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Shantae and the Pirate's Curse


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Completed this for a 2nd time last night. I must admit, I probably did exaggerate the difficulty. It's simply a difficulty spike, which is to say it seemed hard compared to what had preceded it, but once you know you can do it, it's fine.


I got 100% completion in 3:57. If that makes the game sound short, it's not - there is something called Pirate Mode, which is the equivalent of Samus Aran starting out with Speed Boost and Screw Attack.




Normal speed run is less than 2 hours. 100% speed run is probably under 3 hours (either that or they haven't patched the European version yet). I've never seen the 100% speed run wallpaper, so it's quite possibly not patched into any version yet.


This game will never see my money at that price. No way is a game that short worth it. Finishing up Metroid Fusion now and it is phenomenal. Bring on Zero Mission. It's probably lurking, waiting for next years 30th anniversary.

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I've seen the 100% speed run wallpaper on Miiverse, unless that wasn't the 100% speed run.


I'll get back to you on that, but I do believe it's the standard speed run.


This game will never see my money at that price. No way is a game that short worth it. Finishing up Metroid Fusion now and it is phenomenal. Bring on Zero Mission. It's probably lurking, waiting for next years 30th anniversary.


Or many other people's, I should imagine. I only questioned you saying it wasn't worth it, rather than you not being prepared to pay it. A bit pedantic of me, perhaps, but I seriously think people may be underestimating the quality of this.


Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission are brilliant! I presume you are prepared to pay for those because they are/will be cheaper (£6.29 for Fusion on the eShop), not because you think they are longer/better?


Most people take about 10 hours to complete Shantae & the Pirate's Curse, so at £16 that's £1.60 per hour. Pricey, I admit - and yes, I was surprised it was quite that expensive. However, I've already spent 20 hours on it! It just depends on how you see it.


For one thing, I see this being less revered than Shovel Knight (not by you personally, Wii), which doesn't seem an accurate representation of the quality to me. Maybe Yacht Club Games were better at promotion and sending out review codes than WayForward, but the quality of this seriously matches Shovel Knight every step of the way (and I think exceeds it).


@Grazza so now having played both do you have a preference? I'm going to get it today, I like 3d, but I prefer gaming on my Wii u, but I just want the best version :)


Sprites look best on 3DS. Character art looks best on Wii U. GamePad is a good compromise. Overall, I'd say the boost you get from the character art being HD is better than the boost you get from the sprites matching the 3DS's pixels.


As I say though, I think you should see the comparison as 3DS vs 480p, rather than 3DS versus HD. I definitely wouldn't play it on a TV.


Even so, my preference is for the 3DS version - that's the one I keep playing. If I only bought one, it'd be the 3DS version. Here are most of the screenshots I've taken so far, so you can compare the two versions:


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Above: Wii U


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Sprites look best on 3DS. Character art looks best on Wii U. GamePad is a good compromise. Overall, I'd say the boost you get from the character art being HD is better than the boost you get from the sprites matching the 3DS's pixels.


As I say though, I think you should see the comparison as 3DS vs 480p, rather than 3DS versus HD. I definitely wouldn't play it on a TV.


Even so, my preference is for the 3DS version - that's the one I keep playing. If I only bought one, it'd be the 3DS version. Here are most of the screenshots I've taken so far, so you can compare the two versions:


When you say sprites you mean the proper game and character art the cutaways? Interesting that you wouldn't play it on the tele, that bad? So basically 3DS or gamepad? I'll go with 3DS then!! Cheers!

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When you say sprites you mean the proper game and character art the cutaways? Interesting that you wouldn't play it on the tele, that bad? So basically 3DS or gamepad? I'll go with 3DS then!! Cheers!


Yeah, the pixel sprites are terrible on the TV (unless it's just my TV, but I don't think so), whereas the cutaways are awesome. The pixel sprites look good on the GamePad and (especially) the 3DS.


Hope you enjoy it!

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Two more screenshots from the Wii U version:


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I genuinely think there's potential in a Bran-Son game. I can imagine him fighting huge monsters, a bit like a better version of WayForward's own "Thor" tie-in.


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Risky doesn't look right without her confident pose. :)



@Ike - I got the Speed Run wallpaper:


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First time I've ever got a speed run in any game! This is the 3DS version, by the way.



Oh man, that was tough. My heart's still thumping! I know some people can do it in 57 minutes, but I took 1:56. The strategy is to know which parts of each dungeon you can leave out (in Pirate Mode), plus which keys are worth getting.


I had intended to get all the Heart Squids, but started running out of time so left a couple off. The nice thing about the bosses being easy is that you don't need all the hearts. Whether I can go back and collect those two plus all the Cackle Bats (plus buy the other upgrades) is another matter. I don't think I'll try it until I'm sure there is a 100% Speed Run wallpaper.


EDIT - Nah, it doesn't exist yet. Not worth trying until they patch it.


I think I'm done with this game for now - three times on 3DS and once on Wii U is a bit excessive. :heh: But anyway, thanks WayForward for a superb game. I hadn't been that excited for an upcoming game since Twilight Princess, so playing it was quite a roller coaster. With that much anticipation, I was always going to nitpick a bit too much (like TP), but it really was a great game.

