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Wii U Nintendo Direct 7/Nov

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Well after watching the presentation and reading the comments from NeoGaf it looks like Nintendo did what everyone thought they couldn't - come up with an awesome and fresh online system.


I see why they've been keeping it quiet now, it's very very good.


Also, NSMBU looks amazing, especially with Miiverse integration!

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Disappointed that they didn't show the eShop or any voice chat support, but the rest looks really good.


Also seems that you can add friends to your friend's list from directly inside the Miiverse. Nice :)


NSMBU looks like HOT SEX :D


Edit: The Iwata Asks is up for Miiverse! (Japanese only ATM)

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Oh NICE! You can receive video calls while you're playing a game! (The Home button flashes blue :D)


You can also do video calls just on the gamepad itself (I am SO using this to watch TV shows and movies alongside distant friends by pointing the Gamepad at the TV screen :D)

Edited by Dcubed
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Just watched the unboxing so funny, its nice to see a personal touch it and all the messing up certainly makes him feel more human and less detached as sometimes executives can be


Edit:watched all the vid's now, really loving video chat! and the account system sounds to be a vast ocean of improvement compared to "friend codes"

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Kondo:I just realised something, too! (laughs) Miiverse has a ‘Yeah’ button that you can push if someone’s comment resonates with you. You do not simply agree with a particular comment; it’s also about two people who have played the same game sharing the same feeling, so the empathy is double.


YEAH! What that guy said!


BTW, Miiverse was co-developed by Hatena (Flipnote Studio). Guess that explains why we haven't seen Flipnote Memo...


Mizuki:Yes. There was a difference of company atmospheres, of course, but to me it felt like I was working with in-house people. And, maybe because it was Hatena, there’s a notification function this time. When someone feels empathetic and hits ‘Yeah’ on your comment, you get a notification. But that isn’t something we requested. Hatena said, "Of course we need that!" They made it and we thought, "This is great!" (laughs)


Iwata:Hatena has made all kinds of network services, like Hatena Bookmark and Hatena Diary, so they understood realities such as the necessity for a function like that these days. I feel like that’s why you were able to make something so substantial at a speed and level that you couldn’t have if you had only developed it in-house.


Mizuki:That’s right. When Mario Club debugged it, the notification function got great reviews. We wouldn’t have noticed how useful it was until we were told about it, so Hatena was extremely helpful in that regard.


Bloody hell! How could they have not even thought about something like that!? Nintendo's guys really are sleeping under a rock! :laughing:

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I've been playing Halo 4 all morning so I missed the live viewing. Time to catch up and see what's what. The apparent lack of voice chat already has me disappointed though.


*presses play on subtitled version*


The subtitled version skips over the app screen interface and most of the suspend functionality.


It's worth watching the JPN one as well.

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Interesting that Bill Trinen is getting a bigger PR role at NoA now. They seem to get him out at all their events to do more than just be Miyamoto's translator.


That's because he got promoted to Product Marketing Manager ;) (Presumably, he still does some translation work as overseer of NOA Treehouse though)

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Hang on, I haven't see anything but got udates on twitter and theough dakota.


Friend codes are dead?!! Dakota told me it's still a number but called Nintendo ID; EVERYWHERE else tells me we have a name. What do we actually get? What do I type in to add a friend, a username or a massve number?!?!


No accomplishments and no game invite voice chat instant messaging mentioned. HUGELY DISAPPOINTING.


Video chat and drawing is nice, saving screenshots is nice.


Is that it? Anything else I've missed? Seems a little underwhelming but like I say I haven't had much info. Is miiverse clear as day now? Is it still a glorified advert for games with a built in message board?! Can you have filters for JUSTFRIENDS on them. Can you access a games miiverse when it's not in etc. Scrap that question that's obviously yes!!


Are Wii U and 3DS nintendo IDs joined?!


When I get home I'll watch the videos. But from what I've been told I'm pretty disappinted and wouldn't mind some good news and positivity :)

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