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Revolution's image not good in the press!!


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i was flicking through some tabloid rag last sunday (news of the world i think) and whilst i don't care what they say or don't say about anything usually, i was rather p****d off to read about the revo!!


in their list of "cool gadgets for 2006" the ps3 got a MASSIVE write up, and then further on down the page amongst generic digital cameras etc is a quick sentence about the revo, which read something like: "And then there's Nintendo's new home console aimed at the kiddies with its revolutionary motion-sensitive controller." that was it! and "for the kiddies"?!?!


nintendo need to get the hype started, and the image of the revo being for the kids surprised me after the look of the machine and feedback from developers! this may have been a rag of a "news"paper, but it's rags like these that sell in the millions that the casual cunsumers listen to!

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The buzz on the Internet about the Revolution is pretty high, but amongst the real world hardly anyone knows a thing about.


Everyone i know who has a PS2 has pretty much decided that they will be getting a PS3 despite the fact that they know NOTHING about the console... price included. Dont even get me started about when they see PG3 for the 360 on TV then they sit there like woooooooooaaah look at that.


Nintendo's marekting in the UK is shoddy at best, yeah the DS is selling, but you get like 2 second adverts at the end of some crappy TV show and thats it. I think i saw the Mario Kart advert twice, and didnt see any posters around at all. Most of my mates can play fifa and thats its, altho when i have shown the MKDS they have loved it and all cant wait to play it but still dont know enough about the system to warrant going out and paying 100 bucks for it.


You will find that most publications (if you can call the tripe papers that) know little to nothing about the revolution, nor do they really care. Most people are idots (The rise of the idiot, Nathan Barly anyone?) and Nintendo need to take a few ideas from sony's book and hit the marketing HARD towards these people.


Over n out.

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remember the DS vs PSP? everyone was upset that the DS was getting bad press, but its sold 3.5 million in europe, so its not all bad. This is perhaps the reason we should be grateful for the EU when we complain about the wait for games, they make us part of a market worth Nintendo entering. I don't know what % of those sales were from the mainland continent and how many from the UK, but I imagine its a sizeable chunk.


my main point, the rags mean very little, the number of people who care what they say AND have the money to spare for a full price console is pretty low.

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Meh, newspapers do that here too.


Screw them, the Revolution will be the number one second choice, because the PS3/360 will be two expensive for an existing "mainstream" PS3/Xbox owner to own.


And then there are the loyal fanbase. Which is decreasing, but will almost certainly pick up after the impact of the DS.

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Nintendo does so well in a negative press environment. Seriously theyve been called 'kiddie' for how long now, so why should this even matter. Id rather they spend their money on making products instead of trying to 'thug-up' their image.

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I think that Nintendo should make a few adult games.

Would be fun if Nintendo would swat, like ten flies in one game.

Imagine this:


Nintendo release a Zelda with adult graphics, and thereby make the best game ever. The game features the return of the Gerudos:


Imagine Gerudos in a high-poly game, with even more feminine curves: that would whup Dead or Alive.

Then imagine that you can affect Link's fate by doing bad or evil deeds. That would whup Fable. And among the bad deeds there's the possibility to kill innocents and steal horses. That whoops GTA. Then there should be blood, which whups god of war.

Then imagine a controllsystem that makes Link more mobile, which kicks Devil May Cry. And a ranking-system that kicks Final Fantasy.

Finally we have the stealt elements, which whup MGS: Guns of Patriots...




What will Sony have left then? Gran Turismo, and ONLY Gran Turismo. And perhaps some people will think Zelda wasn't GTA-ish enough. So then Nintendo can create a game that contains a hundred real-life cars, that takes place in a large free-roaming city, where you, just like in Zelda, create your own destiny in an underground world: good character= street racer, evil character=mobster...


Add to that a nice marketing campaign, and Sony are DEAD!

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it's just frustrating to read such drivel, sony has its fanboys too who think it's all about image... you should read our local Sunday paper The Sunday Life, they constantly diss the DS, even saying it's flopping all over the world!! so obviously a sony fanboy but they get away with lies like this all the time.


i just feel like it would do nintendo a world of good to address such problems and get marketing... sponsoring adult comedy shows etc on channel four certainly helped the ds, i just can't wait for them to start hyping the revo up properly. i know they can't until e3, but after that surely a system with a control interface such as it has, and FREE online gaming alone is enough to warrant better attention? but what happens if all the so-called "journalists" in the more mainstream press have already made their minds up by then that it is "for the kiddies"?


yes it may not matter when you see how well the DS has done, but imagine if nintendo's marketing DID win them over? imagine the sales figures then? then imagine the support that would garner, from devloper's AND the shops?!

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Knightendo, have you considered writing to the editor of that particular column? Point out to them that their story is factually inaccurate, then supply the current sales figures of ~13million DS's vs ~7million PSP's, see what kind of response it draws from them. If they don't reconsider and print a correction, then you can slag them off for being in Sony's pockets, at the moment it could just be a case they're still working on the percieved success of the systems.

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i was flicking through some tabloid rag last sunday (news of the world i think) and whilst i don't care what they say or don't say about anything usually, i was rather p****d off to read about the revo!!


in their list of "cool gadgets for 2006" the ps3 got a MASSIVE write up, and then further on down the page amongst generic digital cameras etc is a quick sentence about the revo, which read something like: "And then there's Nintendo's new home console aimed at the kiddies with its revolutionary motion-sensitive controller." that was it! and "for the kiddies"?!?!


nintendo need to get the hype started, and the image of the revo being for the kids surprised me after the look of the machine and feedback from developers! this may have been a rag of a "news"paper, but it's rags like these that sell in the millions that the casual cunsumers listen to!


