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Posted (edited)

Anyone want to do just the Crota checkpoint later, around 9? Or the Deathsinger + Crota if we have a full team and no Crota checkpoint. Daft, Eric and Morgan are in so looking for 2 more.


Edit: 1 more with @Eddage

Edited by Shorty
Anyone want to do just the Crota checkpoint later, around 9? Or the Deathsinger + Crota if we have a full team and no Crota checkpoint. Daft and Eric are in so looking for 3 more.


I wouldn't mind getting in on this.

Posted (edited)

Yeah I'll be there!


So apparently they're fixing the Crota raid bugs.


Sad news is that the first chest will now be radiant stuff only, but the good news is that the contents of that chest are now going to be applied to killing the Deathsinger. So more loot overall.


Also VoG exotics are all being bumped to normal levels. It has a purpose again!

Edited by Sheikah

^ The blog post with full details:



Patch summary:

Crota’s End – Updates

The existing Pit treasure chest reward moved to killing Ir Yut, the Deathsinger. She has a chance to drop Exotic weapons and armor, class pieces, and Radiant materials.

The Pit treasure chest will now contain Radiant Materials.


Pit Encounter

Removed the physics impulse caused by exploding lanterns.


Bridge Encounter

Players will now be required to cross the bridge in order to complete the bridge encounter.

Players will now be required to wait for the bridge to be completed prior to crossing with the sword.


Deathsinger Encounter

Fixed a rare case where the Shriekers would not spawn, preventing players from reaching the Deathsinger.


Crota Encounter

Two Swordbearers will no longer spawn at the same time at the outset of the encounter.

Crota will now recover from his kneeling state after a player quits.

Fixed a bug that allowed players to remove the “Presence of Crota” using a Radiance Warlock’s Fireborn ability.

Fixed a bug that made the Oversoul appear destroyed to some players in a Fireteam when it was actually still active.


Vault of Glass – Updates

Exotic weapon drops in the Vault of Glass are now Level 32.


Getting Swole in the Crucible

The Raid crew wasn’t the only team readying tweaks heading into and out of the holiday season. Our Crucible designers have a few things in the works to add some spice to the early goings of 2015.


Asylum, The Anomaly, and The Burning Shrine maps will be added to existing Clash and Control playlist rotation.

Iron Banner will return, with updated rewards, running from January 13th through January 19th.


Full and final details for Raid, Crucible, and Iron Banner updates will be provided as patch notes next week.

Welcome fixes to be honest. I only did the cheeses to try them out, or to grab raid gear solo a couple of times to see if I could. The raid is very easy to do legitimately, especially with a level 32 grabbing the sword.


Skilled players will still be able to solo it though (the first person to solo it used the bridge).


What about VOG legendary equipment? thats just going to stay underclassed compared to ones sold at the vanguard quartermaster??


Though it makes that Vex Methoclast desirable again, we should do the hard mode version

What about VOG legendary equipment? thats just going to stay underclassed compared to ones sold at the vanguard quartermaster??


Though it makes that Vex Methoclast desirable again, we should do the hard mode version


Yup, legendary equipment stays the same.


Vex Mythoclast was upgraded already, even before this patch, so there's no change on that front.


Fatebringer is still one of the best guns in the game. Dat fate bringing.



All the changes sounds great. Means I lose a chance of an exotic on the first chest with my Titan but meh.


Those new maps in rotation! Yes!

Vex Mythoclast was upgraded already, even before this patch, so there's no change on that front.

Is that confirmed? The Mythoclast doesn't have the same damage cap as other exotics, new or old, so it could be higher still after the change.

Is that confirmed? The Mythoclast doesn't have the same damage cap as other exotics, new or old, so it could be higher still after the change.


Oh right.


I'm guessing it won't change, myself. Like all the other VoG specific drops.

Still not done nightfall & the weekly this week, if anyone wants to do it, let me know. I'll be online most of the afternoon




Can do it anytime before 14:20 today as im going to Beautiful Downtown Bramall Lane for the afternoon. Give me a shout.

Which raid? VoG? If VoG then I'm in.


If not VoG, anyone up for doing a VoG Hard mode around 8PM tonight?


Count me in for VoG!

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