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Yakuza 5 announced - Tokyo Street Racing, Virtua Fighter 2(arcade) and Dance battles.


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Looks like a November release.
It’s been a while since we’ve talked about Yakuza 5, so we wanted to post a quick update on it. As you know, the digital pre-order lists “Dec. 31, 2015” as the release date. Fortunately, this is not the case – it looks like we’ll be releasing the game mid-November, if all goes to schedule.


Unfortunately, it’s a little later than we would’ve liked, and a few weird development bugs that popped up in localization caused the delay. Without getting too technical, there were just certain parts that didn’t like switching the Japanese text out for English, and we had to actually search through the source code to find a fix, taking more time than we expected. But! Everything is more or less back on track. Once we have details beyond just “mid-November,” we’ll make sure to share them!

Great stuff. :) Would definitely prefer this in November (before JC3 and Xenoblade) although I'd almost certainly still be playing it far into December anyway considering how huge the game supposedly is. :hehe:
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  • 1 month later...
It's out this Tuesday, @RedShell
Finally! :)

Weird how there's still no price/date on the PS store though. :blank:


They also announced Yakuza 0 is coming to the West.
Some of the West at least...



Hopefully this just means a slight delay between the US and EU release, rather than we're not getting it at all. :hmm:

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So this is digital only in Europe, as in zero chance of it being released physically?


I'm not complaining, really glad it has definitely got a release but I just wanted to check because if we are getting a physical copy then I'll wait, but if we aren't then... I'll still wait, until I have the time to play the other Yakuza games before it...


then I'll download it. :)


Anyway, I hope you enjoy the game @RedShell it's really fantastic to see your enthusiasm for what looks like an excellent and criminally underrated series. : peace:

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So this is digital only in Europe, as in zero chance of it being released physically?
Yep, digital only.

I (and my internet connection :heh:) would've preferred a disc version, but like you say, just glad we're getting it full stop.


I'm not complaining, really glad it has definitely got a release but I just wanted to check because if we are getting a physical copy then I'll wait, but if we aren't then... I'll still wait, until I have the time to play the other Yakuza games before it...


then I'll download it. :)

Are you planning to start from the very first game? I'd recommend jumping in at Yakuza 4 otherwise, that's where I started and it provides a nice recap of the first 3. :awesome:


Anyway, I hope you enjoy the game @RedShell it's really fantastic to see your enthusiasm for what looks like an excellent and criminally underrated series. : peace:
Cheers, I'll definitely enjoy it. :hehe:

It is a shame the Yakuza games aren't more popular over here, but also understandable given their content. Anyone that overlooks the series is missing out on some truly great entertainment though, so I'm glad to hear you'll be checking it out at some point. :)

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Oh my word, this game. :bowdown:

Only a few hours in, but already confident this will entertain just as much as Yakuza 4 and Yakuza Dead Souls, if not more. :grin:


The taxi driving missions had me in stitches! :laughing:

I was expecting it to be all Crazy Taxi style, but you actually have to drive properly. :heh: In other words, stopping at lights, using the indicators when turning, even accelerating/breaking too harshly will result in a penalty! (it makes great use of the analog triggers :awesome:).


As if that wasn't enough, your customers will expect conversation too, and you're given multiple choice responses to these (selected via the face buttons) but they always seem to talk at the most inconvenient moment to put you off. :D

It's actually pretty tricky driving well and making sure to pick the correct dialogue, plus there are other hazards to keep an eye on, like people randomly running out in front of your cab!


It's genius I tells ya, GENIUS! :yay:

Seriously though, it's so unusual for games to feature this kind take on driving, probably because it runs the risk of being boring, but they really have made it fun in this.

And you do also get to Crazy Taxi it up with street race missions anyway! Which are accompanied by the most phenomenal music:


Man, the cheese on that... straight into my veins! :bouncy:

Needless to say my AV system has been on full blast.


And this is just a essentially a throwaway aspect of the game! But that's what I love about these games (and Japanese game design in general) there's such a great overall attention to detail. icon14.gif


Speaking of details, the Club Sega is as addictive as ever. Crane games filled with SEGA goodies, Taiko no Tatsujin :love: and Virtua Fighter 2 arcade machines. VF2 is even playable online! :o


@martinist, I noticed you're playing this as well, you also enjoying it?

