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The Red Dwarf Mafia


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Erm....i genuinely have no idea how this game works.


I thought i'd just play along and watch other people until i got the hang of it, but now it's got to the point where i think some sort of input is expected of me, and I do not have a clue what to do.


During the day, we discuss amongst ourselves who we think is suspicious, or what happened during the night, etc. And vote for whoever we want to see lynched. This is how the Town (us) weed out the Mafia (traitors, villains hidden in our midst, killing the town, one by one).

It is tradition that first days always go "No Lynch" because there's no proper starting point in the discussion.


During the nights, we get to use our Night powers. You got your Role PM from Jimbob, no doubt, which specifies what sort of thing(s) you can do during the night (or even during the day). For this, you send a PM to Jimbob saying what you want to do (usually it's using your power on someone else a.k.a. "targeting" someone)


Once the night is over (when Jimbob has all the PMs, or simply when he chooses to end it), someone dies and a new day begins, where we can resume our discussion and start pointing fingers.

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yep, pretty much.


Just no editing posts in future as its frowned upon.


and no game discussion at night.. obviously were helping you with game mechanics at the moment rather than discussing this particular game.

Anything else you need to know?


beaten to the post quite literally by Yvonne.

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This flash tutorial is also a pretty neat oft-cited introduction to the game and some more advanced roles too (not all of these roles crop up though).


(just wanted to say I'd seen that flash so long ago I'd forgotten I'd even ever seen it, don't know why we don't reference it more because it was actually what taught me to play!)

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That's it, 4 hours WOO


(Thats With-Out Oxygen!!!!)




The crew went back to their own business. Some followed others, some went on the town for the night. The ships computer did report seeing 2 David Listers wandering around last night, but this may have been a figment of the imagination. A shoe-tree collection was organised and a certain felix-sapien ordered 15 fishes from the vending machine. And 2 droids were seen playing "John Wayne". Thats about it really.



Players 16




@Jon Dedede


@Magnus Peterson



Day 2 begins now

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