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I'm going to guess that the system will be £279.99 in store, £299.99 as a bundle with Nintendo Land and Wiimote plus.


Online, £249.99 or £279.99 with bundle.


Games to retail at £42.99


Console to release 7th December

Don't expect the price to be revealed for Europe. EU bitchslapped Nintendo for "price fixing" a few years ago, and that's why they started the whole "retailers choose the price" bull


Yeah but it worked out pretty well for the 3DS as it led to a launch-period price war.


I forgot about that "retailers set the price" thing they did in Europe for the 3DS launch.


If they do that again for the WiiU I'll prolly be paying more for it.


I haven't pre-ordered it yet but I do know the stores here have it in their systems earmarked for 350euro, I was hoping this would come down to at least 300 or better 250 euro when Nintendo announced the date and price.


If they do go the "retailers pull prices out of their asses" again GameStop here better be good.... although if I remember right they did do a good offer when I got my 3DS on day one where with my pre-order I got 2 games for price of one, hopefully they do that again with WiiU


I don't expect to get a price tomorrow. At least not for Europe. Although taking the US price in dollar (without tax) and converting it 1:1 into euro, tax included, has worked for the last couple of years.


I'm honestly a bit surprised that I haven't seen any bingo cards, yet. Therefore I'd like to propose another game: Guess by how much Nintendo's stock will have dropped at the end of the day. They're unlikely to announce that they're switching to phone development, so investors are bound to be unhappy, right? ;)


We'll probably see retailers putting up their prices for the console tomorrow anyway (with most coming to some sort of concensus)


Nearer to launch, Shopto or one of the major supermarkets will do a deal and the others will follow suit I bet.


I'm gonna go with €299, seems like a good price to me. Maybe with some sort of demo version of NintendoLand with a couple of the attractions pre-installed or on a disc, a dowload code for some more attractions (gotta get them WiiU's online, though I guess Miiverse'll probably take care of that) and the rest you can buy as a pack in the eShop. Could be a bit complicated though.

Oh yeah retailers setting the price.... forgot about that for europe, i hope its not more than shopto's 279 price tag


I'm hoping its no more than £250 but I keep telling myself its going to be alot higher so I'm not disapointed when the prices go up.


From RichIGN twitter


Nintendo is now doing TWO Japanese Wii U broadcasts. One in six hours and the other about six hours later. Nothing like last minute...


The second Japanese broadcast now overlaps with the NOA conference and NOE's video. This is insanity.


Looks like @Ashley won the price guessing and date guessing game


basic model (WHITE) is £210 8GB flash memory

premier model (BLACK) is £250 32gb Flash memory


well much better than i hoped, well assuming the euro price conversion isn't the usual JAP/US price plus £50


if it stays close to that then i'm looking at £350 ish on launch day that i need, so i'm already over halfway there on my savings for it

Looks like Ashley won the price guessing and date guessing game


basic model (WHITE) is £210 8GB flash memory

premier model (BLACK) is £250 32gb Flash memory


well much better than i hoped, well assuming the euro price conversion isn't the usual JAP/US price plus £50


VAT alone for the £210 price is £42. So we really have no idea what the prices will be over here.

The Japanese prices include tax


Ah, that changes things. Although their tax is only 5%.


Anyway. Do I hide from the internet from 3PM and watch it unspoilt, or do I glance at the announcements?

Ah, that changes things. Although their tax is only 5%.


Anyway. Do I hide from the internet from 3PM and watch it unspoilt, or do I glance at the announcements?


Unspoiled. Surely you can wait a few more hours


But will the Nintendo direct be worth watching all the way through. I'm not expecting much other than information, and I won't be getting the console at launch anyway.

But will the Nintendo direct be worth watching all the way through. I'm not expecting much other than information, and I won't be getting the console at launch anyway.


At the very least, you've got videos/info about Dragon Quest 10 Wii U, YAIBA (Keiji Inafune's new zombie game) and what appears to be BLOPS2 (going by what that guy said about an game that's been hinted at for a while to be unveiled today) coming in these events...


Yeah I'd be surprised to hear a price from Nintendo as well, the price fixing scandal has made them be a little too cautious IMO though.


Setting an RRP is completely fine, it's only when you tell retailers they cannot sell the goods below a certain price (which they did quite rampantly in the 64 days) that things become illegal.

JRPGs, Zombies (since L4D nailed it) and CoD bore me. Although there Sega's Project Omega.


I think I'll just glance at stuff.


I think we're all waiting on ero-games to become the next trend in western video gaming. All dem' upskirts

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