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The Wii U is the first next gen console to launch without a single next gen looking game.


I keep hearing stuff like this, am I the only one who thinks Nintendoland looks gorgeous?


Anyway, it looks like I should be the owner of a Wii U on Friday, pretty excited.

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I keep hearing stuff like this, am I the only one who thinks Nintendoland looks gorgeous?


Anyway, it looks like I should be the owner of a Wii U on Friday, pretty excited.

Nope. It looks awesome. It's just if it isn't hyper realistic with 548675495435349786549786423567890 different characters on screen, it's not next gen

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I keep hearing stuff like this, am I the only one who thinks Nintendoland looks gorgeous?


Anyway, it looks like I should be the owner of a Wii U on Friday, pretty excited.


I actually totally agree with you. When I played it at Play Expo I was impressed by the graphics, but more so by the different art styles in eahc game. I love the fabric look in the Zelda game especially, the cardboard Ninjas come a close second though!


As for games looking 'next gen', the clean and cheerful Miis weren't pushing insane polygon counts or textures, but they looked great and people loved them!


I am also totally hyped, I'm off to a midnight launch.

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I actually totally agree with you. When I played it at Play Expo I was impressed by the graphics, but more so by the different art styles in eahc game. I love the fabric look in the Zelda game especially, the cardboard Ninjas come a close second though!


As for games looking 'next gen', the clean and cheerful Miis weren't pushing insane polygon counts or textures, but they looked great and people loved them!


I am also totally hyped, I'm off to a midnight launch.

Agreed. I also noticed that the fabric even tears when you get damaged

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I completely disagree that they've lost the plot. They're trying to get stuff across but they're just constantly getting shit from people. Everyone is constantly going on about Nintendo dying so they have to make grandiose claims such as this.


Besides, it DOES look better on the Wii U over the 360 and PS3. It's not massively better, but it is better. It just has a lower, albeit still VERY passable frame rate at certain points.


But you've sort of lost the plot with your argument yourself. Why would Nintendo give a shit about random people and these 'tabloid analysts' (which we've been seeing a lot of in gaming recently) thinking they're "dying"? Nintendo is a business and people keep forgetting this with their rose tinted glasses, the only people they're concerned to hear they're "dying" from are stock holders.


Second point is completely meaningless for me to argue with, as I've always been on the camp of 'performance before graphics'.

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Nope. It looks awesome. It's just if it isn't hyper realistic with 548675495435349786549786423567890 different characters on screen, it's not next gen


On a more serious note: yes to the second part.

At the start of the current generation, I was beyond myself with glee when I saw tech demos depicting battles with hundreds of enemies and friends running across fields, able to do proper pathfinding and seemingly inteligent behaviour.


Then we got CoD where you fight alone, walking through narrow corridors that put Starfox to shame, firing weapons with no recoil against scripted enemies who are too stupid to attack more than three at once. It sold by the trilions and now everyone is copying it.

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Besides, it DOES look better on the Wii U over the 360 and PS3. It's not massively better, but it is better. It just has a lower, albeit still VERY passable frame rate at certain points.


We still on about CoD here? If so DF says otherwise.


The Wii U version matches the look of the Xbox 360 game and thus gives it an edge visually over the PlayStation 3 release, but unfortunately it comes up well short in terms of performance - an aspect that is all-important to the playability of a COD title. The frame-rate variance is such that the PS3 game feels generally smoother, while the 360 release feels like an entirely different game in the more demanding levels.


Looks better than PS3? Yup. Better than 360 version? Nope.

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I'm not really sure what Reggie could have said differently. If he highlights any issues, then this will ward off gamers and stop them from buying certain titles. He did alright, considering this.


You can't really tell an awful lot about new consoles from launch titles. It's only really 12-18 months into a console's lifecycle when you can really see which direction it is going, and that also counts for its graphical power, too. Of course, if this continues to be a problem and ports start looking really bad on the system or something, then there would be a problem.

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Has this forum turned into N-EoGAF?


I know, what has happened to this place?


