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So people with a full set of purples, did you all farm for them? Because that's something which is kinda a game killer for me. There's so much better things I can spend my time doing than hanging around shooting at a virtual cave :blank: tbh if I'd known Destiny would devolve this quickly into things like that being necessary to keep up, I might not have bought it.


Level up your Cryptarch at any cost. Mine is level 12. I think it increases your chances of getting better drops and better decryptions. Plus, every time you level him up he gives you 2/3 Purple Engrams (although a couple times I got just blue).

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I've just got another legendary rocket launcher. This one does lightning elemental damage. *pops in the vault*


I also got another exotic bounty. I picked the one that will unlock the Bad Juju. I've yet to finish my shotgun one as I need some monies.

How do you put weapons in the vault?


When you do damage to someone and the damage number is the same colour as your elemental weapon, is that good or bad?


Near the Cryptarch dude are some pillars with terminals on them. Press square.


White numbers are normal damage, yellow means you are hitting the enemies weak spot.

How do you put weapons in the vault?


When you do damage to someone and the damage number is the same colour as your elemental weapon, is that good or bad?


Some of the stronger enemies will have shields, coloured either orange, blue or purple. Using a weapon with the corresponding element will do double damage to that shield (e.g. using an solar/orange weapon against an orange shield).



My god, story of my life. The "hunter gear from future war cult is bugged" situation sums my circumstances up pretty well. :p


I chose the one faction and was the one class that it's fucked up for. Lulz.


I should be back on this tonight after not playing for two days! :indeed:


I'm only around lvl 21 though from what I can recall, need to get levelled up I guess. :D

I should be back on this tonight after not playing for two days! :indeed:


I'm only around lvl 21 though from what I can recall, need to get levelled up I guess. :D


Doh, you missed Xur. :p


My advice is to get saving some strange coins and buy your way to success. Game is too fucken random for me.


My Cryptarch is lvl 12 now. He treats me good. I got another Legendary Heavy Machine Gun.



So, anyone want to attempt the vault in an hour?


Just done the Nightfall mission with lostmario and his brother. At the end he got an exotic weapon that his brother wanted, his brother got the weapon he wanted and I got a legendary sniper I already had! I then went to see the postmaster and he had a package that contained the same sniper again!


This game.....


I levelled up my Cryptarch to 15 which netted me a legendary fusion rifle. I also reached level 28!


I'm loving the game, but the thing that annoys me is how random the PvP awards are seemingly distributed. Do any of you guys notice the same thing?


I'd love to take part in the Raid but I'm only Lvl 22 with no legendary gear, so I've still a fair way to go to get all that stuff!

Just done the Nightfall mission with lostmario and his brother. At the end he got an exotic weapon that his brother wanted, his brother got the weapon he wanted and I got a legendary sniper I already had! I then went to see the postmaster and he had a package that contained the same sniper again!


This game.....


I levelled up my Cryptarch to 15 which netted me a legendary fusion rifle. I also reached level 28!


Cool, so the Nightfall mission rewards well? And you can do it as much as you want?


I'd like to join in later if that's the case... does it take long/is it hard? Is it a new level of its own or just a harder version of the existing missions?


I still have zero legendary weapons. The game hates me.

Cool, so the Nightfall mission rewards well? And you can do it as much as you want?


I'd like to join in later if that's the case... does it take long/is it hard? Is it a new level of its own or just a harder version of the existing missions?


I still have zero legendary weapons. The game hates me.


Yeah, it's pretty hard. You need elemental weapons for most of the wizards and majors. The boss is pretty easy using the trick of hiding in the room but it does take a while to whittle his health down. There are no checkpoints so once the whole team dies it's back to orbit you go.


I think its time we organised a day and time for the first N-E raid.


We have got quite a few high level (26+) players now plus I'd like to get my brother involved in the first raid.


He sent a request to join the N-Europe clan, his ID is Loken_Mar if you can accept it.

Well, i could but being a level 20 not sure how i'd fair.


You'll be annihilated.


It's gonna be L26+ probs.


So far I can think: me, Daft, Map, Lostmario, his brother, drahcon


That'd be 6

Well, who's actually ready to raid?


I'm up for it. We should start Tuesday night, since that's when the week starts.



So far I can think: me, Daft, Map, Lostmario, his brother, drahcon


That'd be 6


Don't forget Hero of Time

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