going to manage that I do not know. I might have to waddle. Not much running is going to be done tomorrow. I'm expecting a loss.

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hahahah what's his excuse now? I'm putting money on it being leg day :P


Stfu. :p


Yesterday was Push Day. Day before was Leg Day. It has an impact, I tell thee.


I went two games up and then somehow Ine found another gear/I ran out of steam. We're playing again tonight...my body is not ready. Angus is set to peppering.

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Fuck yeah! Hat-trick! Beat Jim in squash, third time in a row!


I didn't think it would happen today as it was so freakishly hot (I was sweating before we got started). Jim won the first two games and during the third game, I felt like I was dying! I could barely breathe and my head felt like it was going to explode, I looked like a tomato. =(


But then I ended up winning that game and the next two, so it ended up 3-2, whoooo! First time I have managed to win 3 matches in a row. =D


I am also slowly losing weight again, so yay! Hope I can keep it up until my sister's wedding. =)

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Went for a run today for the first time in a couple of weeks. Wasn't really up to it, have had a very lazy Sunday while Saturday I was celebrating my girlfriend's birthday with her family, hence eating too much and drinking alcohol.


Despite that, though, my run was a good one; 4.50 km in just under 19 minutes with stops that didn't stop the clock. I'm quite pleased with that. I do worry about my legs tomorrow (and a bit about my knee tonight as at the end I felt it tighten a bit like I've experienced with some runner's knee but hopefully that's gone tomorrow).

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Had a Sunday morning gym session. Loved how quiet it was up there. First time doing squats in ages. Did warm up set of 60 and 70 and the into 3x5 80kg. Somewhat down from what I was at a few months but decided it was best to start off low and build back up. Definitely right decision as I was struggling by the end!

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My seven week plan to get fit and a bit trimmer before moving to Plymouth has started today.


Now that I live with my brother it's a bit further from the gym, but what I'm doing is running to the train station, then 8 min rest on the train then running to the gym and the same again on the way back. This morning that was a total of 45 mins of cardio (although there were a few moments of walking :heh: ) outside of the gym itself. Then when I'm at the gym I'm doing some weights and then gonna rotate around some cardio machines each day, so today was rowing, tomorrow will probably be bike and then cross trainer the day after, etc.


I'm also trying to eat a bit better, cutting down the carbs and chicken is gonna be my main food for a while. Having my big meal at lunch time as well.


In a way I don't want to get a job as it will completely disrupt the schedule :heh:

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In a way I don't want to get a job as it will completely disrupt the schedule :heh:


Work is awful for fitness. Nothing good comes of it. You sit around all day at a computer screen, barely move. Most likely poor posture at least some of the time. The days I play football after work are the worst. Legs have nothing in them come 7:30pm kick-off. Not enough time to grab something to eat properly after work.


Unless you're very prepared it's hard to get a properly healthy lunch.


Then when you get home you don't ahve much time as you need to make dinner, see the gf, and go to the gym.

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Yeah, work almost ruins it. That's when the exercise and food needs to become more of your lifestyle and not just a hobby. It can take a while before you get to that stage, though.


Leg Day today. Done it. My hamstrings feel like jelly today and my calves are noticeably more tired, too. So much sweat! This heat doesn't help.

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I gym at lunch then eat at my desk through the afternoon.


Same. I have an hour for lunch though. Any less and it'd be difficult.

The sun is making running hard at the moment.


The urge to run a marathon is building in me. Well, to be honest, it's more the urge to do an ultra-marathon, but I know the first step for that is to crack out a marathon or two. Need to bring some long runs into my routine.

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