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Bayonetta 2


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Have now spent some time playing the original Bayonetta on Wii U...

Oh dear. :blank:


Yeah, going back to Bayo 1 from the sequel was not a pleasant experience at all. :hmm:

And despite it being the definitive version of the original game, it simply pales in comparison to Bayo 2.


There are still definitely aspects of the first game that I prefer to the 2nd, but from a technical perspective it's massively inferior.

Worst of all has to be the frame rate, it's all over the shop! I analyzed some of my own gameplay footage, and one moment it's running at 60 fps, then suddenly around 30. Hell, it even dipped to 11 at one point!! :o

Also, I'd forgotten all about those instadeath QTEs... absolutely infuriating. :shakehead


Kind of regret getting the special edition now, wish I'd just bought Bayo 2 on its own. Oh well. ::shrug:

Anyway, looks like it wasn't that close, or a tough choice in the end. I can now definitely say that overall, Bayonetta 2 is the better game. :awesome:


This implies that Bayo 2 does away with these.

Which is great! I'm loving 1, but that's a pretty noticeable flaw in a gem of a game!

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This implies that Bayo 2 does away with these.

Which is great! I'm loving 1, but that's a pretty noticeable flaw in a gem of a game!

Yep. :)

There's literally only one point in the entire game that's a bit weird (involving Witch Time) and saw me "die" a few times in quick succession on my first playthrough, but other than that it's a much more flowing and enjoyable experience than the original. icon14.gif

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All done with my first playthrough of Bayo 1!



I think I did pretty great for a first playthrough. I could feel myself getting better as the game progressed. Very satisfying.


Like @RedShell said, the gameplay is more fun than W101. Which I found pretty meh when I wasn't fighting a boss. But this kept me entertained throughout.

Fantastic game. Glad I played a definitive version.


The Instant death QTE's are really cheap though, but that's a relatively minor issue.


Every time I got a stone award, I guarantee it was because of Grace & Glory. Those enemies are impossible to not get hit by.


Funny story about the final chapter. I really should have gotten a Gold Award. You should have seen me on that final boss! Only got hit around twice throughout the whole thing. It was beautiful! @Dcubed agrees.

So why the silver? I kinda... fell off during the Jeanne section...


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Oh good god... I've finally finished my first playthrough of Bayonetta 2!


:D:hmm:: peace::weep:::shrug::o:hehe::):blank:


I'm understandably a mix of emotions right now.


@RedShell will know exactly what I mean... ;)


But yeah, thoughts... in a spoiler box of course.


Everything in the story plays out so brilliantly making perfect sense fitting in with the continuity of the original game perfectly, its been a few years since I originally played the first game but when something happened that was linked in to the story of the first I instantly understood... if anything it makes the original game even better than it was before which is why i can't wait to play through it again from a new perspective.



Then you have the gameplay which is absolutely impeccable, this is from me thinking that the first game is near-perfect - which it is - but here everything is refined to an even grater standard plus it's proof if anything that Bayonetta feels most at home on the Wii U as everything just feels so right about it now even more than it did before.


All of those weapons, oh my... so many delightfully destructive toys to play with, each one more sadistically satisfying than the last :heh: your default guns are nice enough as they are but once you start mixing things up with swords, then elemental clubs plus a bow and you're left thinking surely things can't get any better than this? Then BAM! there is is... you get to quadruple wielding chainsaws and whips! :D


Of course then you have the further difficulty mode after I'd just finished it on third climax mode and the other playable characters, alternative costumes... it's almost too much! :hehe:



But it's all just another day in the life for Platinum games who I can't praise enough but I will try my hardest to in my review of the game, all I can say is that this is easily the best game I have played during the whole of 2014 and I expect it to remain that way too; nothing could top this, not this year... possibly not ever or at least for a good while. :awesome:

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As some of you might have seen on Miiverese, I'm currently trying to defeat...

Rodin, after purchasing the Platinum Ticket for 9999999 halos!



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It's set to ∞Climax though and is so ridiculously difficult! :shakehead

Will certainly keep trying, but I'm not confident I'll be able to beat him. :blank:

Everything in the story plays out so brilliantly making perfect sense fitting in with the continuity of the original game perfectly, its been a few years since I originally played the first game but when something happened that was linked in to the story of the first I instantly understood... if anything it makes the original game even better than it was before which is why i can't wait to play through it again from a new perspective. :D
Yeah, it is incredibly awesome how the 2 games connect (probably means we won't be seeing Bayonetta 3 though
:hmm:), it's also pretty amusing because everyone wanted to play the "first Bayonetta" before Bayo 2, but they were actually kind of playing the sequel. :heh:


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Finished Bayo1 last night


Man that was awesome....wish there was more to it.... oh wait there is, will be strating on Bayo2 tonight WOOT


Loved the gameplay, was surprised how similar it was to W101 yet still felt like very different at the same time.....if that makes any sense.


Also loved little references to other games, well I only spotted two but they were great (Madworld and RE4 references both made by Rodin :D)


Ending was awesome, loved that the credits had a playable section like W101 did, and loved how they kept faking the ending and then "oh here's more gameplay" :D


Story was interesting but thought by the end it would make more sense but was still left a little bit baffled over the whole little Cereza and the whole Eyes thing (just looked up a story guide makes more sense now)


Guess I prolly would have understood things better if I read the notes and journals properly but with so little gameplay time these days for myself I kinda just speed-read through the notes :P


Was worried I'd get fatigued on the game on playing 1 first and then not be wanting to jump right into 2, but can't wait to put it in the Wii U later now :D

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A pity more people aren't buying it because it's disappeared from the charts after 1 week. That's 2 markets now where it's bombed. I hope the rest of Europe and the States are lapping it up because it deserves better.




