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How to get you hyped again?


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You cannot be serious!


Sony was dumb releasing PS3 at GBP 650 (launch price in Norway), and losing vast amount of money on it! And now they have serious financial problems.


Microsoft was a bit smarter, and Xbox 360 was earlier and cheaper, at GBP 400 (launch price in Norway), and still today runs multiplatform titles better than PS3. I do not know if Microsoft lost money on it the first year or so.


And now you expect Nintendo to take a loss Sony-style to be able to 'please people'?


I am pleased with the current price, even when we in Norway have to pay a lot more than the rest of Europe (Wii U Premium Pack: NOK 3199 / GBP 340).


His whole post was taking th episs out of people who think these things :)

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The whole post is needlessly snarky and dripping with fanboyism, but I especially like point 3, which implies there's something wrong with people asking for games that appeal to them rather than games that aren't aimed at the kind of people who post on a Nintendo forum. Like we should all be asking for a Wii Fit U because it would sell a hundred million copies.


It's an especially ridiculous point to make in a thread about what it would take to get us hyped.

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i really love what they have done with the WiiU controller,

but about the games they have shown i am not really hyped enough yet to buy the wii u at start..

i want them to show a lil bit more from the Legend of zelda, and i want them to show of with a game just with graphics and gameplay, the wii u can do a lot with that 25gig disc space, just imagine.. lol

i also want a starfox with breathtakingly graph.

i also want them to do something new with F-zero, because i love the anime style characters, and i love captain falcon in smashbros, i want them to make an action game of the f-zero world, and that u can also do vs mode championships in racing and a large online gameplay mode.


finally if they anounce an Kid icarus game for the wii U with awesome visuals i would eat my controller right now lol hahah

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Truth be told I just want Nintendo games on the Wii-U.


I own a 360, and many of my friends do, so with regards to games like Black Ops2, NFS etc, I'll always pick these up on 360 just for social aspect of them, not to mention my friends won't part money on a Wii-U.


But this doesn't concern me, every generation I juggle 2-3 consoles. And the Nintendo console always ends up being bought exclusively for Nintendo sexy game-ness.


I appreciate they have to change their strategies and aim at casual markets and hardcore market now apparently... But just make a Metroid game and i'll buy it, Make an F Zero, Fire Emblem, Star Fox, Paper Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong game... I'll buy them.


Revive some old franchises such as Kid Icarus, Ice Climber, Punchout, Excitebikes, 1080...I'll buy them.


Just give me the Nintendo games Nintendo... that's how they'll get me hyped.

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I've tried writing posts and I write lots of words but just end up deleting them.


Suffice to say, that if I can think it up, it won't get me hyped - interested, yes, hyped, no. I want to be genuinely surprised as Nintendo do the unthinkable - something they never seemed to have too much trouble with... but in a good way.

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Here's the thing I don't quite get. I either look forward to something - a console, a game, a holiday, a film (very rarely these days) - and cough up, finances allowing... or I don't.


This whole situation of anguish and "worry" that you're not excited enough to shell out your hard-earned doe is a storm in a teacup, and will certainly seem so 6 months from now.


Personally I would be hugely relieved if I was drifting away from the money and time sink / passion for Nintendo consoles in the present economic climate. Who knows how the WiiU will fare deeper into its future, but with the launch largely sold out there must be enough of us who aren't feeling alienated-like-never-before. Just my two penneth.

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Better use of performance:

Nintendo have a console with 2GB of RAM. Which is a lot, until you realise that only half of that is meant for games. Like buying a Koenigsegg only to find that only half of the 1400 horsepower are actually meant to make the car move. Or to put things more in perspective: like Koenigsegg would use the equivelant of nearly four Toyota GT86's just to drive the interior light and air conditioning.

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Guess I'm no longer a person then. :laughing:


C'mon, you know exactly what I mean. I love the Wario Ware franchise and quite like the rythm games, but they're not IPs I empathize with, they're something I indulge in as fun time killers, not compulsive entertainment, these aren't IPs that warrant the passion that's evoked every time you think of Metroid or Zelda.


Wario Ware Twisted is one of my fav games of all time, but it will never even come close to "propper" games like Super Metroid or Link To The Past. I don't think it's hard at all to determine why hardcore gamers shy away from Nintendo consoles these days when you consider their output.


When you think about it, there should always be something new being added to the table...


The PS1 had the Crash Bandicoot, GT, Medievil and Twisted Metal IPs. For the PS2 Sony made sure they added some new stuff with God Of War, Jak & Daxter as well as Shadow Of The Colossus being prime examples. Roll around the PS3 and now you have Uncharted, Little Big Planet as well as Journey and The Last Of Us and Infamous franchises.


Nintendo's pattern is more like the Xbox's... The first one had Halo, Fable and Forza. The 360 has... Halo, Fable and Forza. Lol.


Nintendo's a bit better but they're kind of the same... They started with stuff Zelda Mario and Metroid on the NES and excluding Rare's stuff on the N64, those 3 franchises remained the strongest focus to this day, with everything else being outsourced stuff, excluding 1 or 2 gems here and there: the N64 gave birth to Smash Bros, the GC gave us Pikmin. What did the Wii give us? Nothing new.


