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Revolution's image not good in the press!!


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Ironically if Nintendo decided to make a slew of "mature" violent games the press would slam them for corrupting young minds. Unless they throw money around Nintendo will never win with these poor excuses for journolists.

The press slamming them for corrupting young minds would be more of a blessing to peoples general view of Nintendo than a curse. Pity It'l never happen.

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I´m from Germany and here the press is not so bad about Nintendo. We even have on our main-cartoon-channel so much Nintendo-clips...

But the thing is...most people are cursed to the playstation-brand because of lack of intelligence, to imagine how this could work. If we want Nintendo to proceed their great work in the future then we must show how cool,styllish and fun the revolution is before they have enough money to buy a PS3. Perhaps some would jump on the boat and will have an immersive journey together with us via Wifi-connection...word ;)

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What would Sony be without Nintendo anyway?


Nothing!!...We'd use cameras and joysticks to control teh Playstations :P


I think this next generation is going to be a confusing one.

There are so many people slagging off the 360...even that the controller is just like the Playstation one :confused: WTF?! Have they not realised that the Playstation controller is just a slightly upgraded SNES controller?!?!


There are people saying: "I def wont get a 360 cos the PS3 will be out soon" and other such stuff...it just sounds so retarded when people make a big deal over consoles like that, more than proper gamers.

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demonmike04, are we related? lol! i have an uncle that's like that too. and also, there's a guy that works with one of my friends and he hates me (something silly to do with sleeping with his girlfriend... i didn't know she was seeing someone else though in my defense... but anyhoo... ahem...) and my friend amanda bought herself a DS and brought her nintendog into her work. everyone loved it, especially all the other females (see below) but this guy did nothing but tell her to sell it and buy a PSP because the DS was failing and no one was making any more games for it and that it was a flop everywhere! and he was only doing this because of me lol! how sad! yes he owns a psp too.


people like this really get my blood boiling too, just like the news of the world, but what you said about it is so true, its a common paper for chavs lol! i like that ;)


and about the nintendog thing above... it REALLY is good for chatting women up :D

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demonmike04, are we related? lol! i have an uncle that's like that too. and also, there's a guy that works with one of my friends and he hates me (something silly to do with sleeping with his girlfriend... i didn't know she was seeing someone else though in my defense... but anyhoo... ahem...) and my friend amanda bought herself a DS and brought her nintendog into her work. everyone loved it, especially all the other females (see below) but this guy did nothing but tell her to sell it and buy a PSP because the DS was failing and no one was making any more games for it and that it was a flop everywhere! and he was only doing this because of me lol! how sad! yes he owns a psp too.


people like this really get my blood boiling too, just like the news of the world, but what you said about it is so true, its a common paper for chavs lol! i like that ;)


and about the nintendog thing above... it REALLY is good for chatting women up :D


Lmao...people are arrogant and today's opinions are mindless, but hey, we've seen the facts, if PSP was better wouldn't it be doing much better than it currently is? Although it is selling well, the DS has had a big success.

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Nintendo have an image as a manufacturer of childrens toys, and not as a serious competitor in the video game market. In the current market, people want what is "cool", that is, what the media tells them is "cool". Cool is the playstation, cool is the iPod, cool is Grand Theft Auto. Cool is sadly not Nintendo.


Its clear that with a bit of work its possible to change your image. Five years ago Microsoft were not a cool company, and the idea of having a microsoft games console was laughable. The Xbox had an uphill struggle trying to establish itself. People seem to forget given its recent succes, but at first the Xbox didn't do too great. It was too pricey they said, and the only good game was Halo, which would be coming out for PC anyway! But Microsoft worked at it, pouring money into advertising and persistently getting top quality titles, the Xbox established the groundwork and Xbox360 has been an instant hit (apart from in Japan)


Nintendo can change the kiddy image, either by changing the revolution and releasing a run of the mill system, with better graphics than the 360 and PS3 and a prettier box. Did I mention, replacing Mario and Zelda with a bunch of generic FPS and Racing games.


Alternatively they can put the revolution out there and market it as something different, something thats a must have. The DS has become a must-have for portable gamers, whilst the PSP is impressive technically it does nothing that hasn't been seen before. Yet people pick up the ds for the first time and are in awe, and its not just gamers - Its women, the elderly, people who (and I'm generalising here) usually see gaming as a waste of time. Yet they see someone playing Nintendogs and it gets their attention, suddenly there's a new demographic just waiting. When you take it into their homes as something that sits next to their dvd player, under their tv then suddenly you have an even wider market.


