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Wii U Price Check


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Oh bloody hell, less than 24 hours later after caving in and buying one. I'm trying to cancel my order on Zavvi's main website (it's saying that it may not be able to be cancelled in time before despatching, yet it hasn't been despatched yet) and I've re-ordered through Zavvi's ebay store. No doubt it'll be £4 in a Zavvi store tomorrow, and I'll drown myself.

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Ummmm, first and last console I buy on launch. I'm £45 out there.


EDIT. Don't know what I'm on about, I got the DS and Wii on launch. Well, last console on launch anyway. It's because they let shops decide the price in the UK, that's the whole issue here. Would have been a slightly different story should the supermarkets have stocked them from the off.

Edited by madeinbeats
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Yeah totally. Nintendo are doomed, they'll never recover from this and this time next year they will be making games for iOS.




lol no need to try and be funny. Nobody is saying that, Nintendo has enough money in the bank survive the Wii U being a failure but lets not kid ourselves here, the first month in the UK the Wii U has bombed hard.


Retailers dont sell new consoles for £75 off the rrp a month after launch if they are selling well.

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I wasn't being funny, but the words 'failure' and 'bombed hard' are not the words I would use as they would suggest that the company is in major trouble.


The Wii U is doing ok. No, it's not selling like the Wii did but this isn't 2006 - and there has been no where near as much hype. Yes, Nintendo is mostly to blame for that but lets not sit here and say its failed when it's only been out for 3 or so weeks.


It's totally unjustified. It'd be the same if I was sat here saying - it's the launch of the century and it's a perfect console. Not true. And no one knows how it will perform at time goes on and it's way too early to tell.

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I wasn't being funny, but the words 'failure' and 'bombed hard' are not the words I would use as they would suggest that the company is in major trouble.


The Wii U is doing ok. No, it's not selling like the Wii did but this isn't 2006 - and there has been no where near as much hype. Yes, Nintendo is mostly to blame for that but lets not sit here and say its failed when it's only been out for 3 or so weeks.


It's totally unjustified. It'd be the same if I was sat here saying - it's the launch of the century and it's a perfect console. Not true. And no one knows how it will perform at time goes on and it's way too early to tell.


Funny to see the word "unjustified" flying around considering how you got to this point in the conversation..


Think it's fair to say the Wii U has has bombed hard in the UK/Europe.


I'd say he was fair to say it to be honest. 75 whole pounds off the RRP less than a month after it has launched is really concerning. That's nearly a third of the price! liger even made the effort to make sure to state UK/Europe, indicating it's definitely failing in one of the two regions. My guess? UK only, because I'm not seeing much data for Europe.


Now, lets check out your response..


Yeah totally. Nintendo are doomed, they'll never recover from this and this time next year they will be making games for iOS.


Basically the "I don't like your argument, but can not provide any productive counter arguments so I'll just stretch what you said with a sarcastic response".


C'mon Aneres, you're better than this. The only thing I'll pick at liger's posts is the use of past tense. I would personally say 'The Wii U is bombing in the UK', 'bombed' sounds like the thing is already done for and there's no saving it.

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Actually, I think my 'sarcastic' point was enough of a counter for the 'bombed hard' comment that had absolutely no justification other than an eBay outlet dropping the price - for how long for and why we don't know.


My second post justified my point after he justified his.


Also, I don't think he was 'fair' to say that it's bombing hard. But you do - and that's your opinion. But like I say - 3 weeks into the console life and it's failing and bombing. I don't agree.

Edited by Aneres11
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Also, I don't think he was 'fair' to say that it's bombing hard. But you do - and that's your opinion. But like I say - 3 weeks into the console life and it's failing and bombing. Give me a break.


For the sake of better understanding your argument here, because I'm having a little trouble, but what do you constitute as 'fair'?