I read that article, and i was fuming as well. To be honest tho, they have already made a mistake anyway. In a previous article, they had a child saying that the PSP was "much better" than the DS. Better graphics, can watch movies, etc. But, the DS is proving to be more popular with sales than the PSP, correct? So..:)


Personally, i think YenRug's idea is brilliant. Lets all compile an email and send it to them. We can say facts and figures about the DS and compare them with the PSP, and say that basically things don't always turn out as you expect them to. They expected the PSP to dominate, and they also expect the PS3 to dominate.

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knightendo, your opening post isn't very unbiased either. What exactly did they say?


Even so, there's no point in writing a tabloid. It's their choice to find the PS3 cooler than the Rev and no DS sales are going to change it.

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In a nutshell, I agree that Nintendo needs a change of image particularly in the UK.


I find that media is pretty much the same with the general public when it comes to the image of Nintendo - it's targetting children and child-oriented. Nintendo is partly to blame as they pushed Pokemon so hard, most people who don't know a lot about the scene think Nintendo = Pokemon = Kids. It's a victim of its own success, if you like.


A bit of a complicated subject, but...


We live in a world where intuitive-fun (as opposed to acquired-fun) is often better understood by kids, who are socially and academically unconditioned in experiencing 'fun'. It doesn't have to be kids, but it just so turns out, growing up usually results in acquired-fun dominating your sense of enjoyment, because Knowledge takes over Intuition (normally) as you age. That leaves mostly kids to understand why Nintendo is fun.


All that is generalized, of course. Us fans are exceptions, because we've deliberately went after intuitive-fun Nintendo is good at delivering. Some journalists in the media are also keen followers of Nintendo and understand this.


Also it's worth saying here that intuitive-fun is the origin of gaming, before the multimedia revolution of 90s made realism the central part of games development - Realism encourages acquired-fun based gaming, because replicating our world is the most obvious direction when realism can be achieved. This is perhaps another reason why Nintendo is quite happy to have the least multimedia-based nextgen console.


I myself like both types of fun, but I'm afraid the general media, who doesn't have both perceptions, will see it otherwise. Not necessarily because Nintendo isn't fun for them, but because they haven't given themselves a chance to experience another side of 'fun'. Skepticism doesn't help either.


Did all that make sense? ;)

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One day (a long time ago) I was walking with a friend when a person that knew my friend saw him and started talking for about 1 hour. It was boring, but at one point he was talking about gamecube. He is one of those bad guys that said nintendo was for kids and such, until he played Metroid, then he bought a gamecube and he now likes nintendo.

I do think a bit of better publicity, like "Marilyn Manson likes DS" is what they need.

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nicely said Flaight, very nicely said :) i agree 100%, never thought of it that way before...


and yeh DCK, i know i wasn't really unbiased in my opening statement but then again i wasn't trying to be. i'm a ninty fan through-and-through and this is a nintendo forum, the journalists that make up these 'papers are meant to report in a completely unbiased way, it's in their job description after all.


Moria makes an excellent point however, and lets not forget Edge as well seems to be in our camp :) when you put it like that Moria, makes me realise it's not all bad :)


but i also agree with this idea of an email to such press, and i'll be writing to the Sunday life and report back to you if they respond...

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News of the world is aimed at common people, most common being the chav families we keep seeing around. All these families love whats hip and what every one classes as cool, and it is a fact, they'l do anything to fit in. The playstation brand is the cool factor here and almost every were, FACT. So, by what I just said, they are aiming at pleasing the reader by saying that PS3 is going to be mega cool.

By any chance did they mention the steep price involved? Even if they did, im sure all these families will be happy coz all they'l go do is mug a few peeps at the launch, like what was seen at the 360 launch.


But you do have to admit, the revolution is kinda on the kiddy side when seen from the angle Nintendo have displayed. I dont blame the newspapers for saying its kiddy, but stating it as a fact gets my blood boiling. All Nintendo have shown is a little black box, with a controller you can wave around like crazy. That to me, sounds like a kids toy sword.

We'll see the opinions sway when E3 comes, because they will show how many ways the controller can be used, and no doubt the FPS crazy guys will go crazy for it, but the trend for FPS is going high so thats one winner. Also, sports guys will love the machine. Every game has been improved.


News papers are stupid. So is my uncle... he claims his opinion is what matters and wont believe me that DS has sold 10 million world wide and PSP isnt doing near that well. He says DS had a few months head start...not worldwide, worldwide it had about 2 weeks head start.

See, people are arrogant and stupid. Most of us are open minded here, so thats why i like this place. Good argument against the news papers.


(Heh, just as a side note, you'l never expect any of this from the daily star, because they've already been proven pigshit stupid by the famous headline 'London bus spotted on the moon')

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It's a Nintendo system in the British press. It was never going to get a favourable report.

DS had quite a bit of support until the PSP date was revealed. They predicted *In there near-exact words* DS would be killed off at christmas because of PSP.

Now, DS sold WAY more than PSP, and sony cant give the bull excuse that PSP was sold out, the giga pack and normal pack were in normal stock :hehe:

Nintendo will soon own this country on the gaming side, its the media that they have to battle.

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Notice how the good papers (The Independent and such) are praising the DS/Revo whilst the not so good papers (News of the World etc etc) are dissing Nintendo?


Time (a MASSIVE unbiased US news magazine) also praised the Revolution in its "5 things that will blow your mind" section, which is nice.

(sorry for the double post)

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The media here in Europe(UK espescially) need to be sorted out by Nintendo. Their bias is seen in all the tabloids for PS2/PSP and XBOX. This has got to stop. Also they always portray Nintendo with the kiddie image for anything they do. With the Revolution the marketing must be clear in removing this dumb label they have been given.

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