I agree that a new generation isn't just about graphics, about the experience and that's what Nintendo need to focus on, when they did the horsepower race alone, they struggled to compete. Their new direction helped them survive. Graphically I don't think we really need to improve upon xbox360 standards, games like skyrim and red dead redemption are stunning. Any graphical leap won't be so massive. I think it's more on processing, it'd be nice for consoles to be able to offer MMORPG games. Besides anyone so obsessed by graphics should be a PC gamer anyway.


I think certain games like Nintendo land are beautiful and when you also think it is outputting those graphics on the TV and gamepad. I'm sure games will look better in time. You'll see a game that looks next gen when you see both the tv and tablet in front of you and do things you couldn't do before in gaming. It's just not how some expect next gen to be.

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I'm not really sure what Reggie could have said differently. If he highlights any issues, then this will ward off gamers and stop them from buying certain titles. He did alright, considering this.


You can't really tell an awful lot about new consoles from launch titles. It's only really 12-18 months into a console's lifecycle when you can really see which direction it is going, and that also counts for its graphical power, too. Of course, if this continues to be a problem and ports start looking really bad on the system or something, then there would be a problem.


12-18 months before we see if the Wii U can push out better visuals then the 360/PS3.


I am not sure about that, Sounds a bit of a stretch!


720/PS4 will be dropping in 12 - 18 months. Wii U is gonna have to show some power before then.

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Well, the arguments don't really matter, do they. What matters is the impression left on the consumers. With the Wii, I was really impressed and wanted to buy it immediately on launch, with the WiiU I don't see any such reason. That promo they did offered zero incentive for buying the system, it looked much like a Wii with just a different controller :/ Certainly I'm not the only one who feels like that...

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Sonic looks better, tekken looks better, cod slightly better imo,

nintendo land altho no realistic graphically looks lush.

Pikmin is in the launch window, that looks beautiful and next gen.

when we see the real games next year we will all be blown away, Not just because they look great because the way we will be playing them.

Edited by yesteryeargames
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Show me 1 next gen looking LAUNCH game please then?


Nintendoland... because it simply CANNOT be done on the other platforms alone! The fact that the PS3 and 360 are incapable of playing Nintendoland then it is therefore next-gen, given that it is actually a console game from the next generation.

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I am excited for Wii U! But I am only moderately excited by its launch games, and only because I play games mostly on my own, and I believe both Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros U are more enjoyable with multiple players. When Pikmin 3 arrives, my excitement will boil!


For all the people concerned about Nintendo, should we not expect a new Nintendo Direct very soon, detailing games beyond March 2013? Nintendo must have some grand things up their sleeves!

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Nintendoland... because it simply CANNOT be done on the other platforms alone! The fact that the PS3 and 360 are incapable of playing Nintendoland then it is therefore next-gen, given that it is actually a console game from the next generation.


You're clutching at straws. I said show me 1 next gen LOOKING launch game? You don't need to strain yourself though because there aren't any.

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You're clutching at straws. I said show me 1 next gen LOOKING launch game? You don't need to strain yourself though because there aren't any.


I'm not clutching at straws, you are. It's clear to see when you look at Nintendoland and see how it plays that you can't do that on the PS3 or 360 and therefore it's inherently next-gen.

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I'm not clutching at straws, you are. It's clear to see when you look at Nintendoland and see how it plays that you can't do that on the PS3 or 360 and therefore it's inherently next-gen.


That's because it doesn't have a second screen. Nothing to do with the power of the console and is NintendoLand really the best example of graphics on the Wii U? I sure hope not. Next!

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That's because it doesn't have a second screen. Nothing to do with the power of the console and is NintendoLand really the best example of graphics on the Wii U? I sure hope not. Next!


Whoever said graphics?! You didn't, I didn't. You simply said no next-gen looking game. Well if you look at the game and you can tell that none of the current gen consoles can play the game then obviously a new console must be out, ergo next-gen!




Dumbass! Yes, I said it, a direct insult to you personally because I'm sick of seeing your nonsense crap!

Sorry Admins, I just couldn't hold it in any longer.

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It's really ironic his username is "Wii" yet he said the Wii U is the first console that has "no games that look next gen". Where were you for the Wii launch? There were original Xbox games that looked better than launch Wii games. You're detraction of the Wii must have been legendary seeing as it wasn't 'next gen'.


Please continue you're anti Wii U agenda though, it's quite enjoyable watching you fumble through a debate.

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