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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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Actually bought the Wii Chest version, but didn't play much. Looked HORRIFIC on my TV, so blurred, jagged and just generally awful looking I couldn't play it.


I am getting this though (3DS) so I can have local multiplayer (no Wii U and my internet is dodgy, despite being high speed). Both me and bro getting a copy. I will be honest though; if the main game doesn't have CCP camera I may not bother. Having to re-center the camera anytime ANYTHING moves is a complete nightmare and irritation.

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This demo really takes some getting used to. I spent half my time battling the camera. I'm used to remote and nunchuk from Tri. Still beat that bear 1st go without dying but I need to get used to the controls. It does look a lot sharper and loading seems quicker. Noticed several new additions besides the weapons and boss fights. It's brought me round a little on this lazy port. Once I get used to the camera and the button mapping I'll be sorted.

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Have obviously heard great things about this game from you guys but a demo is supposed to be for people who have never played the game before. There were no tutorials and I had no idea what I was doing. Am not buying the game purely based on this fact alone.


If a game company wants my money, they have to do a damn sight better than this.


Add this to the many reasons why Capcom is now my most hated game developer. I can't think of a single game of theirs I'd like to buy.


Yeah, that demo is a hot mess. I was excited to see what all the fuss is about, but it's put me off the whole franchise.


As I said earlier, you can't really demo a game like this. It's a really weird situation, Capcom are trying to raise awareness of the game, but at the same time they are putting people off.


I would still recommend the game though, especially if you enjoy online co-op. A few on here were a bit wary of the Wii version, but once they picked it up and got the hang of it they loved it.


I pre-ordered Lego City and NFS:MW at a bargain, do I cancel one or buy all 3 and face the wrath of the wife???? LOL.


Anyway, my 2 niggles are that some of the areas are small, what's it like in the main game, are areas bigger (this I can put up with if problem 2 is OK). Second, are there time limits when fighting monsters in the full game because my main point of losing a fight is not health, but because I've played safe and slowly whittled it down, only to find out I would be happy putting another 20 minutes into beating this monster down, but couldn't. Plus I'd like to teach some of the lesser monsters who were interferring a lesson or two.


The game is a MASSIVE time sink. Keep that in mind when making your decision whether to buy it or not. I'm also after Lego and NFS but they won't get a look in once this arrives.


Just to echo what Ville said, just about all the monsters can be killed with the 50 min time limit you get. There are a couple of BIG monsters that if not tackled correctly will make you run out of time.

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Yep, this game is quite difficult to demo, as the full game does ease you into the action via various quests, which obviously cannot all be included here. Now you're just thrown into the deep-end without even seeing the village / online hub, so you're missing on quite a lot...


Anyway, does the Wii Classic Controller Pro work with this game? Did anyone try it? It was perfect for playing Tri, so I'm hoping it does work. Can't try the demo myself yet, old tv doesn't have HDMI and waiting for the new one to arrive...

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Lego and need for speed wot get a look in once this arrives? Need for speed arrives the same day and Lego a week after (along with luigis).


Hero, will you definitely enjoy playing through all this again? Even though you've out thousands of hours into the franchise and hundreds into the tri, which is pretty much this? That is love :D


I had try but barely played it, so really looking forward to this. I find it a bit button mashy, but I presume the strategy comes into play in co op, I also find it very hard and worry about which weapon to use, I think I'd ENJOY the bow most,but worry its one of the hardest.

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Lego and need for speed wot get a look in once this arrives? Need for speed arrives the same day and Lego a week after (along with luigis).


Hero, will you definitely enjoy playing through all this again? Even though you've out thousands of hours into the franchise and hundreds into the tri, which is pretty much this? That is love :D


I had try but barely played it, so really looking forward to this. I find it a bit button mashy, but I presume the strategy comes into play in co op, I also find it very hard and worry about which weapon to use, I think I'd ENJOY the bow most,but worry its one of the hardest.


Definitely not a button masher. Expect to faint a lot if you go in mashing buttons! It's very strategic!

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Just to echo what Ville said, just about all the monsters can be killed with the 50 min time limit you get. There are a couple of BIG monsters that if not tackled correctly will make you run out of time.



