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I've tried pushing it in but to no avail. It was particularly alarming when the GamePad faded down a bit during the update: the TV screen turned a brilliant bright green.


ANYWAY I've changed the settings and now I've got it connected with my Wii Component Cable and it's perfectly fine. It would have been only 720p anyway, so there's little difference in the end.


Glad you've got it sorted (ish)

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*sigh* well today was a freakin mission...

after arriving bright and early at blockbuster to collect jamba's WiiU. Now, we'd preordered the thing on wednesday night... so i was kinda trying my luck but I was told that no, I couldnt have the one they had because they'd had 3 whole people pre-order and were doing sales in numerical order and since they'd only had ONE delivered i'd have to wait. brilliant. i hadn't planned on them being organised.

sooo i decided to go on a quest :smile: i went to HMV who told me that i could put down a ONEHUNDREDPOUND deposit, and they still weren't sure they could get it before xmas...

then i walked into my local GAME... and this is where i'm SURE that the four-leaf-clover i found in animal crossing yesterday came into play; i walked in BEHIND a guy who, for some unknown reason, had gone in to cancel his preorder. we both went straight to the queue, and god help me if i didnt bite his arm off when i heard what he said to the girl behind the counter.


so, yeah... wiiU. yay. now for that update.........

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What are peoples pad ranges?


In my house i can go to the living room (all of it) the dining room(some of it), The kitchen (there is a spot near the water meter it doesn't work....very odd), the hallways and even out in the garden.........


but it won't work in the three rooms closest to my room where its set up - My sisters room, the bathroom, and the toilet!

gone are my dreams of never pausing a game for the loo ever again!

No idea why either, the walls aren't any thicker and the bath room might be because a cupboard is between it where the boiler is and the shower and all its electrics, but my sister's room thats between mine and the bathroom is devoid of electronics except a tv....can't explain it


damn! but still awesome it goes everywhere else

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Mixed reactions on the Wii U The updates and downloading are ridiculous. Miiverse is alright, but really it’s just a gamers version of facebook. Netflix is really cool on it. Downloaded that little inferno game which is alright. Nintendo land is a really fun game, but I’m annoyed at the fact that I cant even play against a computer player in Mario Chase, Luigis mansion and the animal crossing game.

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Well, they've sent me a download code for Nintendo Land at least. Are people who did get NL included getting these as well?





We're writing about your order xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx which included the following item:




ASIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ITEM: Nintendo Wii U 32GB Premium Pack - Black





It's been brought to our attention that a small number of orders for this item may have been delivered without the advertised game, Nintendo Land, due to supplier error.


In the event that your order was one of the small number missing the game, please use the following code and instructions below, to download the game:








On the Wii U console, enter Nintendo eShop on the HOME menu


On the upper left corner of the screen click the button "Enter Download Code"


Type in the code


Full instructions are available at this link:





If you have any further questions, please let us know by replying to this e-mail. Should you wish to contact Nintendo customer service directly, you can do so on 0845 60 50 247.



Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.


Warmest regards,



Customer Service Department


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ANYWAY I've changed the settings and now I've got it connected with my Wii Component Cable and it's perfectly fine. It would have been only 720p anyway, so there's little difference in the end.


Glad you got it worked out dude.




Hmm, a download code for Nintendoland? Somehow that doesn't add up as adequate compensation given that the end user would then have not only missed out the boxed copy of the game they paid for, they'd also never get that boxed copy and they'd be using unnecessary space on their (rather limited imo) HDD.


Is that email being sent to everyone who ordered? If each one has a new code for Nintendoland, some charitable people could "donate" their spare code to less fortunate Wii U owners.

Edited by Guy
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Glad you got it worked out dude.




Hmm, a download code for Nintendoland? Somehow that doesn't add up as adequate compensation given that the end user would then have not only missed out the boxed copy of the game they paid for, they'd also never get that boxed copy and they'd be using unnecessary space on their (rather limited imo) HDD.


Is that email being sent to everyone who ordered? If each one has a new code for Nintendoland, some charitable people could "donate" their spare code to less fortunate Wii U owners.