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GameCentral didn't mince their words either:


But although there are some things we still prefer from previous game Risky’s Revenge this is a considerably bigger game, and absolutely justifies its relatively high price. What we would warn against though is the Wii U version. It’s essentially the same game but the resolution is the same, so everything just looks like someone took a magnifying glass to the 3DS version – with the beautiful pixel art blown up to many sizes larger than it was originally intended.


You get 50 per cent off one version if you buy the other but we wouldn’t recommend the Wii U version at all. It looks a bit better on the GamePad screen but showing the character artwork and special effects (things like smoke in the background) at a higher resolution than the rest of the game just makes things look even worse. So we’d consider that a 6/10 at best.


On the 3DS though this is an absolute steal and would’ve absolutely justified a retail release. WayForward do a lot of contract work, often on licensed games, and the quality of their output can vary considerably. But it’s always easy to tell when a developer is enjoying themselves, and doing things for the love of their craft. Shantae And The Pirate’s Curse is just such a game.




I still say it's fine on the GamePad, but there you go.



Pixel sprites: terrible

Character art: excellent



Pixel sprites: good

Character art: very good



Pixel sprites: excellent

Character art: good


NZ Gamer did a nice review too:


The folks at WayForward Technologies know this. While most indie developers with a focus on "retro" games are busy giving writing notes to the 8-bit era that say "do u like me [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] maybe," WayForward are creating mixtapes (inarguably, the highest form courtship) to the Super Nintendo.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the Speed Run wallpaper on Wii U as well, shaving 13 seconds off my time to get 1:43:06 (didn't know you could skip entire conversations with the Minus button).


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That really is all I can do with the game now until they patch in 100% Speed Run.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Finally got round to playing through it over the last couple of days (I know, I'm really late to getting round to playing it, been putting it off for ages). It's brilliant! : peace: Feels more or less like the Shantae game that Wayforward always wanted to make but were never able to for various reasons (be it hardware limitations or time constraints)


While it still has its fair share of problems (generally flat level design, fairly simple dungeons and puzzles - ironically despite having the best onscreen map of the series, it's the game that needed it the least :laughing:), it definitely makes up for it with the variety of gameplay sequences it offers, some great pacing, colourful characters and writing and rock solid action gameplay. The bosses are a particular highlight, even if they generally go down pretty easily (well, except for the last one - man that one is pure HYPE! Really great stuff! Really channels the feeling of Yoshi's Island's final boss and acts as such a fantastic finale! :yay: ).


The fetch questing is also well done; keeping things fairly interesting without becoming too overbearing.


The music is a real treat as well. How on earth Virt managed to pump out two amazing soundtracks (this and Shovel Knight) at the same time is just beyond me!


It also has a real range as well, moreso than the past games.


From more laid back tunes...



to adventures on the high seas...



to destitute wastelands...



to that hypetastic boss battle tune that still manages to feel fresh after all this time!



The whole game feels like an adventure and the music is a big part of what makes it all work. While at it's core it's pretty simple in its design, it's more of a Zelda lite than a Metroidvania really, those simple elements end up complimenting each other well to feel like a good action adventure should.


I can also see it being really fun to speedrun (beat it 100%, but haven't tried Pirate Mode yet), it has a good flow to it that makes it satisfying to plough through.


So yeah, it's great! Why don't you have it yet!?

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I thought the storytelling in general was outstanding - dramatic when it was meant to be, dark on occasion and frequently very, very funny.


Melody-wise, Risky's Revenge is still my favourite soundtrack, but I do think Jake Kaufman's tunes serve the story even better in this one. There are two particularly dramatic moments where the music makes it all the more exciting.


EDIT - By the way, the 100% Speed Run wallpaper was put into the Wii U version (but not yet the 3DS):



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There I was saying the 100% Speed Run wallpaper wasn't yet in the 3DS version, and now they've put it in:



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Anyway, with that, I'm done with Pirate's Curse! I absolutely loved this entry in the series - my Game of the Year, for sure. I've been playing it for four months, and it's simply dominated what the year has been about for me, gaming-wise.


Of the four known Shantae games so far, this is the only one where the protagonist is without her animal transformations. This does mean it's slightly less Monster World-like (@Dcubed was very astute calling it "Zelda lite"), but it works very well and serves as a unique entry in the series. Shantae controls like a dream, eventually having the ability to float, run and triple jump around the overworld. Whilst, to me, the ultimate Shantae game would have the animal transformations (and unique zones that need them), this slightly different approach does work very, very well.


As has been said, the graphics are absolutely gorgeous, and I for one think it would be a shame if this was the last pixel art game from WayForward.


I won't say too much as I've already said most of it, but it was just a superb game that I'm now as familiar with (actually more) as other 2D classics such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario World, Metroid Fusion, Zero Mission and, indeed, the 2nd entry in the Shantae series. Now I just can't wait for Half-Genie Hero and Risky's Revenge: Director's Cut!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I must say, this game has a very Castlevania-esque approach to its score.


I like it a lot :)


Yep. I've only played a couple of Castlevanias, but these tunes seem to be in the same style.






Such a colourful game with a brilliant sense of humour! It's made me smile revisiting the soundtrack on YouTube and seeing what the tracks are actually called.


EDIT - Also, I suppose these are Castlevania-like. :laughing:

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Just bought this for Wii U. 60% off in the Indie Sale. Was going to get it on 3DS but it's still £16 on there. Will try it out later.


Nice one! It looks fine on the GamePad, plus the character art is better.

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