A bit offtopic but does anyone remember fighting the biggest version of deviljho? He was terrifying!

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Yeah, I've managed to beat the easy guy now with a few weapons as I've gotten used to it, but fuck the underwater segments.


I'd definitely need to avoid those kinds of bosses unless I had a CCP


The underwater segments are HORRIBLE.


Which weapons are you going for at the moment? I don't like the slower ones, but they're clearly way more powerful.

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The underwater segments are HORRIBLE.


Which weapons are you going for at the moment? I don't like the slower ones, but they're clearly way more powerful.


The easiest weapon (twin swords) is the one that works well for me, mainly because it kind of controls like Phantasy Star Online 2 with the dash for a dodge. I'm probably going to take a stab at the ranged weapon next, because that's always been where my strength lies but I'm yet to see how it controls.


How about you? I'm kind of curious about the slower weapons, because it's good practice for dodge timing.

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@dazzybee Did you play with the wiimote or the ccp? I mean I agree with kav, this is not a button-masher at all, but requires quite a lot of timing and foresight of what move to use and when. Little by little you learn to calculate just how much time each swing and stab takes and cram them into any opening you might have. Evade / guard a fraction of a second too late and you get your head caved in.


Anyway, just use the weapon(s) that are the most fun to use. The ranged weapons are indeed more difficult to use in single player, as they are more suited to supporting a melee group, which takes all the aggro. The strength of those weapons is very fast condition inducement (paralysis etc) and bringing down any flying / climbing bastards for the group to maul. So if you choose a ranged weapon, I suggest doing quests online from the start.


@RedShell awesome. It worked really well for Tri, so not expecting anything else now either...


Btw, I did figure out how to use the 3DS targeting now. It's the monster icon in the touchscreen, just push it and a target appears. Then when you press "L" the camera centers on the monster. Very handy...


Played the demo a bit more now, damn Lambi kicking my ass in the beginning. Weapon breakdown:


-Bow: no vertical shooting? Also, couldn't get the elemental shots to work at all... o_O

-Hunting Horn: surprisingly cool, first weapon I managed to beat Lambi well with. Power power.

-Dualswords: quite nice, non-stop swinging. Still, no running jumping attack :/

-Gunlance: slower than normal lance, and no counter! Explosive rounds are nice, but had quite a lot of trouble with this one.

-Lance: oh yeah mama, exactly like in tri. Lambi got an arseful of lance, no problems whatsoever.

-SnS: just a massacre. Run, jump, swing, roll, keep on swinging, cut new rugs out of Lambi while you're at it, evade, sheathe and jump attack again. Pure carnage.

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Wow! That brought back memories! Really excited to get this next month now! Aaand I defeated it first time with my old favourite, the Lance. But this is a good demo which will allow me to try out the other weapons.


No tutorial is pretty stupid and the controls are pretty lame anyway. They're just not ... logical at all!


Also I was surprised that the game pad was not used at all. Would make inventories a lot easier.

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@Ville I used the gamepad... Or do you mean on the wii? I used the classic controller pro. I'm probably just not very good, but I just equipped the twin blades then hacked fuck out of the monster, tried getting out of the way when he attacked. Healed when low on energy.


What other strategy coud you have with the lamb I?

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Only tried the 3DS demo so far, and only tried the "easy" monster so far, with a Switch Axe of course


spent first 5 mins at camp trying to work out the controls and try to work out how to get my combos.

I played Tri with the Wiimote and Nunchuck and found pulling off combos very easy and fluid as all you had to remember was tilt the wiimote in different directions and such.


Still wasnt able to work out some of teh combos I remembered pulling off on the Wii.


But then I noticed that you only had 15min with which to beat the monster so went looking for it.


Still beat him with I think a minute to spare.


The camera didn't bother me, using the touch screen d-pad was very easy and confortable. You'd have to be pretty anal to spend money on the CPP just for camera control...unless you have one already of course.


Anyway my main think with the 3DS demo was the control as I am so used to the Wiimote/Nunchuck from MHTri.


And as I said haven't tried (or downloaded) teh Wii U Demo yet..... is the Wiimote/Nunchuck still an option to use? I'll likely try to use the Gamepad first but would be nice to know I could fall back on the Wiimote if I feel I play better with it.