Yeah looks like it's everyone that got a deluxe, whether they got it or not. I'd kind of prefer the disc to be honest, i'm not too fussed since when I was lying in my bed this morning, I couldn't be bothered changing discs that would be 2 meters away from me :heh:


Forgot about the hard drive space to be fair, that's 5 gig of mine already gone alone with what the OS has thanks to this and Trine 2.

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What do people think of my Wii U setup?




I don't know why people are saying the update takes so long. It only took me about a minute to update my Wii U. I'll mainly use it for Wii games though.

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I got the same email. I'd prefer the disc, but I think I'm happy downloading it. It's a 3GB download though, which leaves 24GB to spare, I suppose it's not a big issue and it's kind of useful not to have to swap discs to play it.

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My update has been running for an hour and is only a 1/4 to 1/3 done. I wish I'd connected a cable and done a wired update but I'm getting 14mb from my 20mb wifi connection at present so I'd have thought that would be enough but this is painful.


Edit - scrap that. It just completed despite saying it was only a third through!

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If Nintendoland is only like, 302MB, it's a respectable size and yeah, swapping discs can go to hell.


Aw crap, got confused there. It's a 3GB download for the entire game. The *update* is 302MB. Which leaves me with 24GB of storage.

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My update is going okay fast. Will take an hour I guess. Fine fine.


Had problems getting it online at all though. But was easily fixed by entering IP-adress etc. manually.


All is fine now. Just a little bit of waiting left! :-)

Edited by Broch83
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Aggghhhh I could scream. Looks like my update didn't complete. Just hit the Wii Menu button and it asked to install another update. Looks like its a continuation of the first one. So I'm back to just over a third through and it's now been going for about two hours. What the hell is going on here? Looks like I won't get to play tonight at all and I'm out most of tomorrow. Not impressed at all :-(.

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What a job that was. I didn't pre-order because I was waiting for my workplace to get them in and they just didn't. Went in today again and was told that they were not getting any in store at all. :cry: So it was time to trek around the shops in low hopes that someone had one.

First stop, PC World. "We can order you a Basic pack but we have none in store. Bah. Next, I thought I'd try Morrisons, maybe they had some. The lady I asked didn't know, but was nice and took my details so someone could phone back.

CEX. I saw some in the window, and thought I'd enquire. I don't really like them but I was desperate. They said they had Basics, and one Premium, oooh. When I said the premium, they bought me a Zombie U box, and when I asked, they said "Yeah, we get them in like this and sell them as Premium. So I asked what was in it, and they said that everything but the Zombi U game and the classic controller. So to me, what they had done, was got a Zombi U pack, took out the game and pro controller and were selling it as a premium one for get this £345. That's £45 above the normal price, it was basically second hand as they said they had turned it on to check it, and I was getting no game with it. :mad::mad: So I said, "please hold on, I'll just check GAME". I had no hope but asked in there and they went to check. They guy came back and said "yes we have one premium one left" :bouncy::yay: I ended up getting a premium console, Mario U and a "starter pack" which includes stylus' and a gamepad case. All for the lovely sum of £349. A heck of a lot cheaper than I would have to buy that one from CEX from.


Now to get it all set up. YAY.:grin:

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I got my Wii U yesterday and tested it out a bit.

I mostly love the interface, Internet seems really smooth etc. Also, I have the Basic Wii U (mostly bought it because I wanted to avoid Nintendoland like the plague), and I must say that at least the white finish isn't prone to receive fingerprint marks like some have complained.


However, one issue I have is the gamepad ergonomics. The lumps on the underside of the controller are WAY too flat, nowhere near as large as I'd want. On the other hand, the distance between the shoulder buttons is too large, it's nowhere near as easy to use as it should be.

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All Amazon deluxe packs are missing the Nintendo Land game which is supposed to be in the box. Including mine. Sigh.


I must have been one of the lucky ones as I did receive my copy of NintendoLand. I did however get an email with a code to download it regardless.

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I am playing Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed online while lying in bed :)


This is the future! Off TV Play is a true killer feature that alone justfies any multiplatform releases on the console. I want to be able to play all my PS360 (and earler console) games like this :D


Even if you don't bother incoporating any real 2nd screen usage, Off TV Play is reason enough to do any port dammit!

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