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Wii U eShop Thread


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I'm assuming Super Mario Advance 4 has the e-Reader levels included as the Japanese and american release on eshop these past few months, so I'm definitely picking that up


Going by the trailer that's been released... I wouldn't bet on that...



It looks like we're getting diddled out of them a second time around :(

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8/10 from NintendoLife.




Reading the review has just made me more unsure about the game though.


I don't like the sound of automatic shooting and would prefer a better looking ship and the environment, but I want an arcade shooter which goes from left to right as it reminds me of a SNES game I loved, but forgot the name (not the look, the SNES game looked better considered the time and the shooting was manual, I am just talking about a type of game).


I will give it a try today and let you know what I think (but I am not the best guy to ask for opinions when it comes to games :) ).

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I agree with all you have just said. I wanted a SNES style shooter with standard controls ideally.

The ship does not look brilliant either and I am not sure, but the review suggested that your guns auto degrade - which does not sound ideal.


Music by David Wise though, and I quite like the BG style.

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I've got it and it's installed already, but I am not sure that I can give it a try right now.


Now, I also want the Mario games, hope I will have the money till the 24th so I get all three of them :D.


Forget what I said earlier about the eReader levels probably not being in... because I was wrong! And I am SO happy about it! :D


NOE didn't screw us over!!! We actually got them! Go buy Super Mario Advance 4 without hesitation! :D

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I have played it for a bit and I have to say that I like it.


The controls aren't really a problem, the degrading of weapons is also not a problem. I would still like a better graphics (the enemies are fine, but the walls could be a bit better).


The game doesn't have online score boards and we knew that, but I think that it would benefit from that.


Now, is the game worth 8,99 euros I can't say, because I don't know how long the game is, but it should take few hours to master it enough to be able to finish it.


Forget what I said earlier about the eReader levels probably not being in... because I was wrong! And I am SO happy about it! :D


NOE didn't screw us over!!! We actually got them! Go buy Super Mario Advance 4 without hesitation! :D


I have no idea what eReader levels are :D, but when it comes to Mario I do want it, but have to wait just a bit to see how I stand with the money, but I will probably buy all three of them (2+1).

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I have played Star Ghost a bit more today. I have to say that I like the game and I think it is a good arcade shooter.


It takes time to learn some things, mostly adjusting aiming and going up and down, but it's not a big problem it just take time to do it good enough to be really good at the game.


It has 12 star systems, 1st has 3 stages, 2nd 4, 3rd five and then every other system has 6 stages (I think).


I have made it to the 3rd system 3rd stage, and I have spent about 2 hours on it (some time I have spent was trying to make a screen shot, but it didn't work, but I did play at least 1,5 hours till now, today I played actively for over an hour) so I think that to finish the game it will take quite a long time, unless the player is really good at these type of games (the first level is more a training level).


I am writing this because of the price, as I do now think that the price is justified (or at least it's not a rip off), as it will give you enough amount of time you will spend on it.

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So these Mario advance games. I'm getting 4 for the ereader levels, is there any point in getting the other two when I have them both on virtual consol?


Super Mario Advance 2? Not really...


Super Mario Advance 1 though? Now that's a different matter!


That has some substantial new content over the NES and SNES versions of SMB2; including the Yoshi Challenge mode and an all new boss encounter!


Since it's on Buy-2-Get-One-Free offer, you might as well go ahead and get all three before the offer expires :)

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Super Mario Advance 2? Not really...


Super Mario Advance 1 though? Now that's a different matter!


That has some substantial new content over the NES and SNES versions of SMB2; including the Yoshi Challenge mode and an all new boss encounter!


Since it's on Buy-2-Get-One-Free offer, you might as well go ahead and get all three before the offer expires :)



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So these Mario advance games. I'm getting 4 for the ereader levels, is there any point in getting the other two when I have them both on virtual consol?


Super Mario Advance is pretty much the definitive version of Super Mario Bros. 2. Better visuals, voices, red coins and Yoshi challenge all make an amazing package.


As for Super Mario Advance 3, I've never played it before but im sitting playing it here for the first time and I'm really enjoying it. The inclusion of the 5 Yoshi coins per level is a great addition for someone who has played the SNES version to death. It's just a shame the colours seem really faded compared to the SNES original.

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As for Super Mario Advance 3, I've never played it before but im sitting playing it here for the first time and I'm really enjoying it. The inclusion of the 5 Yoshi coins per level is a great addition for someone who has played the SNES version to death. It's just a shame the colours seem really faded compared to the SNES original.


Uhhh... I think you meant Super Mario Advance 2? Super Mario Advance 3 is Yoshi's Island.


The Yoshi coins were in the SNES game, but it never kept track of the levels you managed to collect them all in. It also adds Luigi and his floaty jump, a save-anywhere feature along with adding the ability to redo castles and Fortresses without putting in a button input.


Out of the 4 Mario Advances, 2 has the least new stuff, but if you've never played Mario World, it's not a bad port, washed-out colours aside.

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Uhhh... I think you meant Super Mario Advance 2? Super Mario Advance 3 is Yoshi's Island.


The Yoshi coins were in the SNES game, but it never kept track of the levels you managed to collect them all in. It also adds Luigi and his floaty jump, a save-anywhere feature along with adding the ability to redo castles and Fortresses without putting in a button input.


Out of the 4 Mario Advances, 2 has the least new stuff, but if you've never played Mario World, it's not a bad port, washed-out colours aside.


It IS substantially easier than the original though. They dumbed down the difficulty much moreso than they did with the other SMA games; what with the extra hit you can now take when you're Cape/Fire Mario and Luigi's extra high jump breaking the level design, on top of the levels being made a lot easier in certain places.