The revolution could become that rare thing, a console that suits everyone - that isn't exclusive to the spotty geek, or the tech guy with the bulging wallet. It will need to be marketed right, and it will need support from the right people - but the model nintendo are using with the console is spot on, a good price point, a stylish design and a simplistic controller that appeals to the hardcore gamer, and the novice.


If they do it right, Nintendo can change their image with the press and as a consequence, the average joe. That part however is down to them.

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Nintendo have an image as a manufacturer of childrens toys, and not as a serious competitor in the video game market. In the current market, people want what is "cool", that is, what the media tells them is "cool". Cool is the playstation, cool is the iPod, cool is Grand Theft Auto. Cool is sadly not Nintendo.


Its clear that with a bit of work its possible to change your image. Five years ago Microsoft were not a cool company, and the idea of having a microsoft games console was laughable. The Xbox had an uphill struggle trying to establish itself. People seem to forget given its recent succes, but at first the Xbox didn't do too great. It was too pricey they said, and the only good game was Halo, which would be coming out for PC anyway! But Microsoft worked at it, pouring money into advertising and persistently getting top quality titles, the Xbox established the groundwork and Xbox360 has been an instant hit (apart from in Japan)


Nintendo can change the kiddy image, either by changing the revolution and releasing a run of the mill system, with better graphics than the 360 and PS3 and a prettier box. Did I mention, replacing Mario and Zelda with a bunch of generic FPS and Racing games.


Alternatively they can put the revolution out there and market it as something different, something thats a must have. The DS has become a must-have for portable gamers, whilst the PSP is impressive technically it does nothing that hasn't been seen before. Yet people pick up the ds for the first time and are in awe, and its not just gamers - Its women, the elderly, people who (and I'm generalising here) usually see gaming as a waste of time. Yet they see someone playing Nintendogs and it gets their attention, suddenly there's a new demographic just waiting. When you take it into their homes as something that sits next to their dvd player, under their tv then suddenly you have an even wider market.


The revolution could become that rare thing, a console that suits everyone - that isn't exclusive to the spotty geek, or the tech guy with the bulging wallet. It will need to be marketed right, and it will need support from the right people - but the model nintendo are using with the console is spot on, a good price point, a stylish design and a simplistic controller that appeals to the hardcore gamer, and the novice.


If they do it right, Nintendo can change their image with the press and as a consequence, the average joe. That part however is down to them.


Now I would like to see that happen. The Revolution has got to be the one that makes this possible.

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Time (a MASSIVE unbiased US news magazine) also praised the Revolution in its "5 things that will blow your mind" section, which is nice.

(sorry for the double post)


Yeah I read that article. The Rev got like #2 of cool things for 2006, #1 was some new humongo jet. Was PS3 there...NO :shakehead so there.

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Yeah I read that article. The Rev got like #2 of cool things for 2006, #1 was some new humongo jet. Was PS3 there...NO :shakehead so there.

But other here people are playstation mad...if it aint made by playstation, its crap according to most people. And the worst thing is that these people buy piles of games, and never get half way through one coz there crap and wont admit it. (Well the majority of COOL games are crap).

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And the worst thing is that these people buy piles of games, and never get half way through one coz there crap and wont admit it. (Well the majority of COOL games are crap).

And also because they get the game, print off pages of cheats and cant be bothered playing through the actual game

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But other here people are playstation mad...if it aint made by playstation, its crap according to most people. And the worst thing is that these people buy piles of games, and never get half way through one coz there crap and wont admit it. (Well the majority of COOL games are crap).


Yeah its true. But hey I guess now I can go and stick a Playstation logo on some dog crap and tell them its cooler than PS3 and sell it to them for a buttload of money.

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It's really getting annoying how some people react here. It's not a sin to like Playstation stuff. Because they don't share your views doesn't mean they're wrong.



No I don't mean I hate the PS. Its just that there are some fanboys out there tha love Sony and would buy their products no matter how unenhanced in gameplay they were.


Heck I own a PS2 but I'm not going to go out and buy a PS3 right when it comes out, maybe 2 years after its initial launch date.

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Did anyone see BBC news the other morning (It was on quite early) And some guy was talking about new technolhys, such as HD-TV, blu-ray, etc... And he went on to mention the PS3 and the revolution, which he praised the PS3 like it was going to stop world hunger (You could almost see the presenters grinning,t hinking about the extra commition they will get from sony for mentioning the PS3) , and when the revolution part came up, he was saying the usual stuff, like its Nintendo's latest attempt for a games console, blah blah blah, and then, he said "with its amaing new form of cont..."