Looking forward to trying the new weapons too, so far as I said only used my trusty Switchaxe :)

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@Ville I used the gamepad... Or do you mean on the wii? I used the classic controller pro. I'm probably just not very good, but I just equipped the twin blades then hacked fuck out of the monster, tried getting out of the way when he attacked. Healed when low on energy.


What other strategy coud you have with the lamb I?


Haha, no I think you have a fair point there, you certainly have to "mash" buttons quite a lot to do the attacks and beat the monsters, they sure can take a beating : D We were just opposing the notion of this being a game where you can just press buttons randomly and beat the monsters that way (typical "button-masher"). Btw, did you try the Plesioth fight? Did it make you change your strategy in any way? Haven't tried it yet myself...


Yeah, I wonder what the dual swords can actually do. Pressing R starts the Demonization mode, but apart from that I don't really know. Too bad we don't have the manual yet, it lists all the combos and moves. I mean every weapon does have their own nuances and specialties, so I'd take DS must have some variety too? For example, with the lance you have:


-horizontal thrusts (basic attack)

-upwards thrusts (more damage, great at breaking faces / wings etc)

-shielded thrust (attack when guarding)

-continous running attack (pursuing fleeing monsters, element inducement, rapid loss of sharpness)

-running shield bash (ko damage, helps the hammer user knock the monster out)

-counter-attack (lets you block and attack right after that)


So surely the DS can't be just two buttons for hack n slashing? : D

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Anyway, does the Wii Classic Controller Pro work with this game? Did anyone try it?


Yeah, I tried it and it works fine.


Hero, will you definitely enjoy playing through all this again? Even though you've out thousands of hours into the franchise and hundreds into the tri, which is pretty much this? That is love :D


Yup, can't wait. :D


I dare not think how many hours I have put across playing Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter Freedom 1+2+Unite, Monster Hunter Portable 1+3 and Tri. Scary thought really.


There are a few monsters that I haven't fought yet. I imported MHP3 but never got that far into it, so some of these bosses are new to me as well.


Wow, fuck that hard mode water boss. What a jerk.


Haha! Ples has always been a nightmare to fight. He's actually easier now, due to being able to go after him in the water. In the other games you used to have to wait for ages for him to jump out of the water, only for him to jump back in seconds later. The only way you could get him out quicker was with sonic bombs or fish him out with a frog.


A bit offtopic but does anyone remember fighting the biggest version of deviljho? He was terrifying!


He was great, but I liked mini Uragaan better. :D


Which weapons are you going for at the moment? I don't like the slower ones, but they're clearly way more powerful.


SnS is good for new players as it has the speed and the ability to block. I usually main the longsword as the speed and power are a great mix. Also, once you charge up your special you can do insane amount of damage. The only downside is that you can't block with it.


I've never been much of a gun/bow user. I often think of them as support weapons but in the right hands they can be quite deadly. I think the only time I really used them was when Fatalis arrived on the servers in the original game. Good times. :D


Oh, yeah, GAME are giving away a t-shirt if you preorder with them. Only problem is that you may not get it early and they are charging £42.99. I'll stick with Shopto. :)

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Did you apply the coating using A+X?


I like bows a lot, might use them in the full version.


Thanks man, got it to work now.


Took Plessy down too, lance > sns. I have to say that the 3DS auto-targeting doesn't work that well under water, the camera angle isn't what I'd like it to be.

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Only just realised today that there's an electronic manual for the demo. Newcomers to the MH series and those that found the demo confusing should check it out. :)


Lambi got an arseful of lance
Hehehe! :laughing: He got the same from me too, as did Cha-Cha :heh::



is the Wiimote/Nunchuck still an option to use?
I only saw options for GamePad or Classic Controller/Pro.

But you never know, it could be an option in the full game. ::shrug:

You should try asking in the Japanese MH3U community on Miiverse.


Anyway, I'm really starting to get back into the swing of things now (have played this demo waaaaaaay too much already :hehe:), managed to take out Lagombi in just over 5 minutes (5:15 to be exact) with the Sword and Shield. Not bad I reckon, especially seeing as the elemental damage for the SnS in the demo appears to be Ice, which is obviously not helping against Mr. Snow Bunny. :D

Still making a lot of mistakes though, and I'd forgotten how much work the camera system is as well.