You seem more to be taking offence to the argument rather than trying to disprove it with counter points. You even try to use 'Ebay outlet' as a point of discrediting the massive drop in price even though you know full well it's not just some basic, car boot sale reminiscent merchant doing this with a couple of units. It's a full fledged online retailer that has plenty in stock to sell at that price!


I'm not saying the Wii U is failing, but there is clearly a heavy situation in the European markets as Nintendo had stated before the Wii U release. So the question is, why is it that way and why are Nintendo doing fuck all for it?

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For the sake of better understanding your argument here, because I'm having a little trouble, but what do you constitute as 'fair'?


You seem more to be taking offence to the argument rather than trying to disprove it with counter points. You even try to use 'Ebay outlet' as a point of discrediting the massive drop in price even though you know full well it's not just some basic, car boot sale reminiscent merchant doing this with a couple of units. It's a full fledged online retailer that has plenty in stock to sell at that price!


I'm not saying the Wii U is failing, but there is clearly a heavy situation in the European markets as Nintendo had stated before the Wii U release. So the question is, why is it that way and why are Nintendo doing fuck all for it?


I clearly need to be clearer.


Fair to me is takin a look at the situation.

We have a console that has been out for 3 weeks or so and in that time it has sold however many units. (I don't have exact numbers, sorry).

First week sales were good. They were very good considering the marketing for this from Nintendo has been absolutely pathetic. Not to mention the fact we've had no consoles in supermarkets which is a bit of a bummer and may have hindered sales somewhat.


Also, with the name and confusion of whether this is a new console or new controller by lots of people, the sales haven't been terrible.


They're not consistent, no - but I don't think that is typical of any console launch / release.


So my point, is that the failing and bombing comment isn't fair (once again, my opinion) when taking the above into consideration (terrible marketing, confusion, no stock in supermarkets etc) and the fact it has only been out for 3 weeks. A console doesn't fail or succeed in it's first few weeks! If that was the case then the 3DS would be dead and buried. :heh:


Yes, my first comment may have been slightly childish and sarcastic and I apologise, but it wasn't nasty or personal. But again, sorry if offensive.


Hopefully that explains my thoughts better.

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Funny to see the word "unjustified" flying around considering how you got to this point in the conversation..




I'd say he was fair to say it to be honest. 75 whole pounds off the RRP less than a month after it has launched is really concerning. That's nearly a third of the price! liger even made the effort to make sure to state UK/Europe, indicating it's definitely failing in one of the two regions. My guess? UK only, because I'm not seeing much data for Europe.


Now, lets check out your response..




Basically the "I don't like your argument, but can not provide any productive counter arguments so I'll just stretch what you said with a sarcastic response".


C'mon Aneres, you're better than this. The only thing I'll pick at liger's posts is the use of past tense. I would personally say 'The Wii U is bombing in the UK', 'bombed' sounds like the thing is already done for and there's no saving it.


good point and 3 weeks is too soon to say write a console off. Things can be turned around its just had a really bad start in the UK. Way worse than I thought it would be.


TBH even this zavvi deal I would expect at that price for them the units to of been sold out within an hour or two but its still there with 115 sold.


I do wonder if its another N64 situation where there is an official price drop within a couple of months. I hope not but I cant see the sales picking up too much as the software isnt there right now.


I clearly need to be clearer.


Fair to me is takin a look at the situation.

We have a console that has been out for 3 weeks or so and in that time it has sold however many units. (I don't have exact numbers, sorry).

First week sales were good. They were very good considering the marketing for this from Nintendo has been absolutely pathetic. Not to mention the fact we've had no consoles in supermarkets which is a bit of a bummer and may have hindered sales somewhat.


Also, with the name and confusion of whether this is a new console or new controller by lots of people, the sales haven't been terrible.


They're not consistent, no - but I don't think that is typical of any console launch / release.


So my point, is that the failing and bombing comment isn't fair (once again, my opinion) when taking the above into consideration (terrible marketing, confusion, no stock in supermarkets etc) and the fact it has only been out for 3 weeks. A console doesn't fail or succeed in it's first few weeks! If that was the case then the 3DS would be dead and buried.