Before he could finish saying the word "control", the presenters interupted, and asked him some else completly different, to make sure he didn't mention the revolution again.



Man, I hate the BBC. (Besides doctor who, of course)

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thank god i didn't watch that, my own remote control would've been thru the tv screen! yet again, its just sony's own hype machine working overtime and convincing people it's gonna be much more than it will be!


and jay, very well put! :) you're right, let's hope nintendo get the support they need. i hope that it is different enough to attract the right numbers of people and that sony don't buy all the good space in shops to make the revo look unpopular (again!)! now if only we can convince the wallet-hungry people at GAME etc that just because nintendo is going off on a tangent that they shouldn't be written off, that if they back nintendo's vision they will see it repaid in dividends with sales! GAME, you need to embrace change!!

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I think that Nintendo should make a few adult games.

Would be fun if Nintendo would swat, like ten flies in one game.

Imagine this:


Nintendo release a Zelda with adult graphics, and thereby make the best game ever. The game features the return of the Gerudos:


Imagine Gerudos in a high-poly game, with even more feminine curves: that would whup Dead or Alive.

Then imagine that you can affect Link's fate by doing bad or evil deeds. That would whup Fable. And among the bad deeds there's the possibility to kill innocents and steal horses. That whoops GTA. Then there should be blood, which whups god of war.

Then imagine a controllsystem that makes Link more mobile, which kicks Devil May Cry. And a ranking-system that kicks Final Fantasy.

Finally we have the stealt elements, which whup MGS: Guns of Patriots...




What will Sony have left then? Gran Turismo, and ONLY Gran Turismo. And perhaps some people will think Zelda wasn't GTA-ish enough. So then Nintendo can create a game that contains a hundred real-life cars, that takes place in a large free-roaming city, where you, just like in Zelda, create your own destiny in an underground world: good character= street racer, evil character=mobster...


Add to that a nice marketing campaign, and Sony are DEAD!


I nominate this post for the 'post which contains the most amount of stupid ideas in one post' award.

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It's really getting annoying how some people react here. It's not a sin to like Playstation stuff. Because they don't share your views doesn't mean they're wrong.

I dont think any one posts anything to mean that here, but you certainly get that vibe by reading this post.

In a way, the game industry owes a big thank you to the playstation, since that was the best persuasion to get people into gaming, and it worked. So the original playstation did what nintendo's trying to do now, entice new players.

But the only sin about sony is that its fans have been completely brainwashed by its competitors, the majority of its fans wont touch another console because its not kewl and wont get the good games like playstation. They've come to expect one hit wonders will be every game,and like retro said, they dont play the games fully.

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It's a great shame that so many printed publications are hiring idiots straight out of university with no genuine experience in the field.

There was a guy on radio 1 from stuff magazine talking about how every child in the country wanted an xbox 360 or a PSP, and that this is what every parent should get.. and as mentioned they also gave props to some generic casio and sony cameras with great mega pixels but shit lenses.


When asked what more financially strained parents should get their kids he didn't mention the DS at all.. it really pisses me off that these twats are writing, and I can only hope these publications get smashed by the internet journalism which is becoming more convenient everyday and completely free.


Obviously many games magazines do give genuinely good balanced reviews on games.. but I feel for the parents who felt pressured into buying their kid a PSP when they might have enjoyed a DS or something else just as much.


I can only hope these arrogant journalists who blatantly get sent dubious ammounts of freebies to give props to their products end up on the streets in the near future.


Evidence of such bribery: http://joystiq.com/2005/11/20/joyswag-win-a-copy-of-kameo-again/


I like that joystiq don't buy into such bribery.. by actually telling the fans the games rather short and that many of the bosses are beyond ridiculous.

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Nintendo's kiddy image... yes it is annoying. God I wish Nintendo would somehow nick that GTA licence... it would actually ruin everything Sony have been building towards. With GTA on a Nintendo console (and only Nintendo console) they'll buy it in their droves. Stupid chavs...


And with the DS, what I would really like is for the new re-design to be an intergration with the ipod... it would work for both parties. It would propel Nintendo's image in the West and propel Apple's Ipod in Japan - the one place where it doesn't suceed like it does everywhere else. Not to mention the fact that Microsoft suck and by doing this Nintendo are fuelling one of their competitors...


Actually, thats a good thought. Would be good business practice by both companies to do that.

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