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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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So, i've been reading stuff about the game on various sites ( been on the look out for confirmation of voice chat ) and it seems the host of a town can now finally boot a person out of said town. This will make getting people in the same town much easier than it was on Tri. It was a nightmare when a random person would enter and wouldn't leave. Of course you wouldn't have this problem if you could have 8 players in town like on the original game. Two generations on and Capcom have seemed to have gone backwards. ::shrug:

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Why does it seem so far away? The guys at 8-4 play have been playing this for months (they are based in Japan) and they keep talking about it, i want in T-T


Does anyone know if the Inu Yasha weapons are still in the game? I know we probably wont get them but you never know...

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Why does it seem so far away? The guys at 8-4 play have been playing this for months (they are based in Japan) and they keep talking about it, i want in T-T


Does anyone know if the Inu Yasha weapons are still in the game? I know we probably wont get them but you never know...


I think they mentioned that we'll be getting "something". Whether that means we'll be getting the exact item they got or a slightly modified version of the same ones (ALA the western version of Tri), who knows?

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So, i've been reading stuff about the game on various sites ( been on the look out for confirmation of voice chat ) and it seems the host of a town can now finally boot a person out of said town. This will make getting people in the same town much easier than it was on Tri. It was a nightmare when a random person would enter and wouldn't leave. Of course you wouldn't have this problem if you could have 8 players in town like on the original game. Two generations on and Capcom have seemed to have gone backwards. ::shrug:


Just be glad, this is capcom we are talking about, I'm very surprised they let us play online for free.

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From a post made by Christian Svensson over at Capcom Unity concerning USB keyboard support...


I've asked the product manager to look into this. We'll have some "other news" on communications methods supported for MHTU to share soon though.


EDIT - I've just been told by the PM that there will be a day 1 update that will add functionality to support USB keyboards for chat (naturally, there's also a soft keyboard for those to use... and other features we'll talk about later).

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Voice Chat has been confirmed too!
And I see that it's via the GamePad mic: :cool:
Wii U owners will also be able to make use of the built-in GamePad microphone to chat with their online hunting party.


That's cool, no need to purchase a headset and I can throw my Wii Speak in the bin! :heh:

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