Yes, my first comment may have been slightly childish and sarcastic and I apologise, but it wasn't nasty or personal. But again, sorry if offensive.


Hopefully that explains my thoughts better.


First week sales were not good. MCV reported it did 40k on the first weekend. That is very very low and ranked below all other launches.


The product confusion and bad marketing is down to nintendo and thats the worst thing. There are elements Nintendo can control and they blew it. Either they were not prepared for the current market conditions or just thought the 'wii' name alone would do the job.


There is only so much money people have and come January/Feb people aint out spending big money after the holiday period.


The biggest indicator we have of poor sales in the UK & Europe is no PR from Nintendo. Nintendo being completely silent about sales in the UK or France and Germany tells us things are not going well.

Edited by liger05
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Wowzers! :eek:

I wonder if Nintendo will do an official price-cut in the UK soon... :hmm:


Us early adopters had better get a Wii U Ambassador program if so! :heh:


Probably not. Remember, retailers set the prices over here now. We all know that they've all slapped on a huge markup over the wholesale price that they can just chip away at (we're paying by far the highest price for the console and the 3DS had about £50 extra slapped onto it at launch!)

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TO be fair, it's only Zavvi that seems to be lopping chunks off of the Wii U price - first on their website and now on ebay. Most other sites have knocked £10 at best off their original launch prices (before they put them up near the end to try and scalp a bit more from those late to pre-order) with Basics sitting around £240 and Premiums £290 across the board.


Lets's just wait and see whether Zavvi move this price to their own website and whether other retailers follow suit. This could just be a fact that Zavvi have over estimated their own personal stock requirements against their ability to shift hardware and need to make some space for future deliveries. They don't have a reputation for timely deliveries which tends to put off both early adopters looking for day 1 ownership and those worried about post in the Christmas mail avalanche.


As Dcubed has mentioned, the UK pays considerably more than the US (£216 before sales tax of ~10%) or even the rest of Europe where Amazon's European sites have been selling the Premium for around £250 since they starter taking pre-orders. That said MCV reported a while back that the wholesale cost for retails for Premium Wii U's was £246 (though I have seen some wholesale listings for even more than that) so clearly they are losing out on this so they can't keep it up for long.

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Lets's just wait and see whether Zavvi move this price to their own website and whether other retailers follow suit. This could just be a fact that Zavvi have over estimated their own personal stock requirements against their ability to shift hardware and need to make some space for future deliveries. They don't have a reputation for timely deliveries which tends to put off both early adopters looking for day 1 ownership and those worried about post in the Christmas mail avalanche.


That's putting it lightly! :laughing:

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Never bought from zavvi before... are they pretty bad when it comes to deliveries? Because I am very tempted to pick up a Wii U for myself at that price.


I've heard stories of people waiting over 4 months for deliveries to arrive in some cases!


They offer cheaper prices than most other places, but you pay for it with your time...

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I've never had problems with Zavvi or their secondary company The Hut. I have read so many comments about their bad customer service, too. I don't live in the UK, but they'll deliver Internationally and only 1 game has gone missing in the post (after travelling all around the world), and after the allocated number of days, an email pops up requesting do I want a refund or replacement. No problem with them, and my WiiU arrived last week. Still unable to play it though because of the AC adapter problems. On that front a new member @Beni and I have done a swap of our adapters, so I should be playing the WiiU in about 3 weeks, hopefully.

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I ordered the initial Zavvi website deal for £259. Then when the £225 ebay deal appeared the next day, I ordered that but Zavvi said it was too late to cancel my first order, so I rang them and complained and they said they would send DPD to pick it up for a return free of charge on the 2nd Jan (its due to be delivered today). Just had an email conformation that eBay's Wii U is being delivered on the 2nd of Jan also, by DPD. Hope they or I don't get confused haha, there'll be a lot of passing boxes back and forth over the next few days.

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