They're all generally easier than their original NES/SNES counterparts (Yoshi's Island being affected the least in that regard), but SMA2 especially made a lot of changes to lower the difficulty all around (not that SMW was ever an especially hard game, which makes it all the more egregious!)


The worst part though is the music, it sounds TERRIBLE in SMA2! The other SMA games had some pretty good renditions of the music all round (and SMA3 is VERY close to the SNES original! One of the best SNES-GBA soundtrack conversions ever done!), but SMW sounds bloody awful on the GBA! Thank God they stepped their game up afterwards!


SMA2 is definitely the least essential of the lot, but it IS free of you get the other two right now, so you might as well get all three of them :p (and then get SMA3, since it's the only version of Yoshi's Island available on the VC anyway. The GBA version isn't bad really and the 6 new levels are actually really good! I'd still choose the SNES original over the GBA version, but those 6 extra levels are worth getting SMA3 for alone anyway! :D )

Edited by Dcubed
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Gracing the Wii U eShop this Thursday 17th March, we have;


Wii U eShop

Mutant Mudds Super Challenge (Renegade Kid, €9.99/ £8.99 or €8.49/ £7.64 until 16th / 17th April for those with Mutant Mudds on the same NNID or the E3 Nindies@Home demo, or free if you already own the 3DS version on the same NNID)

Paranautical Activity (Digerati, €9.99/ £8.99)


Wii U Retail Download

Pokkén Tournament (Nintendo, €59.99/ £49.99) – Available from Friday 18th of March.

Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts

DuckTales: Remastered (Capcom, €5.99/ £4.79 until 31st March, regular price €14.99 / £11.99)

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (Capcom, €5.24/ £4.19 until 31st March, regular price €14.99 / £11.99)

Nova-111 (Curve Digital, €5.99/ £4.79 until 31st March, regular price €14.99 / £11.99)

OlliOlli (Curve Digital, €3.99/ £3.19 until 31st March, regular price €9.99 / £7.99)

Pumped BMX+ (Curve Digital, €3.99/ £3.19 until 31st March, regular price €9.99 / £7.99)

Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones (Curve Digital, €3.99/ £3.19 until 31st March, regular price €9.99 / £7.99)

The Swapper (Curve Digital, €5.99/ £4.79 until 31st March, regular price €14.99 / £11.99)

The Swindle (Curve Digitial, €5.99/ £4.79 until 31st March, regular price €14.99 / £11.99)

Ultratron (Curve Digital, €3.99/ £3.19 until 31st March, regular price €9.99 / £7.99)

Blocky Bot (Mobot Studios, €1.29/ £0.94 until 7th April, regular price €2.69 / £1.89)

Paper Monsters Recut (Mobot Studios, €3.19/ £2.69 until 7th April, regular price €6.49 / £5.49)

Island Flight Simulator (Joindots, €7.19/ £5.39 until 31st March, regular price €7.99 / £5.99)

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24th March on the Wii U commences with;


Wii U eShop

Infinity Runner (Wales Interactive, €6.49/ £5.89)

Shantae: Risky’s Revenge Director’s Cut (WayForward, €9.99/ £6.99)


Wii U Virtual Console

Star Fox 64 (Nintendo, N64 VC, €4.99 / £4.49 until 21st April, then €9.99/ £8.99)


Wii U Retail DLC

Hyrule Warriors: Legends: Legends of Hyrule Pack: 3DS / Wii U Bundle (Nintendo, €16.99/ £15.29)


Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts

Ascent of Kings (Nostatic Software, €1.49 / £1.11 until 31st March, regular price €1.99 / £1.49)

Word Party (Lightwood Games, €11.99 / £11.19 until 7th April, regular price €15.99 / £14.99)

Suspension Railroad Simulator (Joindots, €7.19 / £5.39 until 7th April, regular price €7.99 / £5.99)

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Wii U Retail DLC

Hyrule Warriors: Legends: Legends of Hyrule Pack: 3DS / Wii U Bundle (Nintendo, €16.99/ £15.29)


Huh? There's no option for people to just get the characters for the WiiU version only?


Not that it affects me, I'm getting the 3DS only pack, but it seems weird that those who only want the DLC for WiiU will end up being charged more for less content. (Seeing as the WiiU version won't get the new Adventure maps)

Although if it includes the characters from the 3DS version as well, then maybe that'll explain it.

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Huh? There's no option for people to just get the characters for the WiiU version only?


Not that it affects me, I'm getting the 3DS only pack, but it seems weird that those who only want the DLC for WiiU will end up being charged more for less content. (Seeing as the WiiU version won't get the new Adventure maps)

Although if it includes the characters from the 3DS version as well, then maybe that'll explain it.


The Wii U only pack is releasing later in the Summer if I remember right.

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Shantae: Risky’s Revenge Director’s Cut (WayForward, €9.99/ £6.99)


Wii U Retail DLC

Hyrule Warriors: Legends: Legends of Hyrule Pack: 3DS / Wii U Bundle (Nintendo, €16.99/ £15.29)



That is a ridiculous pounds price compared to the price in Euros. Why should UK gamers pay more? Even a game like Shantae doesn't use currency conversion to screw over the buyer.

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Did anyone else download Star Ghost?


It's really addictive. Spent a good hour with it almost every day since launch. It seems pretty basic at first but does have a lot of hidden depth. The gameplay mechanis are solid and original and the soundtrack has a War of the Worlds vibe to it. As the reviews and impressions say it is basically a cross between the rocket barrel levels from Retro's Donkey Kong Country, Geometry Wars and Balloon Trip. Highly recommended!


The only negative is that there is no online leaderboards, but I'm hopeful they'll be added to the game in the future.

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