Or Nintendo made sane predictions and the game has been very successful.

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Or Nintendo made sane predictions and the game has been very successful.


What was that sane prediction? Still to completely disappear after a week is not good. One thing I find confusing is that in the Wii U only chart Bayonetta 2 is ahead of MK8, MK8 is in the charts. How's that possible? Digital sales?


  1. Bayonetta 2 – Platinum Games
  2. Mario Kart 8 – Nintendo
  3. Nintendo Land – Nintendo
  4. New Super Mario Bros. U – Nintendo
  5. Hyrule Warriors – Omega Force
  6. Wii Party U – ND CLube
  7. Just Dance 2015 – Ubisoft (France)
  8. Super Mario 3D World – Nintendo
  9. Disney Infinity 2.0 – Avalanche Software

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Has anyone played the online on this yet?

What is it like?


Just played a couple of Tag Climax games with @S\.C\.G. Good fun. icon14.gif Hectic as you like, but fun. :D


It's got a pretty weird scoring system though, I mean how did I win overall, if I lost the majority of those verse cards? :blank:


It was fun indeed! :)


The invite system seems a bit hit and miss as the first time I got one from you I was finishing off a chapter then when actually in Tag Climax mode it seemed to take a couple of attempts but once we were in that was it, the madness commenced! :D


Yeah the scoring system is certainly odd but I think it ultimately depends on how many halos you earned overall regardless of how many battles you won, still though I like that it's co-op but with a bit of friendly competition as well. : peace:


I think me betting loads of Halo's on the fourth mission in was a mistake though, I didn't realise the enemies would hit that hard! :shakehead Another thing I wondered... when one of you 'dies' I think there might be a chance to revive the other player but I'm not entirely sure, it might just be that the countdown then means that the other player has to finish the scenario extra quick, will have to investigate that but I thought for a first run we did pretty well at least. :smile:


Yeah, it is possible to revive your co-op partner, and believe me I was really trying to help you out on that one verse, but I kept getting my ass kicked! :shakehead

Sorry about that. :hehe:

Not sure if it's possible to clear the verse quickly without saving a partner, but clearly if one player dies, then it's game over!


Haha no problem Red, I could see that you were trying, I shouldn't have bet so many halos on that verse but at least now I know for next time. :heh:


It's a really excellent additional mode to an already amazing game, very much the cherry on top of an already very well iced cake with multiple tiers that shall surely never be toppled. : peace:


You're welcome. : peace:


(sorry for the barrage of quotes Red just spreading the Umbran word.) ;)

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Nintendo's downfall has to be marketting. Was there even any TV ads for this/these games? Releasing in Europe just before Halloween should have given plenty ways to advertise it round Halloween


Nope. Not a single one. Another game sent out to die. They advertise their own IP's like Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario 3D World and I've seen them but what I have never seen is the collaborations being advertised like W101, Hyrule Warriors and now Bayonetta 2. Maybe there were ads for the other games but there definitely wasn't for Bayonetta 2. And you know Smash Bros. Wii U ads will be on TV.

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What was that sane prediction? Still to completely disappear after a week is not good. One thing I find confusing is that in the Wii U only chart Bayonetta 2 is ahead of MK8, MK8 is in the charts. How's that possible? Digital sales?


I couldn't even guess at an amount, but games can still be a success with lower sales, just like how Tomb Raider was a failure when it sold really well.


The UK charts don't include digital sales. Mario Kart 8 is also above Bayonetta in the UK chart.

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Forgot to say in my earlier post I played all of Bayo1 on Normal mode, there were a fair few levels that I "Stoned" due to having to continue, will definately be going back to the game at some point to improve on that. If I didn't have Bayo2 to get to I'd be replaying Bayo1 right away. Some of the secret levels are also amazingly hard, haven't even found them all yet either :heh:


I managed to start up Bayo2 a little earlier but only got to watch the opening cinematic and a bit of teh first fight right after (Bayonetta changing from her "Sunday Best" to her normal outfit is just *cough* awesome :D) before Zoey woke up from her nap and I then had to pick up Oisín from school.


I assume the difficulty settings in Bayo2 of 1st, 2nd, 3rd Climax are the same as Bayo1's "Very Easy, Easy, and Normal" or do they equal "Easy, Normal and Hard"?



Also in Bayo1 I LOVE their version of Fly Me to the Moon, will be looking to download that :D


Was wondering if they would use the same in Bayo2 or a different song, once I heard "Moon River" was WOOT, I love Moon River and this veriosn is pretty awesome too :D

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Thanks S.C.G, thought I was keeping up with this thread - clearly not.

How, err, 'big' is it, compared with the main game - can you play on all of the levels or just a few?


I would say a fair few being that there are apparently 52 Verse cards to collect, each containing a different arena scenario based on the ones in the main game so it's fairly substantial. :)

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Oh yeah was wondering... why did Sega get a credit in the opening cinematic of Bayo2?

I know they published Bayo1 orginally but but thought Bayo2 was all Nintendo funded hence why WiiU only?


Reasons and references... I shall say no more but all will become clear once you complete the game. ;)

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