And so, just like it happened with the 360, for the Wii it came down to third party support. And where was it? Nowhere to be seen of course. So people became disillusioned with Nintendo. I'm still here. I still care. But I cant completely understand those who don't.

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I'd love third party support like... Viewtiful Joe 3 and Super Monkey Ball 3! Sadly though, the closest we'd get to that is VJ as a playable character in a Capcom VS game and SUPER MONKEY BALL BANANA EXPLOSION FUN! or something...


The death of so many of my favourite third-party franchises is saddening, especially Monkey Ball, but it has forced me to try new things this last generation at the very least.


What even was I talking about? Gee it's late. Oh yeah, to get me excited I'd have to say... A NEW 3D MARIO! That is really all I would require. For the first year of having an N64 I only owned Super Mario 64 and even then knew that it was my favourite console. That's when I really started getting into games because shockingly, I've never been that interested in 2D Mario games.


Remember Rocket the robot on wheels? Ubisoft should bring that back for sure. Good night.

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Monkey ball been killed? They release utile games a year on various formats, it's very much alive. itsjust got a little boring.


Personally,if it had all the third parties meaning I didn't need to buy the ps4 and Nintendo released al l their usuals I'd be ecstatic. Being a little more ambitious I'd love to see revivals of excitebike (though truck is a reasonable alternative), fzero, rogue squadron, wave race, eternal darkness etc.


I didn't need to be hyped up as I always know Nintendo will provide more than enough amazing games for me.

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Monkey ball been killed? They release utile games a year on various formats, it's very much alive. itsjust got a little boring.

I think that was his point - that the series has strayed too far from what made it good - hence his reference to SUPER MONKEY BALL BANANA EXPLOSION FUN. ;)

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Actually he isn't. He doesn't camp there, he just goes there every day. He goes off and gets lunch, plays on the demo units and buggers off all the time. He runs a biog website a think, it's all one nog PR stunt that everyone seems to be falling for. If he actually camped there for a few weeks that'd be impressive; just going there every day (his rule he's there for the opening ours of the store classes as a day) doesn't at all!

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Actually he isn't. He doesn't camp there, he just goes there every day. He goes off and gets lunch, plays on the demo units and buggers off all the time. He runs a biog website a think, it's all one nog PR stunt that everyone seems to be falling for. If he actually camped there for a few weeks that'd be impressive; just going there every day (his rule he's there for the opening ours of the store classes as a day) doesn't at all!


I don't really care enough to meticulously research it, particularly as if he's actually doing it, he's incredibly sad. I'm a little worried that you know so much about it though :p

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You know your child is going to grow up to become a Nintendo fan when you give him a name like Triforce.


He actually changed his legal name himself as an adult.


He's completely nuts. I'm surprised that Nintendo still allow him to be associated with their brand - he's poisonous, speaking from a PR perspective (I would've thought that they'd try and distance themselves from him publicly)

Edited by Dcubed
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It wouldn't surprise me if the staff at the Nintendo store had to tell him to go home. The fact that they're "saving his place" suggests that they're worried that he could actually turn up during the storm and potentially get himself killed doing so.


Looking at his twitter does nothing but confirm my suspicions.

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Old project revival:

Nintendo quite simply launch a bunch of games that were far along in development and then canceled. Things like Ura Zelda (or the original 64DD Zelda 64, with the constantly evolving world, footsteps being saved etc), Starfox 2, Mario 128 etc.


They could either be sold on a compilation disc with original graphics (only smoother framerates and higher resolution), or they could be sold seperately with up to date graphics.

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Old project revival:

Nintendo quite simply launch a bunch of games that were far along in development and then canceled. Things like Ura Zelda (or the original 64DD Zelda 64, with the constantly evolving world, footsteps being saved etc), Starfox 2, Mario 128 etc.


They could either be sold on a compilation disc with original graphics (only smoother framerates and higher resolution), or they could be sold seperately with up to date graphics.


The only one of those games that was actually a finished game was StarFox 2 and that went on to be StarFox 64 (Lylat Wars in Europe).


Ura Zelda, whilst not fully released, was put out in a form. Zelda Master Quest was released as a bonus with Wind Waker on the Gamecube. This contained a lot of the tweaks and changes in Ura Zelda - which was not a standalone game but an expansion of sorts.


I'm sure there would have been more new things in Ura Zelda, however it was not a standalone game and would mean releasing another version of OOT.


As for Mario 128 it was never actually a game. It was a tech demo which actually went on be used in the production of Pikmin. The other elements were used in the production of SMG:


During the GDC 2007, Miyamoto mentioned that Super Mario 128 was merely a demonstration to illustrate the power of the GameCube. He also stated that most of the elements of Super Mario 128 were incorporated into Pikmin, in that the player controlled a large number of characters on screen. Other elements such as walking on 3D spheres are seen in Super Mario Galaxy.
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