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I'll be playing this well into next year looking for trophies. Just finished part one and now at the start of part 2. The taxi stuff was pretty good, especially the racing missions.


Got a really heavy Initial D vibe from it with all the Eurobeat and the crazy heat actions you get. I like how those scenes play out depending if you close to the other guy or not. Like one time I drifted around a set of corners using a heat action when I was behind my opponet and it played out as it would. But when I did it when I was right behind him the scene played out alot differently Instead of drifing around the corners like I usually would it showed a drift train sort of thing. Both of them were drifting around those corners bumper to bumper. I like that sort of contextual stuff.


I also like how they mark side quests on the map now with a little question mark. Took me forever to figure out where they all were in the last game and it just savse alot of time wondering around looking for them.


I havn't really touched most of the side stuff, played some Taiko on Tatsujin but thats about it, been too focused on side quests and sub-stories.

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The Yakuza games don't really play anything like Grand Theft Auto. They're more... free-roaming brawlers with a lot of side quests and minigames and ridiculous but surprisingly good stories? It's the kind of series where you can go to a store to buy some jewelry, beat up some guys, go sing karaoke, beat up some guys, run into some creep in an alleyway who needs your help to win the heart of a girl, beat up some guys, rearrange the furniture in your hostess club, then go off to play the next story sequence, where it's you against ten other guys and you're beating them up with a chair while you're on fire.


They're long games, though, so they're not something I'd recommend playing while you're in the middle of another long game.

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Finished up Kiryu's chapter last night...


Some of his sub-quests almost killed me. :laughing:

Woman with the nose hair and the mixer party sub-quest being the highlights so far. :bowdown:


That battle against the Tojo Clan was amazing!

:bouncy: I felt like Bruce Lee in Fist of Fury: :heh:


On to Saejima's chapter now.

Took a quick look around Kamurocho (nice to be familiar with the map from so much time spent playing Yakuza 4 and Dead Souls) but I was disappointed to see a few places that you're no longer able to enter. :(

Although with there being 4 additional cites in this game, it's understandable I guess.


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Man... some of the shit that goes down in Saejima's chapter! :o

I was so grossed out by the cutscene where...


...that super creepy prisoner fingers Saejima's torso gash.

:heh: Man, how fucked up was that? :shakehead Answer? Very fucked up. :laughing:

Made finally getting to beat the crap out of that psycho all the more enjoyable though.


Was then blown away with how the game went all trippy, with Saejima using imagination to relive his cellmates memories of freedom. So goddamn cool! :awesome:


And during that mental escape from prison, we're also treated to some typical Yakuza game funnies in the form of Saejima's karaoke date! :D

From disgust, to amazement, to hilarity, in the blink of an eye. :bowdown:

The fact that this game can deliver such varied content so effectively is really impressive. icon14.gif

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The fact that this game can deliver such varied content so effectively is really impressive. icon14.gif


I couldn't agree more. I've played both 3 and 4 and yet I'm still amazed by just how much content (and the sheer variety of it) has been packed into this game. If anything it can be a very minor negative, only because the story has been great so far and having so many distractions has led to some pacing issues. So often I've thought to myself, 'it's time to move the narrative along' only to get sidetracked by a myriad of tempting other stuff. Then again, it's not like I didn't know what I was letting myself in for :grin:.


I've only just made a start on Part 3 where the change of pace is freaking awesome but I'll not say anything more :wink:. It's already taken me 43hrs to get to that point, my completion percentage is still only at 20.06% complete so there is so much more I need to do, not a bad thing at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just powered my way through the Finale chapter of Yakuza 5 last night. One of the best last sections of game I've played in a while, especually that final battle. Now I'm aiming for platinum but it'll probably take a while since the game said I was only 27.14% done with the game.


Need to fish, complete VF4, get some of the stuff from the UFO Catcher, mod all the wepons, do the coliseum and victory road stuff with all characters, level them all to level 20, finish up all the sidestory and sub-story stuff, find all the locker keys, drawing tickets and map scraps, finish the requirements from the batting center, driving range, bowling, darts, the casino stuff and alot more.


This is going to take a while...

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Just powered my way through the Finale chapter of Yakuza 5 last night. One of the best last sections of game I've played in a while, especually that final battle. Now I'm aiming for platinum but it'll probably take a while since the game said I was only 27.14% done with the game.