Here's a vid of that hunt:



Words cannot describe just how much I'm looking forward to the full game right now. :bouncy:

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Righty I've downloaded the Wii U Demo but still not tried it.


Gave the 3DS demo another go, tried the Dual Swords this time....loved them :D


Getting used to the controls a bit more now too. Though while trying to pull off combos I keep pressing "Y" for some reason which puts teh weapon away :heh:




Still debating on if I should play the Wii U demo... on the one hand I'd like to not spoil the full game on myself.... on the other I would love to try out (and get used to) the controls as I was so used to the Wiimote controls.


Might give it a go tomorrow



Weird thing is while I'm playin the 3DS demo, I'm actually still unsure if I'll even get the 3DS version on day one or not.

Obviously getting the Wii U version of course.


The 3DS version would only get played while I'm outside the house and away from my Wii U so I don't think I'll need it right away anyway :heh:

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Haha, no I think you have a fair point there, you certainly have to "mash" buttons quite a lot to do the attacks and beat the monsters, they sure can take a beating : D We were just opposing the notion of this being a game where you can just press buttons randomly and beat the monsters that way (typical "button-masher"). Btw, did you try the Plesioth fight? Did it make you change your strategy in any way? Haven't tried it yet myself...


Yeah, I wonder what the dual swords can actually do. Pressing R starts the Demonization mode, but apart from that I don't really know. Too bad we don't have the manual yet, it lists all the combos and moves. I mean every weapon does have their own nuances and specialties, so I'd take DS must have some variety too? For example, with the lance you have:


-horizontal thrusts (basic attack)

-upwards thrusts (more damage, great at breaking faces / wings etc)

-shielded thrust (attack when guarding)

-continous running attack (pursuing fleeing monsters, element inducement, rapid loss of sharpness)

-running shield bash (ko damage, helps the hammer user knock the monster out)

-counter-attack (lets you block and attack right after that)


So surely the DS can't be just two buttons for hack n slashing? : D


I tried the bo on the dragon, had fun, but took too long and the time ran out.the game is so hard!


What's demonization mode? I wonder what that did as I thought it was a universal block button

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auto targeting? how do i do that on the wiiU?


It's the camera auto-targeting, which is only for the 3DS since you don't have another stick to rotate the camera with. Still, I do prefer the manual rotation offered by the CC(P), especially underwater.


Anyway, I'm really starting to get back into the swing of things now (have played this demo waaaaaaay too much already :hehe:), managed to take out Lagombi in just over 5 minutes (5:15 to be exact) with the Sword and Shield. Not bad I reckon, especially seeing as the elemental damage for the SnS in the demo appears to be Ice, which is obviously not helping against Mr. Snow Bunny. :D

Still making a lot of mistakes though, and I'd forgotten how much work the camera system is as well.


Yes, I noticed that, it's really weird! : o The bow is water damage too, what good is that against either Lambi or Plessy... o_O


Anyway, felt so dirty lancing Lambi xD


Words cannot describe just how much I'm looking forward to the full game right now. :bouncy:


Tell me about it...I think releasing the demos now was a great move by Capcom, everyone's now buzzing about the game...


I tried the bo on the dragon, had fun, but took too long and the time ran out.the game is so hard!


What's demonization mode? I wonder what that did as I thought it was a universal block button


Yeah, a 20-minute limit for Plesioth is actually quite hard, especially with the underwater combat added (extra difficulty with the 3DS). With the SnS, I ran out of time too... : o


Actually, not all weapons have a guard (block) ability, and this is one of them. Wikia says the following:


While wielding Dual Swords, you can enter "Demonization mode", this mode allows you strike faster, deal more damage, and resist Wind Pressure and certain attacks. While in this mode, hitting (button) and (button) at the same time will initiate a combo that will not bounce on contact.


Demonization has a big drawback however. While in this mode, your stamina will drain at a quick pace until it is completely drained or Demonization is ended manually.


So just like with the Longsword, you get more attack power and speed, and can slash even through the hardest opponents no matter what your weapon sharpness is. Very nice, especially considering that I've never "got" the LS, so this faster, SnS-based version will no doubt suit me much better.

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