I opted to take a different approach and instead of powering through the game I've been trying to get as much done before finishing it up. Currently still in the Finale and sitting on 49.40% although I've also hit a point where I may just decide to finish the game up and leave the rest of the stuff for the Premium Adventure.


As for the Platinum, as much as I'd like to go after it, there are a couple of mini-games that I just cannot get the hang of (or just plain suck at) so I can't see me getting them done.

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Finished Part 3 earlier. :)

Amazing stuff. Just when you think the game won't get anymore bonkers...


...BOOM! You're now playing as a teenage Haruka who's trying to become an idol!


And the fact that the entire gameplay system also changes to a full-on rhythm game is insane! I bloody loved it though. :D

It's nice being able to walk around the city without fear of getting jumped. Actually, the way they handled that by having Haruka take part in Dance Battles was really cool. (I'd play an entire game like this, they should do a spin-off!)


Loved the rivalry with T-Set, and how dark this section of the game got at times too. Park's suicide/murder had my jaw on the floor! :o

Icing on the cake was including Akiyama in Part 3! Love that character. Shame there was no Hana though (apart from those phone conversations) as she's another one that cracks me up. :grin:


Part 4 has started out kind of slow after the awesomeness of 3 (not really into the Baseball thing :blank:) but it's going to be great to see how it all ties together at the end.


BTW, did this:


remind anyone else of this?:




As for the Platinum, as much as I'd like to go after it, there are a couple of mini-games that I just cannot get the hang of (or just plain suck at) so I can't see me getting them done.
Yeah, I'd been doing all the sub-stories I could find in the first 3 parts, but couldn't for the life of me do...


...the comedy routine one in Haruka's chapter! :o

Even when following a guide! :blush:

Very much doubt I'll be getting the Platinum anyway.

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Yeah, I'd been doing all the sub-stories I could find in the first 3 parts, but couldn't for the life of me do...


...the comedy routine one in Haruka's chapter!


Even when following a guide! :blush:

Very much doubt I'll be getting the Platinum anyway.


Yes, that is pure evil and I just haven't been able to do that AT ALL.


I finished up the game just now and wow! what a brilliant ending to cap off a truly wonderful game. Certainly one of the best games I've played over the past year.


Finished up on 57.09% completion so there is still a fair amount to do but given just how much time I've put into the game (at the expense of a pretty extensive backlog) I may take a small break before heading back.


I'm also inclined to return to replays of both Yakuza 3 and 4 as I do need to work on my completion percentages in those games too. I may wait before doing any full story replays in the hope that 1 and 2 both get the PS2 to PS4 treatment seeing as the proper HD reissue never did, nor likely ever will, find its way to these shores.

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Did all the sub-stories but the final fight is giving me a little trouble. So I'm going around doing all the master training stuff for all the characters. I just realised I haven't even touched Saijima's master in the mountian village as I was looking at the completion menu.


I also had trouble with the sub-story Redshell is talking about but i just started writing down the button combinations and I got it in the end.


Found a way to make a load of money so now i'm walking around with millions of yen thanks to the casino. :D

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Finished the story, the finale was certainly interesting. :heh:

Still not sure what to make of it really, there were some amazing moments but it also got a bit too mental, even by Yakuza standards.


I also cracked up at the scene where Haruka does a double take at the TV when Akiyama and Kiryu are on the news beating the crap out of people! Dunno it that was intended to be funny or not, but I found it fucking hilarious. :laughing:


Final fight against Aizawa was incredible though! Did he have enough health bars? :grin:

Just the right balance of scripted/QT stuff (which was spectacular :awesome:) and player controlled gameplay, it was a really rewarding battle.

It's on to Premium Adventure now to do some exploring and play even more mini-games! :yay:

Speaking of which... Air Hockey!



Seriously, how amazing is the air hockey mini-game in this? icon14.gifSooooo much fun. All of the mini-games are excellent really. SEGA should consider making a collection (complete with online play), I'd snap it up right away! :D


Anyway, bring on Yakuza 0! :bouncy:



BTW, @martinist & @ThePigMarcher, either of you manage to get Kiryu to Level 25 on his taxi missions? I went back to it last night to see about getting the decal trophy, but he's on level 24 and I can't seem to level up anymore. Have done all of the missions/races already too, so I think I might actually be screwed with that one now. :blank:

Edited by RedShell
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